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Levels of Roleplay (For the ones who want to learn more)
Disclaimer / explanation:

This is NOT a thread about how to do a better RP, thats has already been done.

Instead, I want to give this tread as a "starter info" for people who want to find out more about the kind of RP and exactly hat RP migh mean in sexual interactions that you can find and get involved with in this game.

This list is based in my personal experience and i dont intend to say its the absolute truth, just my view of things.

Also, i will divide this in levels, but there are a lot of "grey areas" and mixing of styles, so ALWAYS feel free to explore.
And as they mix, the further down you go, you can add from one level to the other

[b]End of Disclaimer / explanation[/b]

So from my personal experience, i see 4 "levels" of interaction / Role play you can have, I have divided them in levels regarding the use of text or immersion:

Animations / No RP
This is the most easy one to stumble upon, just hope into bed and go trough the motions/animations with no talk, or sometimes even just some friendly banter.
This is not my kind of interaction, but I do know that when done properly it can be a enjoyable experience.
For more on how some people use the animations for a deeper encounter, please check this thread.
You can alsotalk to AdamJohn about it, he will be glad to receive your questions.

Dirty talk
This situation is when partners react to the animations. No actual or little RP (described actions) used, but more reactions to the action happening in the animation. Moans, a bit of dirty talk.. Just like it was happening to them.

Sex RP
So for this level and the next, beds become optional, and can many times be done trough PMs
This is when the parts involved use descriptions (usually between ** or --) to describe the actions they are doing to  their partners or themselves. This is the "base" of sexual RP and it allows for actions that the animations don't provide. Also, coupled with the animations, it can provide a lot more "flavour" to the experience.

"Full RP"
This is when you create characters, scenarios, situations.. and usually develop a interaction before the sex RP begins(if ever, some RPs may not even have sex involved). This does bring another level or immersion, and usually more time dedicated for a deeper experience.
People describe interactions, talk in character usually, and this can last for the encounter, days, weeks... who knows...  months.

So this was it, hope it helps people understand better the concepts behind Role playing in this game.

If you have any question or any feedback, please feel free to post them

Again, if the 2 lower levels interest you, please go to this thread for more information and tips

Also, a couple of "tricks" used to improve the experience:
Music - Add a nice soundtrack, makes the experience more intense
Sexy pictures/Gifs - Also helps as a more real visual queue, well used can be really sexy

For the full RP also, use locations, clothes,(recently I did a full RP that envolved 3 sets of clothes and 3 rooms with only sex in the end and it was a lot of fun)  it might small details at times, but it can make it a lot more immersive
Every word a world

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Levels of Roleplay (For the ones who want to learn more) - by RP_RICK - 02-26-2016, 08:38 PM

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