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Overall quality of roleplays here?
So to continue in trend of the topic, with whom you got the most pleasant experience in RP, or just overall mood?
[Image: NDPLBU9.png]
Personaly, I have met a couple RPer's. But Not as many as I would hope. I personally change my RP style to my partner, But I would sometimes enjoy a good long RP, maybe a bit of story added. Not all us girls are here for sex you know? But As many here have said, its random, but when you find the good ones. It makes it worth it.
Sometimes its about a certain chemestry, tastes..
I have found some good RP partners around, and a bit for all tastes, so i cant complain
New experiences might come up any day
Every word a world
See I found special RP partners too not long time ago:

[Image: 20f7xaf.png]

A new experience for sure.. *long sigh*
[Image: giphy.gif]

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