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Thankyou |
Posted by: Kyrios - 05-11-2016, 10:24 AM - Forum: Creative writing
- Replies (6)
I was told that you're in love,
I'm happy for you dear one,
Hope they fit you like a glove.
Life has also changed some,
For me, was scared you'd be sad,
Now I'm sure that will not come.
I really couldn't be more glad,
Your life goes well so let's talk,
Share with you the times we've had.
Things have changed since our last walk,
I think our lives are better,
Though the time has dimmed our spark.
I was scared things would end bitter,
I'm just so grateful, instead,
For the time we had together.
You helped me to fix my head,
When you left you left me whole,
And free from my old dread.
I don't want you anymore. |
Posted by: Kyrios - 05-11-2016, 10:20 AM - Forum: Creative writing
- Replies (10)
At just fourteen, then, with so few years,
We talked then long with unkindled fears.
At fifteen we smiled past another girl,
Careful not to show any of our fears.
At sixteen I hurt you with my words,
Left you with your tears, fulfilled fears.
At seventeen we met again and kissed,
We walked hand in hand and melted our fears.
At eightteen we lived together, loved together,
And of us we no longer had any fears.
At nineteen we were apart but always together,
Talked away the day and night without fears
At twennty walking home, exhausted as the sun set,
I proposed as the sea blushed red, without fears.
At twenty one you told me I was worthless,
The pain was all my fault, kindled my fears.
At twenty two you hit, beat me and left me,
I wanted you back, began a decade of fears.
At thirty two I am finally free of you,
I don't want you and have let go of those fears.
Planning |
Posted by: Kyrios - 05-10-2016, 02:53 PM - Forum: Creative writing
- Replies (1)
Its been a good while now since you and I
Met and so much of it has been really,
Enjoyable, exactly what I want,
Even arguments have been easy to,
Deal with, I am very glad we could meet,
The last little while's been a joy with you.
I think that planning is a thing that you,
Have really caused me to enjoy more, I,
Saw it as a tool and used it to meet,
Many interesting people, really,
Though you showed me how much fun it is to,
Plan for itself, now its something I want.
You have changed quite a bit of what I want,
Nights spent talking about fake shops with you,
As good as the great sex play, leaves me to,
Wonder what will happen next with you and I,
What things you will leave me wanting really,
Craving next week, thoughts I can't wait to meet.
Its the same, each and every time we meet,
And different, things change, so does what we want,
Our world builds, we work togehter really,
Making something very me, very you,
Very us, we've built a town, a farm, I,
Think I like the city best to go to.
The forest is a place that I wish to,
Explore more with varied people to meet,
The animal tribes and haughty elves, I,
Wonder which the players will like and want,
More, hopefully the designs from you,
And I catch their interest keenly really.
So to conclude my thoughts I now really,
Must say that it is a great pleasure to,
Plan, to learn, to grow and to play with you,
I am excited to see who they meet,
First in the city, is it what they want,
To see how they respond to you and I.
Not had quite so much fun for so long, I,
Am really glad we decided we want,
To do this, I'll come home soon and meet you.
Guilty pleasures... shared (a collaborative effort) |
Posted by: IvanXLIV - 05-10-2016, 11:27 AM - Forum: Creative writing
- Replies (5)
Hello people,
The following text is a collaborative effort between misslanni - my dear beloved - and I... She wrote this lovely reflection in prose to me, which in turn inspired me to answer with a poem of my own; at her suggestion, we blended together the two texts, yielding the following "dialogue". Her stanzas will appear in lavender, and mine in blue - we hope you'll enjoy it.
(notes on the heavy editing of November 20th, 2016: With great sadness and reluctance, but ultimately out of respect for mislanni's request, I have redacted out her contribution to this poem. Her departure is keenly felt. I miss her deeply )
Guilty pleasures ...shared
You shared with me one of the most precious treasures,
Letting me glimpse once more your soul’s shining radiance
By revealing to my heart your guilty pleasures
So beautifully wrought in prose; a dreamlike trance
Captivates my mind whenever I read those lines
And transports me to dreamland fields lying yonder,
Where those fancies of yours await, of such designs
As to overwhelm us with deep, lustful wonder…
Gladly would I join you in that room with a view
Of breathtaking natural vistas, completely
Offered to your passionate desires, ‘til you
And I achieve the sweet release of ecstasy.
Goaded by your seductive titillation,
Pressing you against the wall you described aptly,
I would boldly answer your passive submission
With mouth, hand and cock ‘til you climax noisily…
Diving skyclad in the tranquil, flowing waters
Under that moonlit mountainside, we would entwine
Limbs and join lips lustily, carnal explorers
Bound to partake of love’s most delectable wine.
