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Recent Changes/Updates and Thoughts
'A Hat? A %#$^@&$&^ Hat? WTF?' Ok first let me just say that I am also another that can think a small update is better than nothing but like others have said, either fully or between the lines, this is nothing more than a slap to the face of paying customers. I can understand that the dev team is small, I can understand that the communications between dev team and mod team can take some time but come on. I have not been playing long and thought that maybe i can get more out of premium so i bite the bullet so to speak and paid for it and have done nothing but regret it now, there is little to no communication from the dev team and from what I have seen is 2nd hand and promises that so far has yet to be delivered. -sigh-

I will hang in there as I do love the game so far but its the constant lack of communication on new features that is killing my vibe that this will ever get to a point to be worth the price. I have done several early access games and have donated to the work in progress but all those games we actually heard from the dev teams. Here its a crap shoot and moderators that are relays of the information. Hoefully we will see something that is better than a hat before the month is out.

I saw the update and was at first excited then i saw a hat and glasses and seriously was hoping LoK-R was up and going as I would so drop my premium to go to them for my money
I also see they are working more on their gamesofdesire games more than this game. As in they (in my mind at least) don't really care about this game. They are active just not active on the game we put a lot of money and care into!
Funky shades are always a must!  Cool
I still love the game and which to continue supporting it, but there`s several things which are very frustrating with the game. First of all the lack of communication as some has already pointed out. I woulnd`t even mind getting news like X-developer is working on the next game for At least you know what`s going on and you don`t get your hopes too high for something that`s not coming. Another thing with the lack of communication is that the developers seems to just add whatever they like. In december we got an NPC pose only for prem males. I think that was quite a waste of time compared to what was added to the game. The Suggestions Mega Thread is full of great ideas. Also the Casino, and now the Prison, maybe even the baths should be counted, adding on and on without ever finishing something. I get that for the poses we want the MNF artist`s touch, but i don`t see why they can`t let someone else make minigames for the casino and other none artist requiring tasks like improving the player profile.

On Meetandfuckgames you get to cast a vote on what`s next based on the customers wishes. Why not take that idea to MNF-Club? Have surveys based on suggestions by the players and then vote for them.
There are 724K+ chars in game. Many of those are secund+ accounts and I guess that 5 extra spots for prem count too in that number. So perhaps real numbers of players is around 150-200K.
If 10% of those are prem and they pay 6$ each per month, that end up in 90-120K $ each month. That should be more than enough to have 4 devs working full time on this game.....and not only 2 devs working part time. There should also be money enough to hire some temporary artists, coders or whatever else, that's needed for a special upgrade. I have no way to know if those numbers are correct or not, but I don't think they are that far from real numbers. They might even be lower than real numbers.
Devs don't even need to get a new idea about next upgrade, because.....

(04-11-2017, 02:43 PM)Mimi Wrote: The Suggestions Mega Thread is full of great ideas.

.....They just have to decide what idea or ideas to work on next. And tell us, the players, what they work on (maybe they could get a special "dev only write, user only read" thread here?).....
"Hey boys and girls. As you may have noticed, you can now sit down on chairs and couchs in case you got a bit tired. We still working with improving casino and a new FF pose. Both should be ready next week. Next minor upgrade is option to extend room, while in room (or bed), so you don't have to run all way down to reception for that. This should be ready later this week. Thanks for playing!"
Such a message take less than 5 minutes to write, but will make us, the players, very happy and we have something to look forward too, small and/or big. We will be way more easy to handle.

When you want to kill a campfire, you use water or dirt, not gasoline. You used gasoline on campfire with this last "upgrade"!

I'm still disapointed btw!
(04-11-2017, 04:11 PM)mikoha Wrote: There are 724K+ chars in game. Many of those are secund+ accounts and I guess that 5 extra spots for prem count too in that number. So perhaps real numbers of players is around 150-200K.
If 10% of those are prem and they pay 6$ each per month, that end up in 90-120K $ each month. That should be more than enough to have 4 devs working full time on this game.....and not only 2 devs working part time. There should also be money enough to hire some temporary artists, coders or whatever else, that's needed for a special upgrade. I have no way to know if those numbers are correct or not, but I don't think they are that far from real numbers. They might even be lower than real numbers.
Devs don't even need to get a new idea about next upgrade, because.....

I assume the 724k is the registered accounts number. Easily 95% of those are inactive, and 10% of players being prem is also a tad optimistic i fear. I doubt the makers will come public but i wouldnt bet theres more than 5k premium users, and the servers are certainly not free.
All in all i would be very surprised this game is the cash cow u think it is, and if it were im pretty sure the devs would give way more attention to it.
Also, my view is paying prem gives u access to the existing prem material, it doesnt guarantee updates.

If devs wanted to make it more profitable, they d need to go into the micro transactions formula (sell ig cash and exp, friend list size, a bigger bios room etc) because the subscription model very rarely works without the "whales" being able to throw insane amounts on games they like. But im certainly not advocating it, and i doubt many pple would appreciate that move here.

That said, i certainly agree with the "WE NEED BETTER COMMUNICATION" part, lack of communication really transformed the small hat/glass update into a negative for some people, just because it came before the next pose or the bank.
So yes i would beg the devs to put a monthly post (forum/twitter or whatever) saying what they re working on, it would greatly improve pples moods here.
I d also suggest they nominate a player's representative (can be a mod) which would go through the suggestion thread and regularly (monthly?) sort it into a list like this one , but more official (and public, so u can have feedback) and which we would know for sure the devs do read because right now i just fear all the good ideas in it are just unnoticed.
A pirate hat and for some reason mixed with sci-fi glasses? Well month going to be a rainbow wig with a hockey mask?
Heart Life is short, don't hold grudges, enjoy every moment, make it precious. Heart
Sex is natural, sex is right, sex is awesome, day or night.
How did you know?! JK I don't know what it's going to be. I do agree that it was really light. But I don't hope it's just an appetizer for a bigger update.
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
Bad deal... really bad deal when customers getting angry.... Devs do something immediately or this is the breaking point of this game !!! You are playing with us for months, giving us lots of excuses all the times... If this situation will NOT change shortly... well, nobody will still play in few weeks! WAKE UP and SHOCK this game !
Perhaps add a premium currency to encourage people to go premium?
OK, i'm captive in a pirate's ship and I managed to steal the capitan's hat, and it's the only thing i'm wearing (it's a sunny day, you know).... and suddenly, a flying Delorean reachs 88 m/h and it drops... a pair of glasses... which i wear and...

No... sorry but is not working... i'm not getting horny

Happiness is a warm cunt

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