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Everything you always wanted to know about seXP*
I did Pussy Jam (only group pose) got and did Unity then Pussy Jam again.  Unity is a less expensive pose and also predates Pussy Jam.  The results indicate that having a previous pose does not matter for group poses.

Pose Costs (as in the Temple) and Pose Values (as in EXP given) are sometimes different things.  For M-F poses I think that they are the same.  For poses such as Futa or Bulk they are different giving a pose value of only 750 despite a much higher cost.  1 on 1 the pose value is 30% of pose value.  I think that is true for girl poses too.

Pose value will add up to 30% with level differences of 5 or less; 15%:15% at no difference to 30%:0% at 5 levels.  It goes wrong at higher levels as 6 levels gives 33%:0%, 7 36%:0% etc.  It also goes wrong if 1 player is top level; they give 18% to a player 1 level less but receive no EXP.

“XP = a*(Level Average - Level) + b is the governing equation” Agreed.  But I questioned how you arrived at “a”.  “b” appears to be the equal level EXP given to a player 1 on 1 at that pose value.

My Turn values
I see what you have done now.  3a+b=122, -1a+b=45 and you can calculate a and b.  But before b was logical: the EXP given in a 2 way for equal levels at the pose value.  Same poses should not give a difference in a or b.

I too thought that I had the formula, in a different way, until I found rounds that did not fit.

Mnf only very, very rarely gives unexpected EXP.  So are there other factors?

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RE: Everything you always wanted to know about seXP* - by Zephyr - 01-15-2022, 06:04 PM

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