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Ivan sweetie, I was (still am, but older and wiser) a very "lustful" woman, when I want something I go and "grab", and with 19 in the presence of one of the handsome mans I found in all my life, what you expect? remember the epilogue?, well I was alone, free at last, in the big city, no parents, no older brothers, no cousins, just me and my "curiosity".
Dark, when I say, "in the presence of one of the handsome mans I found in all my life" I think that's enough for you to understand why I was so descriptive about him.
To be simple is to be great
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@Fenix...well hun...guess what...I am his younger brother XD....and yes much better looking them him too  .....and yeah I am also a good photographer as well...*takes selfies*....see lol
jk, yeah i did catuper that part when you mention about how you pick/noticed him out from all the that I am thinking...i think he did the same with you isnt it...if his words were here it would probably go like
"and amongest all the beauties I eye couldn't find a more pleasing site as her in my entire life"
or something like that, or even better lol
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ohhh stop *blushing*... sure, I was hot, but there were a lot of girls prettier than me on that club, even one of my roommates (with whom I live a moment to share) was prettier and with bigger boobs (yes, I know the importance of that in a masculine mind), why he noticed me? maybe my attitude, the same I still have and use sometimes, the same I used through my journey, the same that was criticized by the "buyers" on the auction... why I noticed him?, obvious right? ahh and I was a little drunk (something I wasn't 2 weeks later when the session took place)
To be simple is to be great
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"when I want something I go and "grab"
I think we all know what's the object mentioned here right?
A wise man always say:
"Make Love, Not War"
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LOL...not really, i was (still am, again...much older and wiser) very determined when i put something in my mind, basically, that's what i mean with that sentence
To be simple is to be great
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Ah, I see. Well that's a good thing to have, dedication to pursue what you want to achieve and get that is
A wise man always say:
"Make Love, Not War"
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Hello my dears, so, last night I was feeling a little depressed, I feel my brain drained, nothing to say or to do in-game, no mood for fun or even talk, and that's why I decided to write...and I did, I wrote, a lot, while listening to rock ballads I wrote, and made me feel so much better... with no further delays, another spicy moment of my life.
I entered the subway towards downtown, completely unnerved, already passed 10 minutes of 9pm, I kept thinking "Damn, Damn, Damn, Mandinha will kill me", I liked her as a mother and I knew she loved me like a daughter, but that club was her life and she didn't tolerate delays. I sat in the couch, biting my nails, counting the minutes and thinking on what to say and it's all because of that stupid Nelo, and his jealousy, God dammit how do I allow it?, Oh Shit, if he wasn't such a good fuck, I had gotten rid of him, long, long time ago; It was 9.30pm when I reached the entrance of VIPER'S prepared to face anything.
Passing by the door, I greeted Zé and Lau and I went to Mandinha to apologize for the delay, as soon as she saw me, she blasted - "Young Lady, you don't have a clock? " - "Mandinha, I..." - "I don't want to know, get dress, you dance in 10 minutes, we talk later " - and I went toward the dressing room, the club was well made up for that hour, Rose was performing in the pole, Pam and Kate were at the bar, Lour was giving a Lap dance (not surprising, after all she was our star), and that's when I saw him.
Sitting at a table next to the stage, was this God, about forty years old, dark grey Armani suit, green eyes, shapely beard with some grizzled hair that gave him a distinguished air, everything about him emanated sex-appeal, our eyes crossed for a split of a second and I follow my way back to the dressing room. I undressed, take a quick shower, dried myself, put on my black lingerie and dressed my stage outfit, that night an executive suit, a white shirt closed with felt strips, black pants with the same strips on the legs in order to be taken in a single movement, a black coat and to finish the outfit a black hat that I used to hold my hair... and that I took to release my long blonde hair at the exact moment of the music.
Lacked a minute to my performance and I was ready, in the backstage, waiting for my introduction - "Ladies and Gentleman now on stage, A Portuguesinha Marota, your applause for... REBECCA " - my song start to play, a green light focus at the centre of the stage, smoke appeared from beneath the stage, and I entered... and I danced..., and during the time it lasted our eyes met and I danced for him, every piece of clothing I took was for him, only for him, and I have to admit that when I finished I was tremendously excited, and of course, he noticed that.
I went to the dressing room as soon my show was over, took another quick shower, dress my "club" linen, pink lingerie, a top and a mini skirt also pink and come out, to the room, to mingle, the place where we made money and where we could see if our show had gone well or not, of course was still early and the room was at half capacity, but still it was a very good indicator. That night however, I wasn't very happy, not received the amount of looks that usually received and after a small parade around the room, went to the bar, talking to the girls who were there; not even five minutes passed until Claudia call me to do a Lap dance, I followed her and, Oh My God!, my first Lap dance of the night... was for him.
