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Gaming! Discussion
Because I don't have many people in real life to discuss gaming with, let's start a discussion here!

I play games on my PC. I never had a console to play on and now I'm basically useless with controllers eexcept for fighting games, racing and walking sims which I have an Xbox 360 controller for. I'm not a massive tech wizard. I don't look at my laptop and think it has a XK-564 processor or a Zip Zop core or an Optimus Prime graphics card. I usually just look at it and think it's red and black and has a sticker on the back. Sorry.

But here's my favourite games, in no order. (probably not a complete list, I'll forget something)

-Runescape. Played on and off since 2006 or so. I'm still terrible at it. I'm playing right now while I write this.
-Age of Empires. Game of my childhood.
-Sims 1 and 2. The other game of my childhood. I have 10gb of mods and downloads for Sims 2 which I don't want to lose, which is why I don't play 3 or 4.
-BlazBlue. The only fighting game I'm into.
-Killing Floor 1 and 2. There's something very therapeutic about fighting a horde of monsters to heavy metal music.
-FarCry 3. I keep replaying the story.  The mission where you destroy Vaas's crop of weed with a flame thrower to reggae/dubstep is still amazing fun.
-Everlasting Summer. Not really a game but oh my god the story...
-Telltales The Walking Dead. I'm not a fan of the show or comic books but I love the games so much (even thou they make me feel like a terrible person).
-D4. You either love it or hate it.
-Medieval Total War. Big armies are fun.
-FTL: Faster Than Light. Over 130 hours and I can still only play on easy.
-Impossible Creatures. Sperm Whale plus Tiger equals massive tank.
-The Long Dark. Canada simulator 2016
-Melody's Escape. A fun little beat game that I play too much.
-Metro 2033. My brother bought me the book that I'm currently reading but I'm such a slow reader.
-Payday the Heist. I haven't gotten into Payday 2 yet.
-Sonic the Hedgehog 2. I found a port on Steam after so long....
-Tony Hawk Series. My highlight was Tony Hawk Underground 2.
-Urban Assault. A game from 1996 that nobody ever played.

Believe it or not I actually cut down this list but these are most of my favourites, but I could go forever listing games and telling you why they're good. But tell me yours before I get carried away...

Update. I died in Runescape because I was focused on writing this...
   Hilarious - TIME Magazine                                                                 Nothing else quite like her - Morgan Freeman
                                                   Absoloutley Sensational - Obama
      Who is Sasso? - Man I met on the bus                           Truly the MnF forumer of our time - Steven Hawking
What is D4?
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
D4; Dark Dreams Don't Die. A really weird auteur game by SWERY that barely makes any sense. It's hard to explain, but it's like the gaming equivalent of a cute dumb puppy. It's worth looking up.
   Hilarious - TIME Magazine                                                                 Nothing else quite like her - Morgan Freeman
                                                   Absoloutley Sensational - Obama
      Who is Sasso? - Man I met on the bus                           Truly the MnF forumer of our time - Steven Hawking
Skyrim. Fuck anything else.

(Half asleep, on my phone, will add a proper response later)
What about civilization?
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
my firt top three are:

Resident Evil series
Devil May Cry series
Final Fantasy series (i love all sorts or rpgs like these)

and then some that I remember in no particulate order:

all sim series...well up untill sims 3
CoD series
Dark Sector
Tony hawks
Need for Speed
GTA...well havent played the new realises yet Sad
God of War
Bioshick...als not all the series
Dead Space
Street Fighter (all the series except the latest one)
Soul Caliber
King of fighter
Gran turismo
Metal Gear Solid
Max Pain
Mortal Kombet
Age of empires
World of Warcraft
Crash Bandicoot
Bugs bunny and Taz
Gear of Wars
Splinter Cell
afro Samurai
Assassin creed (unfortunately not all the series...yet)

......ok is all I can remember for now
[Image: YoG5lWf.jpg]
Wow how could I have forgotten about Bioshock...Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite were really good (They'd be on my list If I'd remembered). I'm not a fan of 2 thou.
   Hilarious - TIME Magazine                                                                 Nothing else quite like her - Morgan Freeman
                                                   Absoloutley Sensational - Obama
      Who is Sasso? - Man I met on the bus                           Truly the MnF forumer of our time - Steven Hawking
have you tried Dead Space? ha some similarities....well except for, lots of jump scares...and a whole lot of panic level lol....btw talking about jump scares...i forgot to mention.
....oh and also just remembered...."worms armageddon"
[Image: YoG5lWf.jpg]
I'm not a Dead Space fan, I never found it scary. It pushes the jump scares and gore too far and it becomes hard to take seriously. Alien Isolation I though was better, but that's my opinion.

2 more I should have put on the list. Alien Isolation and The Talos Principle.
   Hilarious - TIME Magazine                                                                 Nothing else quite like her - Morgan Freeman
                                                   Absoloutley Sensational - Obama
      Who is Sasso? - Man I met on the bus                           Truly the MnF forumer of our time - Steven Hawking
ooohhhh talking about alien isolation...just remembers the alien vs predator lol...and also Abe oddysee.

well i for me it was scary, normally when i play horror games i play it with all the light off and curtains closed, just to create the spooky ambiance, i kinda like that, so yeah, the first time i played dead space, and right form the first encounter of those mutants...i was screaming "escape bish runnnnn...come on shoot those things" and i realised few minutes later that my arms and controller were above my head trying desperately to make the character run....good thing no one was around to see that odd moment....
[Image: YoG5lWf.jpg]

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