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03-08-2016, 06:36 AM
I'm not actually sure where I'm going to go with this thread so this will probably devolve into a ramble. Sorry in advance. Skip to the fourth paragraph if you don't feel like reading it all.
I think I started playing this game back in September or October. Poking around online and feeling bored, I find a link to here off Games of Desire. Because MeetnFuck is something that keeps cropping up on my regular websites, I tried it out, and thankfully,it was free. I made a male character, I called him Sasso, I walked around a bit, went to the brothel, hired a girl and tried out the poses, deleted then left.This is probably similar to the experience of most people that visit this game, because of the naturally low retention span of porn. Most Porn usually holds your interest as long as it takes for you to cum, or as long as it takes for you to get bored and seek your orgasm elsewhere.
I think a few days later after that I saw the advertisement again for MnF Club, and I decided to try it again (MnF has made some interesting things before, so I decided I could give it a try again). I made a girl, and I called her Sasso (I have no imagination for names). She doesn't actually look much like. In real life I have red hair, not brown. I don't have such an awesome overcut fringe...thing, and I have a MUCH flatter chest. I logged in, and something different happened. Almost certainly because I was now a girl, I started receiving messages. Most started with a simple hello, and we would have a pretty normal conversation from there.Some people I liked, some people I didn't (generally people that didn't flat out ask for sex were good people). And I started making friends. I started enjoying myself. Talking to people, playing minigames, going to parties, it was actually quite a bit of fun.
I made some great friends on this game, which is weird considering we probably came here just to watch some porn at first. I had a few adventures, some good some bad, some great, one terrifying, but all made good stories in the end. They were what kept me interested in the game, and are the reason I'm still playing now on the same character I've had for so long. I started the "Handling Unwanted Invites Thread", which did FAR better than I was expecting, and I kept playing to add more stories. People in game even started recognising me, and called me 'famous', which I was very surprised by. I never though I'd become a name people would recognise (at one point Vally messaged me in game pretending to be someone sending out cold invites. Nice try dude  ). And it kept me playing. I sometimes would stop playing becase of university or because I didn't feel in the mood to fight off cold invites, but I'd come back in a couple of weeks, and it was always nice to see friends that were still playing. (Alot more than this happened to me in the game, but to keep this short(ish) I'll omit them for now.)
The point of this ramble is that this is supposed to be a porn game. It's not meant to be much more than a way to have cyber sex with people online, but there are some people who made the game better than just that. If I could chuck out some names here I would, but for their sake I wont. I thought of this because of the threads of people leaving the game, and genuinely feeling sad about it. Even the people I never met or talked to in game I would see the threads of and feel a bit sad they weren't going to be around anymore because they have such a positive influence on the game. Everybody who's had the retention to keep playing this far down the road has made coming here far a real good experience, thank you for that. I mean it.
I hope everybody else has had such a rich experience with this game that I have had (this part makes it sound like I'm quitting. I'm not I swear). Please share what your experience with this game is, I would love to read it, and I promise I will. I owe it to you for making it through mine
Hilarious - TIME Magazine Nothing else quite like her - Morgan Freeman
Absoloutley Sensational - Obama
Who is Sasso? - Man I met on the bus Truly the MnF forumer of our time - Steven Hawking
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(a little bit of a ramble, bit I just wanted to share some of my experiences and thoughts, too)
I do get a little angry when people say the friendships made in here are not transferable to real life. Somebody I met in the game is now somebody I consider my closest friend. I've met people who have helped me through exceptionally dark periods, and I have grown close enough to some people to truly call them family.
I don't entirely remember why I joined MnF Club, but I did play the Beta briefly before returning when it was released. I made an avatar to look similar to me (longish dark blonde hair, chin fluff, a fairly constant 'I don't know what is going on here' sort of look). I would play it for a couple of hours at a time, and blitzed my way to level 5 within the first week or so. After that I lost interest, but stumbled across the Alley in Beaver Bash. My interest in the sex scenes slowly faded and the more social side of the game took over. Since then, the Alley has been my (in game) home.