Whether making tender love on a remote beach
Or having raunchy, steamy sex in the shower,
I shall gladly join your dreams, my love, sharing each
And every guilty pleasures you have to offer.
Cheers, Ivan
Addicted to you... |
Posted by: IvanXLIV - 05-09-2016, 09:46 PM - Forum: Creative writing
- Replies (4)
Hello people,
I haven't posted poems in a while (there really should be 36 hours in a day, not 24), but I was inspired to write the following for nearly a week... I hope you enjoy it. As usual, feel free to comment and rate it!
Addicted to you
The first tremors wake me in the night, shivering,
Cold, clammy sweat drenching my bedsheets heavily;
I rise through a haze of pain, confused and shaking
Nausea assails me, cramps wracking my belly…
Each second spent away from you is pure torment,
Withdrawal symptoms kicking in painfully hard;
I’m so addicted to you that every moment
Without you leaves my heart in distress, its pulse marred
By your absence. I crave you so, suffer this curse
So badly, oh sweet escape from reality…
You are the green absinth fairy slaking my thirst,
The heroin of my innermost fantasy;
Soulmate of mine, how utterly you complete me…
Of this blissful addiction I can’t recover
Nor would I ever want to be; your love truly
Is the only drug I need, now and forever.
For Those Who Hurt On Mothers Day |
Posted by: Anallee - 05-08-2016, 08:10 PM - Forum: Creative writing
- Replies (11)
Consider this My love letter to you who are struggling today.
*credit John Pavlovitz
"This is consent to feel fully the contents of your own heart without censorship.
If you are hurting, hurt.
May you feel permission to cry, to grieve, to be not alright.
May you relieve yourself of the burden of pretending everything is fine or faking stability or concealing the damage.
May you feel not a trace of guilt for any twinge of anger or pain that seizes you today, because it is your right to feel.
Above all though, may you find in your very sadness, the proof that your heart though badly broken, still works.
See your grief as the terrible tax on loving people well, and see your unquenched longing for something better as a reminder of the goodness within you that desires a soft place to land."
If on this Mothers Day you are hurting, know that you are not alone.
May these words be the flowers that you wait for or the call that won't come or the conversation that you can't have or the reunion that has not yet arrived.
In your profound anguish, know that you are seen and heard and that you are more loved than you realize.
Be greatly encouraged today.
~ Anallee ~
Probably the last |
Posted by: Vally - 05-08-2016, 06:05 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (14)
Hello to all, my dear friends and fellow MnFuckers,
I do not really know where to start with this farewell, ohh.. I just did it. I am wishing you all a pleasant time in here and in the game, all the time I have spend here I have enjoyed it to the max, the chats, the encounters, the roleplays (yes, I did have some of those as well).
Starting with the firsts days from when I joined the beta version of the game and ending with today's last visit in the game, all of it was really enjoyable, even if I have complained at times, even if I have lost my temper and stopped being the cool headed me that you got to know, by the way I do apologise for all those bad moments.
Well it comes a time when all we can do is pass the "power" to other people, and here I am talking about the in game moderation, I have chosen two candidates to fill my big green shoes and I do hope they both will be picked by the devs. Their job will be only to MODERATE as the Public relations are no longer needed. I have seen this community grow and learn how to use the tools at hand in order to get what information they desired and of course you could always ask the Forum moderators and Developers if you have a more sensitive matter, don't be afraid to reach out to them.
As some of you know and some will find out, I am taking a hiatus starting from monday and finishing I do not know when. All I can wish you is that you should enjoy, respect, connect and be opened in this amazing community that has risen from a unique game like this.
Gentlemen and Ladies I bid you farewell from the game.
PS: I will still be reachable in here, but you have to keep in mind that I will not check it on a daily basis as I have done so far.
Mother |
Posted by: Shiroi Kurēn - 05-08-2016, 08:27 AM - Forum: Creative writing
- Replies (9)
Hello everyone,
I have been playing with haiku lately - trying to tell a story in three stanzas while keeping the integrity of the format. Today, being Mother's Day, had me thinking about the most important woman in my life - all our lives. So without further ado here is my work in her honour.
She will always be,
The first to offer her hand,
Trusted graceful guide.
A bond unspoken,
From your first breath to her last,
A friend to the end.
Her love keeps you warm,
Whether near or far apart,
Like only mum can.
Happy Mother's Day everyone, hug your mothers tightly! I hope you enjoy my little offering!
~ SK ~