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Cath’s novel ch.1-30 (abandoned)
Chapter 2: two guys one girl (mostly sfw for now)
   Daniel was once again happy after the incident. With the money he got from the lawsuit he could finally get his own apartment in the city, instead of living in the countryside at his parents' house. Upon arriving with his boxes, he met a cute redhead girl living next door, who gently smiled at him before offering her help. Life was good, he even got a job as a waiter for the restaurant down in his building, the staff was pleasant and helpful. Maybe life was too good, Daniel thought after scoring a date with the neighbour who still didn't tell her name. 
   "Hey, um... isn’t it awkward that I still haven’t got your name?" Dan asked right after that the ginger girl accepted his dinner invitation.
   "Aww... you're so cute. Actually my name is..." the girl said before getting an urgent phone call she had to answer.
   Once again, he was interrupted. He thought that inconveniences were going to show up at some point. He wasn't wrong because the next day, he got an eviction notice, he had a month to find a new house. The girl had already left the building when he got the bad news and he was unable to contact her. Something about the number being unavailable in his country.
   With his eviction notice in his left hand, Daniel sighed and dialled a number on his phone, it rang twice before someone picked up. The voice seemed happily surprised when it answered with a 'hello?'.
   "Hey… Jacob, it's me again. I need your help to find a new place. Turns out the building has some safety issues and needs to be refitted. Or some bullshit like that." A disgruntled Dan explained.
   "Tough luck bro. But don't worry! I can help you with your housing issue, my little brother left my apartment, I have some vacant rooms." The voice of Jacob said with a very laid back tone.
   "You're a lifesaver, man! When can I come?"
   "In the bathroom when I'm not here. Look, I'm at my dad's office so I'll come down to pick you up after work. I'll be here in, like, an hour. Oh by the way, my cousin should come around today, she'll be staying here for a while."
   Daniel knew only one of Jacob's cousin, and he wasn’t sure on how to react.
   "Morena? She's always been a weirdo since high school, no wonder she used that nickname. Remember that time when she spoke that weird language and tried to fight the anatomy skeleton because she said it was a spy?" Dan reminded his friend, cringing.
   The young man could hear and imagine his interlocutor wince with embarrassment.
   "Argh, don't remind me of that! It wasn't as bad as when she punched Edgeman Larry in the face because he said that zombies were cool. Anyway, see you in a bit." Jacob said before quickly hanging up.
   Daniel let out a frustrated sigh, he had flashbacks of the girl's antics and her nerdy appearance. He had a hard time remembering her actual name but he did remember that she usually wore thick turtlenecks and ankle long plaid skirts. Morena even used to wear round glasses because she thought it made her look smart, though her grades said otherwise. Dan had a laugh remembering her embarrassed face when he walked in on her, trying to cast a fireball in her bedroom as she thought she was alone.
   Back to the present, young man Daniel had one hour to get ready for his pick up. Thankfully for the man, he had already packed most of his things, he took one last look at what could have been his new life, especially the bed where he would have probably lost his virginity to the cute girl-next-door. He also had to resign from his job because he was moving to the other side of the city, and spending more than two hours stuck in traffic was a hard pass.
   As for the relationship between Daniel and Jacob, they were long time friends, they knew each other since elementary school. While Daniel was from the middle class, Jack came from a wealthy family. They met for the first time when Morena had accidentally started a fire in an empty classroom and the two boys tried to put it out. Daniel jumped straight into the action when he noticed smoke and also noticed another kid trying to extinguish a fire. The rich Jacob's first gift to his friend was a pair of sunglasses during their first summer break, but the object recently got destroyed by a tank. Since the teenager Dan was unaware of the wealth of his friend back then, he was genuinely friendly with Jack who appreciated the sincerity.
   "You're a true bro, dude." Teen Jacob once said.
   "Jack, next time you're the one doing the cheat sheet." Teen Dan had replied.
   Adult Jacob had the jock body type, he was tall and had the muscle mass of a football player but had a small beer belly from drinking at the frequent parties he went to. He often hid it by wearing loose shirts. Oddly enough, he very rarely did any workout nor did he practiced any sport, aside from the bedroom one. The young man was quite handsome, with a square jawline covered with a three-day-old beard that gave him a slightly rugged appearance. With short raven black hair, combed slightly to his right, as if he often brushed his hand in it, Jacob's overall charisma and confidence easily appealed to the people in average.