What surprised me at first, during my early days as part of the 'Alley crowd', was the range topics covered in conversations. Very little mention of sex was made, except from those looking to hook up; books, films, politics, religion, music and food were, and still are, among the more popular topics. It's become a running joke, I guess, that whenever people start talking about sex, people respond with mock horror and surprise, because it is something that isn't really spoken of much.
I know that to some, MnF Club is just another sex game; somewhere to waste a couple of hours, get themselves (and maybe others) off, and leave. For me though, it really is a community, filled with an incredible range of characters and personalities. The reason I come back everyday is to hang out with friends, engage in conversation, be part of this awesome community. The sex side of things, it's nice to indulge, but to me is secondary.
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I completely agree with Sharpey almost word for word. Even now when I'm at work, I'm checking out the forums to see what is going on. In my opinion, if this were just a porn game, people would not keep coming back. Like you said Sasso, once people have tossed their rocks, they're typically done with porn for a while. The truth is that this game is as much a social MMO as it is a porn game. That aspect, and not the porn itself, will keep retaining the old users.
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Well, I wanted to share my opinion, but it would be repeating the same stuff.
Playing this game was a good thing, even tho, like Sasso, I went there only because I was bored on Game of Desire. This game hooked me because I can be what I am, and say or do some stuff that I can't in MMO's.
I'm just glad that I found this game, and you, of course. Because an online game without a social part can quickly be boring.
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
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03-08-2016, 03:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-08-2016, 04:47 PM by Sharp.)
(03-08-2016, 02:33 PM)MeganRain Wrote: Even now when I'm at work, I'm checking out the forums to see what is going on.
I do that too, but more because I'm afraid the forum would cease to exist without me watching over it. (I'm joking obviously, Vally isn't that bad..)
Also, because the forum is just as big a community as the game. It isn't just a place for people to arrange things or share ideas, but to get to meet those they would never have met in game.
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03-08-2016, 04:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-08-2016, 04:04 PM by DarkXtecy.) you can see its much more adventurous when having a "girl" avatar...compared to having a "male" avatar...obviously we all came here for that one main get our kinks explored...well i hope that is the case lol...but yeah like i mentioned earlier ( i think i did  ) i too came here to explore like minded people...and like every newbie i started my own exploration i have no idea about what could invites were at that time..and being a "male" it not like i am gonna get any invites, or pm..let alone chat on world (unless i was recognised or something) yeah i started asking around trying to find how exactly to go about this game....and believe me i was hit by many "igoner" on that they then any other days of the game..i was about to quit (i think i probably must have said something on world chat too can't remember) and then this one girl PM'ed first PM by someone else, and she asked me if i was new, so yeah i explained that i was and had just started.....and from there onwards i think it was mainly coz of her i decided to stay on, however she did quit her avatar after 3 days....i was sad coz she was the only one i had got to known more than anyone else...yup in just 3 days lol...i was contemplating later to quit or not...and then decided to continue to play just to see if things might progress...and yeah it did some (rather very few) awesome people....however i still did not feel like i really had enjoyed the game as such...but it was because of these few awesome people that i continue to play....however i still think i will have to quit playing ("possibly" after this week)...and the only thing i will miss are those amazing people  ...well i will be keeping my forum just the game profil i will be quitting...maybe i might return after sometime when my RL things settle down lol
anyways this is my summeried part of little game experiance
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After all that has been said, what can I possibly add?
Only this: before january, I had no idea - NO IDEA - I would make so many friends in such as short span of time - and in such a place! - and grow so close to several of them. As Sharp mentioned, there is no reason these friendships need to be confined to the game or the forum.
Unlike some of you, I cannot check the forum from my workplace, and by the time the day is done I can't wait to get home and check on the community, see what I might have missed...
I had to go away on a trip from february 26th to march 4th, and I was irrationally afraid that it would all vanish (or change beyond recognition) in my absence. Thankfully, it did not.
