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"Privacy" issues
Clearly this has hit a nerve and everyone has made valid points. My concern is when people go out of their way to ruin fun for others and sadly that's always going to be an issue no matter how much we debate.

As for the ignore, godamn right I use it as a punishment. I think I'm open minded in game but if you are rude to me or do something I don't like, unsolicited dick pic for example, ignored you will be and its my choice to do so, I shouldn't have to justify it to anyone.
Heart juicylucy
I really have no objection to anyone's use of the ignore function, though I would point out that if you want the devs to take care of trouble with players you have the report button. And also, having someone ignore you the second you pop onto a screen is certainly very unpleasant.

Having both sides here, explaining how they felt wronged just makes it clear to me that one often does not consider the other side enough, and that misunderstandings are very easy.
ok juicy...tell me how was I rude...i could barely even try to get my point across...i was not there to spoil their..i just want to let them know that what hey were doing was not fair...but they would even let me explain it...see this is new to me thats why I actually went to get enquirer about what this "privet business" is and how to handle it...after learning about it..i just want to let them know why do something in public and balm me for spoiling it...there is clearly a room...just to discuss it..coz its new to me this thing...but they wouldn't even listen to a was just "fuck off" right form the star.

btw..getting ignored is not an issue for something that i know of right form the star of issue is I am being blamed for something that i was not really shore about...i tried to talk it out..but it just went it to an i let it flow that way then.
[Image: YoG5lWf.jpg]
I never said you were rude, I'm speaking in general terms. I wasn't involved in this incident.
Heart juicylucy
ohh...sorry, i misunderstood Undecided
[Image: YoG5lWf.jpg]
No worry, like Belle just said, misunderstandings are easy here, I've had my fair share.
Heart juicylucy
also wanna point out something @Oh_my:

If I you say..public shame you or "bitching" about it in public...could you pleas provide some proof coz as far as I know i only did it two was for enquirer and confirmation (on that day of event) and other was with on lagoon beach....and by no way did I ever mention your name nor your friends name in either of this how this is public shaming you , I have no idea...every one talks about event that happen on this game...and that was what I did on lagoon beach...that's name and your friends name was never pleas show proof where I public shamed name.

as far as I know it was your friend...and her crew that was "trying" to publicly humiliate me on that day.
[Image: YoG5lWf.jpg]
Ohh Dark, it was you??? OK, my dear friend, of course there aren't private shows on public places, but if she tell you "please leave this is a private show" why you return? and why you persist? as for Oh My, I accept the first sentence, I cant accept the FUCK OFF, sure, Dark shouldn't had return but you had no right to talk to him that way (if what he said is true), after's all bad, public discussion, using bad words, other persons involved...DRAMA and more DRAMA.
Lucy, you are in your right to use the button as you want, I just say I don't agree, it's true, I never use it, but I was put on ignore list for 3 or 4 times (by guys and once for a girl) why? because I use my best weapon, words, they send me dick pics? I explain that I don't need, if I want to see dicks, I type "cock" in an internet page and thousands and thousands of cocks just appear, white, black, yellow, big, small, even deformed cocks...all that I explain, some laugh, some understand, and once, a guy don't like, call me "stupid shemale" and put me in ignore list...ohhh I cry so much after that, I even had to take a pill to sleep that night.
The shemale or tranny thing, yes I deal with that since day one - "hey, are you a real TS?" - "yes" I reply..."Tania Sousa, nice to meet you" or "what TS stands for?" - "My initials name" I reply, or "wow, I found another TS" - "really? you met someone called Tania Sousa?" or "why are you a TS?" - "hey man, don't blame me, blame my parents, they gave me that name"...most of the guys laugh and we spend a good time, once a guy don't like my answer, call me "fucking liar" and put me in Ignore list... more tears and more pills to sleep that night...
Rude conversation, invitations, colds, attempt to start a RP...well...just go check "dealing with unwanted invitations", once a guy don't like the way I was messing with him, call me "picky and idiot" and put me in ignore list...that time I try to kill myself swallow the sleeping pills, luckly, the box was almost empty for all the times I need the damn pills to sleep....
The girl, that was so stupid, that when she put me in ignore list, I start to laugh and need the pill because I couldn't stop laughing...
Lucy, what I trying to say is, you miss a lot of good stuff just using that damn button.
To be simple is to be great
Fenix...I promise I did not go back to spoil the show...this whole..."privet" thig for pole dance was new to I went back just to enquirer how is it privet, coz i could easily come in....was there sappous to be some "password" or something...or some new added feature that i missed or what?...and before I could even speak anything i get (omg this a privet show get the fuck off) and they loged out of pole dance...after the log I explain in previous story i get (fuck you dude you had to go and spoil the show)...and so it carried on as explained above.
[Image: YoG5lWf.jpg]
LOL. it sounds like I am missing out. My sense of humour leans to sarcasm which usually goes over people's heads when I use it in game. I have tried to play with the rude ones a bit more lately but I am nowhere near your level. I tip my hat to you, or my cat ears as that is what I think I'm wearing in game right now.
Heart juicylucy

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