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Unexpected Fantasy

The ringing tone of her cell phone broke Tess's concentration; she had been working on the two boys’ growing attraction, coyly driving them insane with lust. She casually opened the top button of her shirt and leaned over the suitcase at her feet, looking for the device, showing her audience a glimpse of her full breasts trapped in a black lace bra. She grabbed the cell phone, opened it and smiled as she noticed the caller’s identity; she quickly opened it and as she read its content she couldn’t help but chuckle softly. She put the cell phone on the table and pondered about what to answer for a while, and as she looked around she couldn’t help exchanging a glance with her loyal followers; she smiled at them innocently and purposefully crossed her legs (in a way that wasn’t innocent at all), picked up the phone again, quickly typed a message and send it with an attached photo.

Steph put several dresses on the bed, standing completely naked and looking at them thoughtfully. She picked one up, a blue gown with a stunningly revealing neckline, dressed herself briskly and looked herself over in the mirror, wrinkled her nose at what she saw, then shrugged. 'Why not?' She thought as she smiled. She grabbed her cell phone and took a picture of herself, then sent the photo along with a message. She undressed and took the second item, a black dress rather short and open on the back, put it on, looked at the mirror, took a turn, liked what she saw and once again photographed herself, then send that picture as well before disrobing. At last she took the last dress, a glamorous white evening gown, with ruffles down and ending in a top that left little to the imagination as it generously displayed the shape of her breasts. She dressed, look again at herself in the mirror, posed, enjoying what she saw so much that she decided that this dress was her favorite so far, photographed herself, and for the last time, sent a message with the accompanying picture.
The meeting seemed to go on forever as the discussions grew strained. 'Damn bureaucrats', he thought, once again having to rise to calm tempers. He glanced at his watch and snorted, then the cell phone vibrated in his pocket; he quickly pulled it open between his legs, glanced at the message and ... shut it quickly, put it in his pocket, excused himself and went out the door. Almost running through the corridor, Vic entered the bathroom in a rush, entered an empty booth, lowered his pants and underwear, finally freeing his hardening member from that evil prison. He gingerly opened the phone and peered once more at the photographs Tess had sent him, accompanied by the text, 'Since you couldn’t choose, perhaps you’ll prefer these'. Vic zoomed in on the pictures, running his fingers over her breasts, then down her belly, lingering over the pubic area which revealed a Brazilian cut that made his little friend (not so little anymore) jump up, went down her slender, shapely legs to her feet with her nails delicately painted of scarlet red varnish. He caught hold of his throbbing member and as he browsed the stack of photos, he felt himself getting increasingly aroused.
A new message beep echoed in the confined space and Vic closed the photograph of Tess to check the new message. He opened it and stared: there was Steph, in a sexy blue dress with the message, 'This one?'. 'Those two are going to kill me tonight,' he said softly to himself, 'Fuck! I’ll die happy!' he added, then resumed masturbating, going from photo to photo. A new beep interrupted him; he investigated and ... it was Steph again, in a super sexy black dress that highlighted her magnificent curves, with the text, 'Maybe this one?'. 'Ahhhh! Fuck!’ He said as he wanked off harder. 'Damn it, I'll have to find a way out', he thought, being interrupted by a third beep. Once again he opened it and almost came as he saw Steph in a spectacular, extra snug white dress that hid very little of her magnificent tits, with the message, 'Or this one? Choose'. It was too much for him and in two or three final shakes, blew his load right then and there in the bathroom’s confines, not unlike an oversexed teenager.
To be simple is to be great