In a luxury car, the friend pulled up in front of the building and honked, earning him some annoyed looks from the people walking down the street. As Daniel greeted his buddy, he couldn't help but notice the shiny golden watch on the wrist and the branded clothes, mainly from Hugo Boss. It took them twenty minutes to pick up the cardboard boxes. After making sure that everything was set, they drove to Jacob's apartment.
   "So, how is the dating going?" Jacob said over the sound of the radio.
   "Yeah, she ghosted me in the end." Daniel said with a sigh.
   "Stupid bitch. So, still a virgin?" The driver said with a grin.
   "Shut up, it's not like I’ll get an escort either."
   Jacob let out a frustrated groan before kicking Daniel on the shoulder who let out an "ow" before staring annoyed at his friend who shrugged it off.
   "Bro, I told you we could hire a stripper for your birthday. But no! You don't want to! Dude, if you want to get laid, you have to commit to it." Jacob said. 
   “But the first time should be special, not wasted away.” Daniel said with a pleading voice right as Jacob slowed the car to a halt. “And besides, I want to know the person before hooking up, y’know?”
   They stopped at a red traffic light.
   "Look, you see this car?" Jacob said, tilting his head to the wheel.
   "It's a… Bentley Bentayga, yes?" Daniel asked, clearly clueless.
   The light went green and they continued on their path.
   "You think it matters if I'm not its first driver? No, all you need is to be is comfy in it. You know? All snug and warm." Jacob explained, remembering his latest fling.
   "Oh for fuck sake!" Daniel shouted with exasperation. 
   Jacob squinted his eyes and decided to stop near a woman who was pulling her two luggage near a bus stop. The driver pulled down the window near the girl and leaned towards her, Daniel stepped back so that his friend could get a closer look at the young woman.
   "Yo girl, you lookin' fine out there!" Jacob said to the woman while rapidly moving up and down his left eyebrow. 
   The girl, surprised by the sudden catcalling, turned to the one who spoke and was about to say something before stopping with her mouth open. Her shocked expression was quickly replaced by a happy one with a wide smile. She let out an hysterical scream that made some passerby shoot some intrigued looks.
   "Jack! Dan! Guys, you won't believe what that probably fake taxi driver said! He said that if I don't give him a head, I'll have to get the fuck out." The girl said, leaning on the opened window of the car.
   Daniel unintentionally stared at the woman's lips as she told her story, then subconsciously glanced at her cleavage that revealed her lack of bras. He blushed at his sudden realization. 
   "That explains the cum drooling out!" Jacob said with a straight face.
   The girl looked at her mouth in the reflection of the car and was ready to wipe the semen before she realised that Jack was only joking. With an amused look on her face, she was about to reply.
   "Dude!" Daniel said before the woman could.
   Jacob laughed and was soon followed by the other two.
   "Come on Morena, hop on in! We have some space left." Jack said, pointing to the back of the car with his thumb.
   "Thanks! I'm glad I don't carry much." Morena said, looking at her small luggage. "Oh, and stop calling me that name, guys!" She said, a bit more serious this time.
   Daniel got out of the car to help the girl get her things inside the vehicle, she looked rather pleased to get a ride instead of walking all the way to Jacob's apartment, especially when the evening was about to settle. 
   Dan couldn't help but glance at her and her metamorphosed appearance. Morena was wearing a long blue dress that was hugging her body and exposing her curves, leaving nothing to the imagination. The white summer hat she had was hiding most of her dark hair underneath. To add to the classiness, she had half round glasses sitting on the edge of her pretty nose, and Daniel could notice that they didn't correct her vision. Unlike Jacob and Daniel, her skin was tanned and her body toned, as if she was having some light workout everyday, unlike the two boys. In short, the gorgeous woman had a healthy body shape and was the middle ground between the two men. 
   Once Daniel put in the last luggage, they got in and the driver stepped on the gas.
   "So, how you doin', cousin?" Jacob said while focusing on the road.
   The woman laughed at her cousin trying to act like a guy from 'the hood'.
   "I need a bath! I fucking hate my business trip, the people there are dirty, stinky and their breath are disgusting. But! It’s quite the adventure." Morena said, looking at the window.
   "Where are you working, Morena? In one of the countries that end with 'stan'?" Daniel said, struggling to turn on his seat to look at the woman.
   "My contract forbids me to share that kind of information. And can you stop calling me like that? My name's Abby! It's like spelling two letters!"
   "Sure, sure. But Morena sounds more exotic than Abby. Don't you think, Mediterranean girl?" Jacob said while laughing.
   "For fuck sake!" The girl wanted to say.
