Poll: What's your current in-game activity status?
I still play the game regularly.
I don't log on as much anymore.
I've stopped logging on.
No longer playing and actual want to quit.
Other-if possible plz share in a post?
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status poll!!
I still consider myself a regular here, but I don't get on as regularly as I used to.
I don't really stay on as long as I used to, mostly due to the lack of content.
Yesterday was the first time I logged on in 2-3 months, glad to see some new content! If the updates stay consistent I will definitely get Premium again
Beta player:
Shey - lvl 5 Female  Tongue
welcome back then shey Big Grin
[Image: YoG5lWf.jpg]
Shey! Long time no see!
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
I log on to see if anyone on my friends list is on and if they aren't then I check club vodka, lagoon and then wild west and if nothing is going on I just put my avatars in the brothel. I'm still on pretty regularly though.
I log on to check for updates, maybe dance at Club Vodka and check messages.
Not as often. I get bored pretty quickly now.
I still have fun here, never really post much on forums lol but I do enjoy chatting with all my friends here and the occasional new friend I make. But to answer the post I try to hop on everyday..... or at least every other day.
Stopped to play few months ago, and just sometimes check the forums (once or twice a month, maybe). The game was promising, and still somewhat nice, but CCBill is a big NO for me. And I don't want to go shadow scheming, asking others to buy me a premium with paying them up, and so on. No normal comfortable payment method - no play. Just as that. Thanks.

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