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Negative Moderator Experience (In-Game Mod Policy Discussion Thread)
Reporting abusers is the most pointless thing in mnfclub .
A lot of us are here just for a RP . When you have written very clearly in your profile description   you don't do rooms and you got almost constantly invitations , when you agreed on something in a RP and the rp partner ignores it later , when you clearly stated you are submisive only and you are asked to dominate someone , people that barely speak english (if they do at all ) and etc .
After reporting the misbehaving users only thing that happens is you getting is a moderator telling you that you can simply ignore them which is like not having moderators at all .
And what happens with those you ignored ? You think you won't heard of them ? Wrong . They can still contact you , so what is the point of ignoring them at first place ?!
To make fun of you and mock you for reporting those who deserve it ?! I don't say ban them , but punish them so they understand they did it wrong .
Doing RP in mnfclub is such a negative experience most of the time Sad
Moving this thread to the Feedback/Help subforum as it fits there better.

A couple things here:

1) In general, mods tend to be more reluctant these days to issue warnings or bans for PMs for just that reason. Ignoring someone is supposed to be the end and they're supposed to move on.
2) Failing to properly read a profile and sending a stupid message generally doesn't draw a warning. People screw up and say dumb things, and some just can't offer what you're looking for and won't know it until they're told. But again, ignoring someone is supposed to be the point where both people move on.
3) Retaliating for filing a report is NOT allowed for exactly that reason. If you ignore someone and they're either bothering you on another account or trashing you in public chat, report them. You are NOT allowed to bypass an ignore, and if a moderator feels a player hasn't dropped an issue after an ignore, issuing warnings or even bans is certainly appropriate. If it doesn't end with an ignore... that's where moderators are supposed to step in.

I feel for you, and I hope that helps shed some light on why warnings and bans do and don't get issued.

Also, for anyone else considering jumping in, you may. But remember:

Do NOT argue specific warnings or bans in this thread.

Questions and complaints about general policies are fine, as the ToS isn't always crystal-clear on what is allowed and what isn't. But keep it civil. And if you feel a moderator has made a decision that's unfair, you can always appeal to Support, currently at In-game moderators cannot view those messages. And if you have a question about the rationale for why a warning or ban was or wasn't issued, please email Emmie or Vrook, who are both in-game moderators and are generally able to provide a little more information.
Well, not a single one of those things warrants a punishment, let alone a warning or a ban. Just seems like a lot of miscommunication between you and other individuals ingame, and a huge majority of the mnf player base would be banned if that were the case. Have you read the Terms of Service at the bottom of the login screen of the game? It’s basically the rules the public has to follow to play this game that the mods are supposed to enforce. If no rule in the ToS was broken, then the mods can’t warn/ban/punish anyone, cause that would be considered an overstep of their boundaries. They are essentially just doing what they are supposed to do in the situations that you outlined. Mods have rules to follow too, so they should not be blamed when taking the libertarian route.
It's true that we need more mods in the team who can cover both general players and specific groups. The huge amount of people playing and they cultural differences is a problem for the staff, and a lot of bad decisions are made just 'cause they have to "mod quickly".
That said, I don't believe any of your problems deserves a punishment from the staff, maybe just a warning if they are reaaaally insistent but that's it.
[Image: GafpYad.jpg]
Being a Moderator can be very stressful, and we have to remember they are all volunteers, players like us just trying to make the game better.  

Maybe it would be helpful if Mods if they could practice the 3 strike rule for minor offences, with each strike judged by a different Mod.  Commit 3 offences, and the 3rd Judge will dish out the punishment.  Because each Moderator is unique, with different values & views, the 3 strike rule would be fairer.

Also, I still don't understand why Send the Offender to Jail feature is not used more.  And can players receiving punishment be confined to a single server..?  Or at least be banned from joining the high volume servers.

The Ignore function however does not stop a ignored player from saying stuff in public chat.  The problem with Ignore, is that if a ignore player sees you in public, they can still send speech bubble messages to you, and of course chat to all your surrounding friends.  
So maybe there should be a 2nd level of Ignore, that makes the ignored player invisible & visa versa.   

At present an ignored player can be on a server of 100 players, 90 of those players may have ignored them, so can still hang on in a crowd.  But if those 90 players were invisible, they would soon start to feel lonely.  Imagine going to crowded Wild West on Beaver Bash, and the only person you can see is yourself & a Mod.  Not a very enjoyable game.  
But Ignores can be reversed, so these players can be given a 2nd chance.
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It would be nice to either send some to jail after explaining patiently why what they did was wrong and having a means of removing their ability to send a PM for a week or a month.
It could be fun to develop the jail technic: the abuser couldn't go anywhere except the jail area for a certain period or have sex only with some NPC guards (male and female) or with other prisoners. Or having the right to PM someone outside the prison only once a day.
When your avatar is jailed, it prevents all the characters on your account from going anywhere but the jail yard and interior for the next 60 minutes at most (and while someone could just go offline for any or all of those 60 minutes, that's not a bad side effect). They are also forced into an orange shirt and pants for the duration, along with a "#" icon on their profile and with their name as they walk. Any jailing will come with a report to document it, so they will get an explanation, if not a direct statement from a mod. While I was generally willing to jail people who just were curious and also aware of the restrictions, not every mod will.

The only problem with a PM mute is that the people who generally deserve that ought to just be banned. When it gets down to it, chatting is 90% of MnF Club. And if someone's consistently proven they can't communicate safely with people even in private, they've proven they shouldn't stay on MnF Club. However, I'd be totally in favor of a new mod power to mute someone in public chat for some period of time, as while a jailing will generally settle Wild West or Lagoon Beach (and provide some edginess to the edgy Southern MnF), I can think of situations where mutes can be useful.

Finally, a bit of clarification. If you think someone is doing something they shouldn't, report them. The worst case is that the report gets declined. But even then, declined reports are NOT deleted and can be used to support future warnings or bans. So either way, you're still helping keep MnF Club safe.
The ignore feature has its flaws, and we are fully aware of them. Sadly us moderators can't do anything about that, and it really comes down to the devs taking the time to solve it. Personally I think the ignore should remove you from their view, and them from your view. We are always working on and considering better ways to deal with different things, but it can take time.
[Image: xpXEtwW.gif?noredirect]
(01-15-2019, 12:54 PM)Emmie Wrote: The ignore feature has its flaws, and we are fully aware of them. Sadly us moderators can't do anything about that, and it really comes down to the devs taking the time to solve it. Personally I think the ignore should remove you from their view, and them from your view. We are always working on and considering better ways to deal with different things, but it can take time.

This is the kind of ignore I was talking about, but as long as the person who ignores the other can reverse it
Visit the MnF Ambassador site for information MnF Clans..  (Please contact me to list your clan)
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