   But Abby exclaimed it in an unknown language to the guys before giggling when she realised her mistake. It was guttural tongue, short yet powerful and with lots of 'r' in it. It startled the boys who jumped on their seats which prompted a burst of laughter from the somewhat exotic girl.
   "And you wonder why people called you a weirdo." Daniel said, trying to hide his confusion. "By the way, why are you staying at Jacob's place?"
   Jacob coughed before hitting Daniel on the side who gave him a confused look. Abby looked thoughtful, badly hiding her uncomfort.
   "What? I'm just asking!" Dan protested.
   "I have to do a… thing… for… my… job." Morena hesitantly replied. "Something like head hunting and collecting data. Laying down some stuff as well." 
   "Mor- Abby!" Jacob corrected himself. "Abby's done a lot for our family's business. So, I'm just… returning the favour that we owe her?"
   Abby snorted before leaning forward, Daniel could feel her hot breath on the back of his neck. It sent shivers down his spine.
   "I'm holding his father by the balls and I got him on his knees for me. I love it when men are begging for me to release them." Abby said with a slow and almost amused tone before leaning back to her seat. "Not that it matters to you, Dan." She continued normally, though with a small kick in his seat.
   Jacob glanced to see his friend's reaction and, without surprise, Daniel was shocked and confused. The shy guy turned to Abby who looked at him with a waiting expression on her face and her legs crossed. After a moment of awkward silence, she and Jacob then bursted out laughing their asses off.
   "Yo! We're messing with you! Come on, Cherry boy!" Jacob said with a small wheeze at the end.
   "I knew you were still a virgin when you checked out my ass when you helped me. You gotta be more subtle about it next time." Abby laughed before uncrossing her legs, while not allowing Daniel to see anything of her.
   Jacob stopped giggling and frowned.
   "Next time?" The two men asked at the same time.
   "Sorry about that." Daniel said while trying to avoid making eye contact with her.
   "But more seriously now, Jack's dad owes me a big favour, but Jack proposed to do it in his stead. Who's a good boy?" Abby said before reaching to pat the driver's head who slapped away her hand before she could touch him.
   "Well, since my dad gave me his old apartment, I decided to pay him back by hosting this weirdo. You're not mad about that, bro?" Jacob said as they were approaching the entrance of the underground parking lot of the building. "I'll get you a double of the keys, tomorrow."
   "I said I'm cool with it. And it's nice to see Morena again." Daniel replied before getting his seat kicked by an angry lady.
   "It's Abby." She annoyingly remarked.
   As the car slowly entered the well lit garage, the radio started to crackle and Daniel turned it off after it produced static noises. There was nobody or anything in the parking, aside from a couple of cars. It didn't take long until Jacob found a vacant place next to the lift. 
   "Alright ladies, we're here!" Jacob said as he exited the car.
   "I won't stare this time." Daniel said with a shy smile as he was already taking the luggage out of the vehicle.
   Abby shrugged and got out, taking a good look at Daniel's rear to get even with him.
   "I don't mind the view. Also be careful with this one, I have all my electronic devices in here."
   The trio had to make two trips before bringing everything to his apartment that was at the top of the building. Once they were installed, Jacob pulled out three glasses and a bottle of champagne and gave one to each. Daniel understood quickly and proceeded in pouring the bubbly liquid to everyone, though he wasn’t a heavy drinker.
   "To the good old days!" Jacob said, raising his glass.
   "To the good old days!" The other two replied with a clink as they hit each other’s glass.
   They cheered and began drinking. A lot. It wasn't long before another bottle of champagne was emptied, afterward, they decided to open a handful of bottles of liquor. Two hours later, the three of them were sitting on the couch in the living room, they had their cup either in their hand or standing near them. Jacob proposed to watch the television where he had YouTube installed. And so, the big tv was on and was playing a compilation of random videos, there were a mix of funny clips and weird ones.
   "God damn! It's been a while since I laughed that much!" Daniel said, holding his sides that were beginning to hurt from laughing.
   "Guys, wasn't there like a channel with softcore porn?" Abby said, lazily leaning against her cousin as the alcohol seemed to be getting to her head.
   "Bitch you're wasted! I'm not gonna watch porn with my cousin! I don't mind with Daniel though." Jacob said as he pushed Abby away from him.
   The woman lazily landed her head on Daniel's shoulder who almost spilled his glass from the impact. He was a bit shocked and turned to his best friend.
   "Dude! I don't swing that way!" Daniel said, with a bit of panic in his voice.
   "Ugh…" Abby moaned before chugging her drink. "I haven't watched any porn in, like, forever! They don't have any good stuff back there!"
