1. Be fcking brutal.
2. Don't take shit from anyone, including me. Specifically me, actually.
3. Understand that trashtalk is trashtalk, it's not meant to actually hurt anyone.
4. I dunno... boobs? You're a 2D avatar, but boobs are apreciated.
I don't really have any requirements about what I want people to do, for or with me.
To me, it's more about what you don't do.
If you don't get pissy that easily, great. You don't take shit from people, awesome.
And ofc, it's the deal about being an actual human being and all that - You have opinions on stuff? Amazing, totally impressed by the fact that you're able to behave as a functioning human!
Though ofc, knowing how to be funny and interesting is a major plus. But, I get that's something that variates a lot from person to person and from day to day. I don't feel like I "require" any "special treatment". That'd be kinda off-putting to me, tbh. ^^
Confidence! Confidence is sexy, just don't get it mixed with pride I guess.