I greeted him with two kisses - "Hi, I'm Rebecca " - "Ciao Bella, Giacomo, come stai? " - if I was already excited, I almost cum after that, not only a God, an Italian God, using all my willpower and trying to be as much professional as possible, I danced for him, brushed into him, simulate oral sex, lie around him, took my clothes, opened my legs, seduced him and made sex with him in my mind, in those 6-7 minutes it was only us in that room... and he loved - "Bravissima, voglio che danzes per me in privato " - I get dressed, gave him my hand, pulled him and took him to a cabin, a Private dance was about to begin.
In VIPER'S the rules were very clear, customers couldn't touch the dancers in Lap dances, but in Private, they could, if the dancers wanted and I wanted, Oh fuck! I want it so bad... however, he was a true gentleman, despite my excitement he kept his composure and his hands away from my body and we talked, him in Italian (which increased my excitement) and I in Portuguese; when it was over, he told me with his deep and intense voice - "ballare di nuovo per me " - and I dance, only this time I don't even bothered to dress, completely out of me, I grabbed his hands and put them in my breasts and... there was no more talk, he grabbed me, pulled me, kissed me, licked me breasts, touched me, stroked my ass, and I completely insane with desire, let him do it all he want, and not even for a second I remembered the main rule of the Club, sex was completely forbidden inside.
I lay down on him, put my cunt in front of his face, opened my legs and invited him, without a word he started licking my pussy while I felt his cock throbbing inside his pants, almost reaching orgasm, I unzipped his trousers, took his cock out and started to suck him, and it was exactly at that very moment, when I was about to cum, his cock in my mouth, that the door opens, Zé, Lau and Mandinha enter through there, and without saying a single word, they grabbed him by his arms and leaded him out of there, and all I could do is look at Mandinha, in tears, I saw in her cold expression all the disappointment she felted, just like a mother who just discovered how slut her daughter is, her silence deafened me and her eyes burned my skin; I wanted a hole to hide, I wanted to run away, I wanted to cry, and I wanted to scream... STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!
She waited until I get dressed, without saying a word, then she took me to her office, she closed the door, sat at her desk, and with a tone of voice I never heard before, she said - "Tania, do you think this is a Brothel? " - "N-no... I-I'm...S-sorry " - I tried to say between sobs - "By any chance YOU ARE, or you WANT TO BE a prostitute? " - "N-no, I... I D-don't... K-know w-what H-happ...ened, I..." - I cried profusely now, and she continued - "Look, if you were another one, I kick you out and sent you to the street, the place where prostitutes belong, something I had to do so many times before... but, the thing is, I like you, you are like the daughter I never had, so, what I'm going to do, is sent you home and you will think about what you want to do, and next week you're going back, and then Young Lady, you will tell me exactly what you want, and if, you decide you want to be a dancer, YOU WILL ACT AS ONE, and YOU WILL BEHAVE AS ONE, because if it happens again, it will not ONLY be the client that Zé and Lau will escort to the backdoor, are we understood? "
Fully understood, this message is recorded in my brain, as if it had been marked in flames, and never, never again I allowed myself to mix business with pleasure, and for the rest of the time I work there, I was from a dedication and Professionalism remarkable. As for Giacomo, I never heard about him anymore, I didn't even knew what they done to him, I sincerely hope they haven't hurt him that much, because he was the least guilty of what happened. In addition to the most embarrassing moment of my life and the hardest lesson I learned, stayed my fascination for the Italian language, something I shared with you guys so many times, but only now I shared the reason why.
To be simple is to be great
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Oh WOW Fen, what a story, fucking amazing!!! WOW, just... WOW, I almost feel that I was there, listening to what she said to you, God dammit...
Ahn...Fen? tens de me dizer por PM, em qual clube trabalhaste, quem sabe, posso lá ter estado e talvez tenha assistido a um dos teus shows... quem sabe, certo?
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04-17-2016, 10:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-18-2016, 08:08 AM by Simple Tania.)
- "Tania, sweetheart, you mind come to my office? " - and the day had arrived, since I started working at BODY, about a year ago I had been warned that this day would come, the day of "Garcia Test". Mr. Garcia was the owner of BODY modelling agency, a shorty, around fifty, with a bulging belly, an expressionless face and a predatory look kind of figure, from fashion he notices nothing, simply, he loved beautiful women and because he had money and few scruples, used his position to take advantage, and the truth is, almost all the girls who worked there went through that "Test".