Steph put the phone down on the table, removed the white dress and carefully put it back on the bed; she then leisurely went around the house completely naked, savoring the sensation of freedom it gave her. She had always enjoyed walking around the house in the buff, especially at this time of the year since it was cold (winter was nearly here) and her air conditioner was set on a very pleasant 23 degrees. As a result, she could do almost all her housework stark naked. She was now calmly selecting some lingerie when the phone rang; thinking it was Vic, she didn’t even bother to check and instinctively answered:
- “Hello? So you decided to call to say what your choice is?"
- “Excuse me?!? Steph, are you okay? It's Rufus; what choice are you talking about?”
Rufus was her friend/agent/confidante, the only person Steph trusted enough to tell almost everything about her life; besides that, Rufus was a great 'handyman' –  from little everyday things that needed repair to more specific and necessary things for her profession, from contacts in high levels of society to the computer nerds she needed to keep her website in full operation. Yes, Rufus was all this to her, and besides, being homosexual, no physical attraction could jeopardize or complicate their relationship; it was truly an indestructible partnership. And on top of it all, he assisted her both personally and professionally and she often served as his 'hunting partner'.
- “Oh Rufus! I'm sorry, I thought it was somebody else, what's wrong?”
- “No problem, sugar doll. Look! What about we go to Club X tonight? I need my ‘wing girl’...”
- “Errrr... Sorry, sweetheart, I can’t tonight, got a client that will hopefully keep me busy all night long.”
-“Oh really? Who?”
- “Vic! He called me this afternoon, all excited and worried… I know, it was a last-minute arrangement, and you know that I hate that kind of appointment, but…”
- “But?”
- “But… his proposal was beyond reproach…”
- “Oooh…tell me everything you little slut, now I’ve got to know! And girl? I want every juicy details!”
- “ahahah! Rufus, you’re such a bitch, aren’t you? Fucking cunt! Ok, he called me right after I went home. You knew I had that appointment with Ralf, right? So, you know how I was feeling afterwards! At first I considered refusing Vic’s request, but once he told me his plan for the evening, I…”
 And then Steph told him everything, down to the last detail, just as was customary between them.
When he was done ejaculating, satisfied but annoyed at his lack of control, Vic composed himself, carefully wiped his penis, pulled his briefs and pants up, straightened his tie, took a deep breath, and left the cabin. He washed his hands thoroughly, picked up his cell phone and replied to Steph, telling her which, in his opinion, would be the best choice of dress for the evening. When he was done he went out into the hall, walking slowly and reluctantly to join the rest of the meeting. As he reached the door to the meeting room, he paused, picked up his phone again, look through his contact list, found the number he wanted and called. At this moment he needed that particular call to give him strength, to be able to take on the rest of that ill-fated meeting… he had to listen to her voice.
To be simple is to be great

Tess was in a state of arousal she had not felt for a long time; the prospect of the night to come, the surprise Vic had prepared, the ignorance of what it would be… adding to it was those avid stares fixed on her since the daring game she played in the lingerie store. And afterwards, buying that racy nightgown she tried on so eagerly before sending those bold photos to Vic left her perfectly and uncontrollably excited; she knew what she could do. The vibration of her cell phone took her away from the enchanted daydream that was taking shape in her lustful mind, full of groans, long and deep penetrations, wet sucking and frantic licking. She promptly answered the call after noticing the sender’s identity:
- “You must be up to no good, Vic! I was just thinking of you and everything I would do to you if you were here now, in front of me!” she told him in in a sultry way, with a loud laugh at the end, gently touching her low parts, making sure the young men were watching.
- “Damn it Tess, don’t you dare tell me that after the pictures you sent me! I'm having such a hard on at the moment I would fuck you in every possible and imaginable way!”
- “Then what are you waiting for? Move that ass here and now, because if not, I swear to God, I'm going to give these boys the fuck of their lives...”
- “What the hell…?!? What boys? What are you talking about?”
Tess laughed, with that irresistible laugh only she could do, a tantalizing mixture of innocence and malice; she paused for a few seconds to make him even more intrigued and finally answered:
- “Two teenagers who have been following me everywhere like my shadow, like two docile puppets, and who by chance happen to be very cute; two manly teens who – if I wanted to – would be more than willing to satisfy me in every way… and Vic? Listen baby, I'm on the edge of the abyss, I can’t help caressing my little pussy with my legs slightly open, knowing they are watching hungrily!”
- “Fuck Tess! You are killing me baby! To think I still have one, maybe two more hours of this shit ahead of me… damn you, I’m feeling even hornier now…”
- “It’s your choice Vic, but I have to warn you! I don’t know if I can control myself much longer… I’m soaking wet, hmmm…
With those words Tess put a finger to her mouth and slowly sucked it, exaggerating the wet sounds she made to whet his appetite even more, adding with a soft moan: “Hmmm, so tasty… It’s all up to you Vic dear; either you come here and give me something more substantial to suck, or... I'll find someone who can, and you know full well, how capable I am when I put my mind to it. You decide! Kisses, baby!”
She hung up the phone before he could reply and laid it on the table, closing her eyes and not believing what she had just said to him. This wasn’t like her at all; she would never, under normal circumstances, put pleasure before work, and she was aware how important that meeting was for Vic. She shook her head and, as she was about to send him an apologetic message telling him to forget it and take all the time he needed, her phone vibrated again. It was a text message from Vic; she opened it and read:
- “Give me half an hour, you crazy bitch – I'll let Harris replace me. Don’t even think that I’ll let two immature fuckers do the work of a man (this was followed by a devil emoji). You asked for it and now you’re going to get it! You’d better prepare yourself because I'll fill that horny mouth of yours very soon! (this was, too, followed by an emoji – the ‘cool’ one)”
To be simple is to be great

