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sound effects and choosing the poses
Coding it so that we are able to choose the pattern is one thing, not really difficult, one would just need to make every part (pussy easy, normal, hard, ...) available right from the start.
But you'd still need to run every part to fill the gauge. It is much more difficult to have it so that you could leave out a part and still have the gauge fill til it's full. I would say it is nearly impossible and every player would need his/her own very personal script. Sure, we could throw away the gauge and have the option to choose the next position enabled from the very beginning of one pose, but would you really want that?

And, as Tao said, it would be to much work that had to be put into this for such a small feature.
[Image: latest?cb=20121215123657&path-prefix=de]
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Messages In This Thread
RE: sound effects and choosing the poses - by Tao - 12-02-2015, 02:40 PM
RE: sound effects and choosing the poses - by Johnny_X - 12-02-2015, 02:55 PM

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