- "Sure, Mr. Garcia, give me just five minutes " - I replied, while walking to the bathroom, in there, I washed my face, stood in front of the mirror for a few minutes, thinking... thinking... and just like that, I saw on the other side of the mirror a machiavellian smile, the idea occurred to me suddenly, yes, that was it, it was time, to be Garcia passing by "Garcia Test". I wiped my face, touched up my makeup, took the sweater and stay with my white top that betrayed my breasts, straightened my hair, took a little walk, smiled at my image on the other side of the mirror and leave.
I knock at the door - "May I come in Mr. Garcia? " - "Yes, yes, come in Tania, and sit down, please " - I entered, closed the door and walked to the chair in front of his desk, I sat, crossed my legs, trying to imitate Sharon Stone in the famous scene from Basic Instinct, movie that I had seen the week before, and remembered that I hadn't taken my panties, Oh screw it!, it made the desired effect, his pervert eyes almost left the orbit, I laughed between teeth - "Tania, my sweet Tania, we have to talk about your future here, I think it's time " - He told me as he stood up and slowly goes to the door, - "You know what?, I think you have a great potential, and it was a shame if you don't conveniently explore it " - He said as he lock the office door, - "Oh Mr. Garcia, you don't say, but I want (giggles) I really want, tell me what I have to do, please..." - without turning around, I heard him behind me, then I felt his filthy hands touching my shoulders, I almost gave up, Oh shit, the desire I felt to slap his pig face... but I hold it, clenched my teeth, faked a small moan and waited.
- "That's the thing, my dear Tania, I have a very important modelling job, and I think..." - His hands were down my body - "I think that you were perfect for him, and... I also think it would be the push you needed to become a Top Model " - his hands were on my belly and slowly began to rise - "Please, Oh please, Mr. Garcia, give me that job, I do whatever you need me to do " - said between giggles, grabbed her hands and lead them up to my breasts, I turned to him - "Tell me please, what kind of job is that? " - Groping my tits and with a nasty smile of victory on his face, he continued - "calm down, my dear, before I have to take a test " - "A test? " - I asked, as I led one of his hands to my legs, - "Yes, you know?, the job is on LIPS, an advertising campaign for a new lipstick (I really forgot about the brand) and... I have to make sure, that YOURS, are the right ones ".
I got up from the chair between smiles and groans, leaned against him, my lips in front of his, and with a hoarse and sensual voice, I asked - "And?, what you think?, do I have the right LIPS for the job? " - He was paralyzed and then I started to go down, to my knees, right in front of him - "Maybe I need to test my lips otherwise, what do you think, Mr. Garcia? " - "Yes Tania, that's exactly the test I was thinking about, sweetheart " - I began to slack away his belt and then stopped, it was the right time. At that hour was running a photo shoot in the studio, with two or three foreign models and it was perfect, the studio was full; I got up, touched my lips to his ear and told him - "Let's take the test in the studio, it's dark, with only the flashes to light, and with all those people will become a much more interesting test, what do you think? " - already completely crazy with desire and totally unable to use his bottom head, he not even hesitate, unlocked the door and we headed out.
We entered the studio, leaned in a corner, only saw flashes and glimpsed figures, the model do a pose (flash...flash), another pose (flash...flash), no one noticed our arrival, perfect. leaned him against the wall, near the door, lowered his pants to the knees, lowered his underwear, I fell on my haunches and began "my test", licked, sucked, felt his cock shaking inside my mouth, throbbing, when he was about to cum (not even a couple of minutes was passed, nothing that surprises me up), I took his cock from my mouth, grabbed his balls, went up to my hand along the wall until I reach the light switch... I pressed his balls real hard while I turned on the light. Amazement, astonishment, he shouted as I squeezed and twisted his balls and then said - "Listen to me, that's how it goes in this agency, we have to go through "The Garcia Test " - I looked at him and watched him squirm, all eyes on him - "Well?, did I passed the test, scumbag? " - took my hand from his balls, gave him a slap in the face, opened the door and before leaving I said - "Ah! and I QUIT, you can shove that job up yours".
I packed my things, say goodbye to some people, few to speak the truth, since that place was a petty people den and goes out the door. As for my modelling career, ended that day, even tried some others agencies, but in that circles, the news travels fast and hire someone who is capable to do what I did, no way, it was just that I saw in their faces and by that reason I gave up. As for Garcia, I heard in the news, about a year after, that he was sold or was forced to sell the BODY, I think someone made his bed and he, stupid as he was, lay in it.
To be simple is to be great
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*Listens intently to the story, didn't realize that its over for now" Ohh, I was soo absorbed to it! xD
Anyway, thanks for sharing these stories with us. Always looking forward from you more ^^
Also, stay strong Fenix *Gives her a comforting hug*
A wise man always say:
"Make Love, Not War"