   "That's a 'you' problem!" Jacob said with a hint of irritation in his voice.
   "Shit, I think I drank too much." Abby mumbled as she tried to stand straight. "I'm gonna take a shower and head to bed. Have fun, guys." Abby said as she struggled to get on her feet. “And don’t fuck Daniel when he’s passed out.”
   Upon hearing that, Daniel got up as well and held her as she was wobbling towards the bathroom, he struggled with her weight even though she was probably lighter than him. Jacob turned off the TV and turned to the two as they were slowly walking away.
   "Don't try to be a 'Nice guy', bro. Girls don't like when you act nice just to get in their pants." Jacob said as he looked at Daniel.
   "I'm not a Nice guy! Also I'm not into Morena!" Dan replied, not noticing Abby's annoyed look.
   Abby groaned but smiled when she was sure they didn't look at her. She stumbled and landed on her knee, right next to her helper's crotch. Of course, Dan panicked.
   "Shit… can you help me undress too?"
   Obviously, Daniel was baffled and looked at his friend for advice, but the man just shrugged and went to the kitchen with the empty glasses. In the bathroom, as Dan was feeling obligated to help the girl undress, he accepted but tried to look as little as possible. Unzipping her blue dress with his eyes closed and trying to slide it down her waist was harder than he thought. Abby was drunkenly giggling the whole time.
   "Jesus! Why do you have to get tight dresses!" A kneeling Daniel complained while trying to not open his eyes.
   The only reply he got was just a moan when it finally slid down. He opened his eyes to see what happened for her to make such noise. To his great surprise, he learned that the woman wasn't wearing any underwear nor that she shaved her pubic hair. His heart was beating fast as he tried to not stare at Abby's nakedness. His face was three centimetres away from her bush. To make matters worse, she decided to stretch and made cute noises as she was extending her arms.
   "I… I can't take this anymore!" Daniel cried before bolting out of the bathroom while hiding his crotch.
   Once Abby was sure that she was alone, she sighed with disappointment and took a shower without any problem, as if she wasn’t drunk at all. The mischievous woman wasn't too happy and looked like she was holding a tear.
Let's see the bright sight of this world!

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Cath’s novel ch.1-30 (abandoned) - by Cath - 06-29-2021, 02:00 PM
RE: Cath’s novel (ongoing) - by Cath - 06-30-2021, 09:32 PM
RE: Cath’s novel (ongoing) - by Cath - 07-11-2021, 02:13 PM
RE: Cath’s novel (ongoing) - by Cath - 08-05-2021, 08:47 PM
RE: Cath’s novel (ongoing) - by Cath - 08-07-2021, 07:13 AM
RE: Cath’s novel (ongoing) - by Cath - 09-08-2021, 09:07 AM
RE: Cath’s novel (ongoing) - by Cath - 09-08-2021, 09:49 PM
RE: Cath’s novel (ongoing) - by Cath - 09-18-2021, 09:59 AM
RE: Cath’s novel (ongoing) - by Cath - 10-19-2021, 08:06 PM
RE: Cath’s novel (ongoing) - by Cath - 10-22-2021, 10:07 PM
RE: Cath’s novel (ongoing) - by Cath - 10-24-2021, 03:50 PM
RE: Cath’s novel (ongoing) - by Cath - 11-05-2021, 10:52 PM
RE: Cath’s novel (ongoing) - by Cath - 11-07-2021, 04:00 PM
RE: Cath’s novel (ongoing) - by Cath - 01-06-2022, 07:17 PM
RE: Cath’s novel (ongoing) - by Cath - 02-07-2022, 08:46 PM
RE: Cath’s novel (ongoing) - by Cath - 03-19-2022, 11:39 PM
RE: Cath’s novel (ongoing) - by Cath - 04-12-2022, 07:25 PM
RE: Cath’s novel (ongoing) - by Cath - 04-12-2022, 08:44 PM
RE: Cath’s novel ch.1-30 (abandoned) - by Cath - 04-13-2022, 07:48 AM
RE: Cath’s novel ch.1-30 (abandoned) - by Cath - 04-13-2022, 10:44 AM
RE: Cath’s novel ch.1-30 (abandoned) - by Cath - 04-13-2022, 12:16 PM
RE: Cath’s novel ch.1-30 (abandoned) - by Cath - 04-13-2022, 01:41 PM
RE: Cath’s novel ch.1-30 (abandoned) - by Cath - 03-06-2023, 10:13 PM

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