Concluding her conversation with Rufus, Steph was about to put down the cell phone when she noticed two unread messages, both coming from Vic; she eagerly opened the first:
- “You two are killing me! You and Tess sending me provocative pictures… Because of you I had to go masturbate to the bathroom like a fucking kid with raging hormones, imagine that (big grin emoji)”
Steph’s laughter echoed out loud through the small apartment as she opened his second message:
- “And ... since you deliberately asked for my opinion, my preference goes to the second dress: it gives you an air so provocative, so exciting, that I just want to tear it out. And Darling? Stockings, garter belt and nothing else! (wink emoji)”
Widely grinning upon reading the second message, Steph put her phone away, looked carefully at the three dresses on the bed, thought for a few seconds, then grabbed the other two dresses and carefully packed them in the closet. 'Ok Vic, you want the slut look? You’ll get it’, she thought as she opened the drawers to remove the black lace stockings and the matching garter belt. She put those on the table and went to the closet, took a few minutes to choose the shoes; opted for black Louboutins with 3-inch heels and placing them on the bed, took a picture of the set, then took out a selfie pointing at the mirror. She wrote a message to Vic with the two photos attached:
- “Of course I’ll wear nothing else; you know I never have any underwear! (smile emoji) And now, be a sweetheart and send me those beautiful photos that Tess sent you; I would like to meet her… (wink emoji)”
She put the phone down, pulled herself a cigarette, lit it, and went to the window, standing there completely naked; she occasionally had to deal with complaints from her more prudish neighbors in the past about it, but she had always managed to get around this with the law, careful to be extra 'nice' with the agents sent to investigate. She laughed again, remembering the last occurrence and the faces of the two young police officers when they saw her as she opened the door wearing nothing but a white and very revealing negligee. Her phone’s vibration brought her back to reality; turning quickly, she opened Vic’s latest message:
- “I’m so fucking horny, you little bitch! I’ve sent Tess pictures as you requested; check them out and then delete them, please. Oh I'm going to fuck the brains out of you two! By the way, I'm getting out of here right now – I'm sick of this shit and I can only think of you… I'll pick Tess at the mall and in exactly two hours I want that tasty ass of yours at the address I sent you before, understood? Kisses on that wonderful pussy!”
She gingerly opened the attached photographs and gaped in amazement: there was Tess in all her mature glory, first with an adorable black negligee, then in a crimson nightgown that looked amazing on her ... and finally, completely naked. She admired Tess's beautiful curves lingeringly, zooming in on the breasts and on the delicious-looking pubic parts. 'Oh Tess, so good to meet you; I’ll be more than happy to meet you in greater detail', she said softly, almost in a sigh. Then she closed the pictures, thought for a few seconds whether to keep them or not and finally opted to delete them; it was better that way, no way she was going to lose a good client like Vic over such a childish consideration. She quickly wrote him a reply:
- “WOW Vic, you were not kidding; what a piece of womanhood! Now I’m excited too… Don’t worry, I deleted the pictures as requested. And Vic? I know you have plenty of stamina, but you'd better take a 'blue' - you're going to need it!”
To be simple is to be great

