I did Pussy Jam (only group pose) got and did Unity then Pussy Jam again. Unity is a less expensive pose and also predates Pussy Jam. The results indicate that having a previous pose does not matter for group poses.
Pose Costs (as in the Temple) and Pose Values (as in EXP given) are sometimes different things. For M-F poses I think that they are the same. For poses such as Futa or Bulk they are different giving a pose value of only 750 despite a much higher cost. 1 on 1 the pose value is 30% of pose value. I think that is true for girl poses too.
Pose value will add up to 30% with level differences of 5 or less; 15%:15% at no difference to 30%:0% at 5 levels. It goes wrong at higher levels as 6 levels gives 33%:0%, 7 36%:0% etc. It also goes wrong if 1 player is top level; they give 18% to a player 1 level less but receive no EXP.
“XP = a*(Level Average - Level) + b is the governing equation” Agreed. But I questioned how you arrived at “a”. “b” appears to be the equal level EXP given to a player 1 on 1 at that pose value.
My Turn values
I see what you have done now. 3a+b=122, -1a+b=45 and you can calculate a and b. But before b was logical: the EXP given in a 2 way for equal levels at the pose value. Same poses should not give a difference in a or b.
I too thought that I had the formula, in a different way, until I found rounds that did not fit.
Mnf only very, very rarely gives unexpected EXP. So are there other factors?
Pose Costs (as in the Temple) and Pose Values (as in EXP given) are sometimes different things. For M-F poses I think that they are the same. For poses such as Futa or Bulk they are different giving a pose value of only 750 despite a much higher cost. 1 on 1 the pose value is 30% of pose value. I think that is true for girl poses too.
Pose value will add up to 30% with level differences of 5 or less; 15%:15% at no difference to 30%:0% at 5 levels. It goes wrong at higher levels as 6 levels gives 33%:0%, 7 36%:0% etc. It also goes wrong if 1 player is top level; they give 18% to a player 1 level less but receive no EXP.
“XP = a*(Level Average - Level) + b is the governing equation” Agreed. But I questioned how you arrived at “a”. “b” appears to be the equal level EXP given to a player 1 on 1 at that pose value.
My Turn values
I see what you have done now. 3a+b=122, -1a+b=45 and you can calculate a and b. But before b was logical: the EXP given in a 2 way for equal levels at the pose value. Same poses should not give a difference in a or b.
I too thought that I had the formula, in a different way, until I found rounds that did not fit.
Mnf only very, very rarely gives unexpected EXP. So are there other factors?