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Gangbangs Organisation
so....this friday my roommate goes for a week-long vacation.....So i am going to reanimate this thread)))
[Image: LymF9tx]

Great! Mmh… tell us when you're in.
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
Well, what i am going to say is- This friday (and most of next week) i will have a complete control of my free time, and i want to have a nice party with people interested in it)
I will be probably online from 3pm and till the late late eveining, so be my...guests
It would be good if people will write is it is possible for them to join, also i would pm my favorites in game)
[Image: LymF9tx]

I surely would like it very much to be then with you and try to be online at this time ;-))
*big kisses ;-))
[Image: detail.gif]
i never had any doubts about you, dear;3

I think this friday i will have a bottle of red wine, some special things and generally have a good time
[Image: LymF9tx]

Hello Queen...I hope I will be cure until Friday, so I can join you, because I really want to HAVE FUN....meeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww, sorry dears, when im sick im such a baby
Friday...*praying* Please God cure me, please, please....I do whatever you want, just...don't peek into a game call MNF Club, OK, God?, don't worry, if you cure me I behave, I swear!!!
To be simple is to be great
(03-30-2016, 07:37 PM)Fenix-TS Wrote: Hello Queen...I hope I will be cure until Friday, so I can join you, because I really want to HAVE FUN....meeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww, sorry dears, when im sick im such a baby
Friday...*praying* Please God cure me, please, please....I do whatever you want, just...don't peek into a game call MNF Club, OK, God?, don't worry, if you cure me I behave, I swear!!!

I am a certified healthcare specialist so i can prescribe you a cure ;3
Mostly a lot of physical exercises, protein *he-he* shakes and a box of tissues
I believe there are a lot of guys willing to help you;P
[Image: LymF9tx]

is 3pm server time?...and it in beaver bash server?
[Image: YoG5lWf.jpg]
Protein shakes...yes, yes....*praying* Please Lord... I want to be in a good shape for Friday, so I can have all the physical exercises my specialist recommend...
*grab a paper tissue and blow my nose*....
To be simple is to be great
(03-30-2016, 10:40 PM)DarkXtecy Wrote: is 3pm server time?...and it in beaver bash server?

yes, server time. I am not sure abor bash or bang yet
[Image: LymF9tx]


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