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just finished:
the wheel of time by robert jordan and brandon sanderson
now reading:
god Is not great by christopher hitchens
Guess what I bought today!

Well, I'm posting this in my thread on books, so you can probably guess it's a book. For university I have to study a bit of British Femminist Theatre, so I have to read the play The Break of Day by Timberlake Wertenbaker. The issue I got comes with 5 plays, but The Break of Day is easily the biggest. So I'm going to have to read that asap.

I should probably add thou, when I say I have to read books for university, I'm not reading them out of duress. I'm doing a theatre degree, I like reading plays and I should always be reading more. So far I'm enjoying the new book, but it's hard to visualise since it's meant to be on the stage (there are alot of characters it's hard to keep track)
   Hilarious - TIME Magazine                                                                 Nothing else quite like her - Morgan Freeman
                                                   Absoloutley Sensational - Obama
      Who is Sasso? - Man I met on the bus                           Truly the MnF forumer of our time - Steven Hawking
I just finished reading "Cell" by Stephen King. It was pretty good, with a whole lot of twists thrown in there. Almost like an M. Night Schlamalamadingdong movie.

However, I suggest for anyone that likes the fantasy genre to read the Ryria Chronicles. (Theft of swords, Rise of Empires, Heir of Novron). I read them a few years ago for the first time and they are still my favorite books to date.
I finished Breakfast of Champions just last night (I'm a very slow reader, that's why this thread gets updates so infrequently) and I'm quite happy for reading it.

Kurt Vonnegut is a really unorthodox author. I first read his book Slaughterhouse-5 in 2014, and looking back on it i think I have a much better opinion of it now than I did back then. The words themselves he uses are very easy to read so reading Breakfast of Champions wasnt a chore, but his ideas and themes are very complex and thought provoking. Breakfast of Champions is filled with drawings by Vonnegut scattered throughout the book and drops the N word like nobody's business (I wouldn't say the book is racist it was just written in a different time that treated that word differently than it is now). It follows two different people's stories who only have a tiny relationship with each other until the very end of the book, and Kurt enjoys throwing himself into the book because why not, which I guess technically makes the book written from the first person.

Anyway, good read, will look for more Vonnegut books. I'm thinking of finishing Metro 2033 first thou or else I might never finish it, I keep sidetracking to finish the books I'm borrowing from my brother so I can give them back.
   Hilarious - TIME Magazine                                                                 Nothing else quite like her - Morgan Freeman
                                                   Absoloutley Sensational - Obama
      Who is Sasso? - Man I met on the bus                           Truly the MnF forumer of our time - Steven Hawking
There are several books I'm currently reading or have started, but haven't picked up in awhile. They are:
Soccernomics, 500 Days, and Clara the early years. There are probably other's but I've kind of forgotten what they are right now.
If you wanna find some quality friends you have to wade through all the dicks first - Eric Cartman
Oh man remember this thread? I'm bringing it back, even if only shortly. I'm hoping to read a bunch over the next few weeks because I'm currently looking for inspiration to write a play about for university. So I'm throwing a question out there, what's your favourite book or story you've read? If it looks good or looks at some interesting ideas, I'll try check it out!

Anyway I'm going to start reading We by Yevgeny Zamyatin literally right now. I started reading The Man Who Was Thursday but honestly, it really felt super slow and boring. I might stab it again soon, but honestly I'll probably jump onto something else first.
   Hilarious - TIME Magazine                                                                 Nothing else quite like her - Morgan Freeman
                                                   Absoloutley Sensational - Obama
      Who is Sasso? - Man I met on the bus                           Truly the MnF forumer of our time - Steven Hawking
I'm reading "Dispatches from the Barricades" by John Simpson a former BBC foreign correspondant. It's a fascinating first-hand account of all the major revolutions that shaped the world in 1989-1990.

Also eagerly awaiting "Oathbringer" by Brandon Sanderson...
Currently reading the book "Hyperspace" from Michio Kaku. I enjoyed space related articles, news and such and this one gives a more simplistic (probably not the right word xD) explanation about some theories of the universe, some possibilities, what is estabilished and what is not. I intend to read a few others from him, but for now this is the one
"There's a time for daring and there's a time for caution, and a wise man understands which is called for"
Kim Harrison's "Hollows" series. Rachel Morgan kicks ass, and Ivy, the living vamp, can bite my neck any  time.
I just recently finished Mr B. Gone by Clive Barker. It's an interesting, at times darkly funny, autobiography by the demon bound into the ink and pages of the book. If you like horror, books on Heaven and Hell, or just Barker's work in general then I'd recommend y'all check it out Smile
Ambassador of butts
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