Vic read Steph's last message with a smile on his face, and as he hurried toward Harris's office, took a moment to reply. He sighed in relief as he realized that Harris was still there, knocked and without waiting for the answer, entered, telling him straight away:
-“Harris, I’m so glad to see you, man! I’m all fucked up and I need a big favor!”
Harris looked up, taking his eyes off the monitor. Vic had met Harris at the university during his first year and since then a friendship was born –  more than that, a real kinship as if they were family; they could always rely on one another no matter what. Whenever one was down, the other would move mountains to raise his spirits. When Vic had the idea of setting up the company five years ago, Harris was his natural choice of partner; Vic may have been the brains and the public face behind the enterprise, it was Harris who made it work and prosper with his strength and dynamism.
-“What’s wrong Vic? Trouble in paradise?”
Vic laughed. Of course, there was no way he could fool him; Harris knew him like no one else. He sat in front of him, put his elbows on the table and taking a deep breath, said:
- “Trouble indeed… Fuck! Those two are driving me crazy!”
-“Ah! Your… ‘mommy’! What happened this time?”
Harris emphasized 'mommy' because he knew how much it irritated Vic.
-“Fuck you Harris, and the hell with the ‘mommy’ shit! Can’t you call Tess by her name and stop that lame joke of yours? it was not funny the first time, and it’s not getting funnier.”
-“OK, sorry Man! Jesus, you’re so fucking sensible today! Don’t be such a crybaby!”
- “Then shut up and listen, dickhead! Look, I need to go and be with her, got to fuck her senseless; she keeps teasing and giving me those hard-ons… I even had to relieve one by wanking in the bathroom. I also made arrangements with Steph to offer a little surprise to Tess – and believe me, it will end in a monumental fuck for your pal here!”
Harris laughed heartily after hearing what his friend told him, got up, lit a cigarette, and answered:
-“And now you need me to save that miserable ass of yours, isn’t it? Fuck you Vic, you know I have a date with Ruth; I was just finishing this shit and was ready to leave… Fuck man, I know I won’t get to lay with two cunts as in your little setup, but hell, it’s Ruth we’re talking about… shit man! I also deserve some ass!”
Vic rose in exasperation, came up to him, took his cigarette out of his hand, took two long puffs and nervously crushed it in the ashtray sitting on Harris’ desk. He had given up smoking three years ago, and since that day, no matter how stressed out he was – and that happened quite often these days – he never yielded to the temptation to light one. Standing in despair in front of his friend, he added:
-“Fuck bro! I don’t believe this… look at me you piece of shit, I’m all messed up, I had such an erection in the meeting room; and being stuck with those assholes I even found Chloe’s fat ass desirable. C’mon, man, you know I would not ask if I wasn’t so desperate, and besides, mother fucker, don’t you remember when you needed my help when you had to fuck the ‘twins’? Or that time with Sterling’s daughter? Who put his neck on the block, so you could screw that slut? And Mary? Remember her, dickhead? Who saved your ass when her cuckolded hubby wanted to put a bullet between your eyes? And now...”
To be simple is to be great

Vic put his hands over Harris’ shoulders and looked straight into his eyes:
- “Come on, friend… You wanna do this to me?
He waited several seconds, staring intently at his friend, and seeing that Harris was growing hesitant, he went on:
-“And Ruth? Fuck that bitch – call her and tell her that you going to be late an hour or two; who knows, perhaps she’ll get lucky and get a real man instead of a wuss such as yourself!”
Harris looked hard at Vic, took a deep breath, pulled another cigarette, and sat down heavily. There was no way he would avoid this and he knew it; ever since Vic came in the outcome was inevitable. 'Damn it!' He thought.
- “Okay, okay you jerkface! You won, as usual! Of course, I could also remind you all the times I saved your ass, but what good would it do? You need me, so…”
Harris picked up the phone and called Ruth, walking into the corridor as he did; however, Vic could see how it went by the way Harris, almost six feet tall, visibly cringed, his face showing a pleading look. 'What a fagot' he murmured, chuckling as Harris hung up and headed back in the office.
- “OK Vic, it’s done… she was pissed, but screw it, I’ll make it up to her later. But let me tell you, I did NOT do for those times you saved my skin; I've covered for you at least twice already. No, this time it was for the fucking cigarette! When I saw you ready to start smoking again, I realized how desperate you are. Now get the hell out of here and... give those bitches the fuck of there lives for me!”
Vic stood up with a beaming smile on his face, gave Harris a hearty hug and said:
- “I knew I could count on you; you’re the man! Now, put your jacket on and follow me; I still have to say goodbye to those cocksuckers before I hit the road – got less than 15 minutes to get to the mall.”
They left Harris's office and rushed to the meeting room; Vic knocked on the door, entered, apologized and briskly explained:
-“I'm so very sorry, but there was an unforeseen family problem with my mother…”
Harris smiled at the word 'mother', which earned him a small poke in the ribs from Vic.
- “… and, regrettably, I must leave at once. However, Harris here will be replacing me; don’t let his baby face fool you (that remark triggered smiles and laughter amongst those present)! I would trust him my own life; believe me, you are in good hands.”
He left after a few quick greetings to those present and their virtual counterparts, and as he walked quickly to the parking lot, Vic picked up his phone and typed a message to Tess:
-“I’m on my way love! If I’m lucky with the traffic, I’ll be there in 10.”
As soon as he had sent the message to Tess, he typed another one for Steph.
-“I’m done with the meeting. Going on to pick Tess up. 9 pm at the diner. As for the pill, thanks for the advice, but you’ve got nothing to worry about (wink emoji)”
Vic got into his car and drove away fast; he still had to cross half the city and time was of the essence...

To be simple is to be great

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