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New pose
The new pose is out, it is more for guys, than the girls, but still interesting. I am level 14 and am getting exp. points again. I guess they also raised the sex levels, but no idea to what.  Cool
I guess the sex level was only raised one level. I am now level 15, and the exp. points stopped.
I just tried the new pose, and I'm SERIOUSLY unimpressed with it. After all this time with no new poses or significant new features I would have expected something much better.

Also, they need to make FFF and MMM poses already! Gays and lesbians are seriously getting the short end of the stick when it comes to this game, and I'm honestly considering quitting because of it. It's so boring doing the same one or two poses over and over again!
With you on that one. I guess it's better than nothing though =\
Sup people i have a question, lately while in the room in the last round every 7 of 10 i get socket connection lost, you have any recomendation to prevent this. the only think i figure out is not to spent more than 5 minutes in every round and no more than 20 minutes in general, any help new on this stuff
Hola, no es nada del pose pero hay un error en el museo, reciente, sala 2, una foto se bugeo y no te deja salir de dicha sala, espero lo solucionen lo antes posible, gracias
(09-16-2019, 10:55 PM)Beto35 Wrote: Hola, no es nada del pose pero hay un error en el museo, reciente, sala 2, una foto se bugeo y no te deja salir de dicha sala, espero lo solucionen lo antes posible, gracias

Just a little help to make sure all can read this.

"Hello, this isn't about the new pose, but there is a recent error in the museum. In room 2, there is a bugged photo and it does not let you leave that room. I hope they solve it as soon as possible, thanks"

And please move this to the appropriate channel Smile
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