And it still pains me greatly when I check my friend's list and discover someone has deleted his/her avatar. It almost feels like a loved one has died.
"Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth, for behold: all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals."
- The Goddess -
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03-09-2016, 01:33 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-19-2016, 09:15 PM by Kyrios.)
This place means an immense amount to me now. There are people here I care for deeply. There are a few friendships that have migrated outside this space. I want to say more, but in my current mood I will become a babbling gushy mess, so I will say this and no more until later.
Those of you who I care for, thank you for being you. Everyone else I look forward to knowing you better.
I was going to expand more, but I must head to sleep. I'll pick this up tomorrow. I wanted to add that I feel like my relationships here have been immensely positive in ways I could never have guessed. I have made bonds here the like of which I have not known in some time.
I was working on a poem to place here, but instead I will paste the link to where I posted it.
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03-09-2016, 01:38 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2016, 02:16 AM by 823.)
Before I share my experience, I would like to preface this with a little conversation that I enjoyed with IvanXLIV when he wrote "A Night at the Vodka."
I had been guessing the names of the various MnF Club members who made cameos in his story, and many of these people still keep the forums alive. (Read the story and guess for yourself, if you haven't yet!) There was one person in particular, however, whose identity I couldn't place – frustratingly so, since I could recognize nearly everyone else. "But you seem to be good friends with her!" he exclaimed. That person is no other than our honorary Messi of rejections.
Sasso, you and I have never met in game, and we've never really had a conversation together. I hope we can change that soon! After all, it's thanks to you and the "Handling Unwanted Invites" thread that helped me have fun with even the less enjoyable aspects of the game, like cold invites, lazy sexting, and the occasional horny aggression. It was free of drama and harassment, without any desire to slander or judge people personally. I thought it was an ingenious and good-humored way to let someone know when I'm not in the mood for a conversation with them, let alone roleplay.
Many people come here with certain expectations of a sex MMO. Not many of us, myself included, expected anything more than being able to get off with someone. New players often wander around, thinking virtual sex and small talk are the only things this game offers – and that was how I played the game my first week or so when I joined in January. My reason for joining the community is rather unique, and I might save this story for another day when the time feels right...
So, there I was, engaging in the usual dirty talk with my cute, yet busty, avatar... then, I discovered the forums. That was a turning point that expanded my time here in a lot of good ways. I found rich personalities, a lot of creativity and humor, and many, many bright minds. I learned that sex can be all kinds of communication, and sex can mean all kinds of intimacy and release to different people. I've made surprisingly deep connections: sexual, emotional, mental. And, soon, I became a friend to many wonderful people here. Like Sasso, I believe that what elevates the game beyond just virtual sex are the people who make it worth staying for. This place offers so much more than what you take at face-value. We share music and video games. Laughter. Imaginations. Hell, let's throw in some philosophy, literature, and politics while we're at it. We build castles out of sand.
There's a strange duality going on here. This is only a fraction of who I am IRL, and this place doesn't define my life. But the friendships I've made are very strong, and very dear, and something that can grow outside of the game. Fenix once told me how, regardless of age, nationality, race, occupation, gender, sexual orientation – "we are in the same boat, we all have something that pushes us here."
So, with affection and gratitude, I thank everyone who's made this a fun journey that's far exceeded what I could anticipate from the outset.
"Each night has one sound I know: the moon against the water like your cheek across mine in another life." – Sara Eliza Johnson
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Well, what can I say? Every word and phrases of how I felt and experienced in this game had already been fore mentioned by you guys. The thing that keeps me hook up to this game is definitely all of the above.
But what I want to add is that another thing that keeps me hooked to this game ever before is the "Who am I going to meet today when I log on" feeling, there's a whole bunch of people out there like some of you in this forum that I haven't meet in game that are fun to hang out with, and that excitement to meet new people is what really hooks me up to this game ever more
A wise man always say:
"Make Love, Not War"