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Tanya's inspiring tank story
After the raid of the warehouse by Brown's mercenary, the instructor Tanya Schuldner awkwardly began a relationship with the maid Maria Mucama. They looked at each other in a different way, often catching themselves absentmindedly staring at the other person. Their banter were less and less frequent, replaced by awkward silences and stutters. Their employer, Emma Brown, decided to break the status quo of their relation by making them work together more often, like gardening or doing supply runs for the mansion. The couple complied.
   After a training session with her pupils, Tanya walked to the garage for cars and trucks, which was in the opposite wing of the garage for the armoured vehicles. Maria was already in the car was reinforced with sturdy metal plates, checking her smartphone while waiting for her partner for the supply run. Tanya knocked of the conductor's window, starling the conductor which wasn't her intentional plan. The instructor noticed the Federation's uniform, but the patches had been washed so many times that they lost their colours and what was sown on them were unreadable. 
   "So… have you been waiting for me? Also what's with your clothes?"
   The maid looked the other way, falsely offended.
   "Get in the car already, the armourer will close in an hour."
   Tanya looked disappointed but sat at the passenger seat. The women felt uncomfortable with each other after their intense sex session in the bathroom a week ago. They sat afar and avoided making eye contact, preferring to look at the opposite direction. Their usual bickering wasn't the same, they didn't call each other names.
   "Who's the supplier again?" Tanya asked after a few minutes of silence.
   "Brown and cie. When it comes to arming herself, she only goes to her own companies."
   "A bit presumptuous, don't you think?" 
   "Don't know, don't care. Just do as you're told."
   "Yeah… um… do you have the list of what we need?" 
   "It's in the glove box. Just make sure to put everything in place after."
   When she opened the compartment, Tanya was a but surprised to see a condom fall off. She pretended that she didn't see anything and picked through the list. There were a couple of rifles and lots of crate of ammo, from small caliber to artillery shells. After reading the list, the tank instructor looked at the back for the car and frowned.
   "You sure we'll have enough space?" 
   "They'll lend us a cart."
   "Something's wrong?"
   They arrived at the weapon manufacturer and drove to the depot where a group of 20 armed guards were waiting. A large man walked to them as the women left the car. They both felt tiny in front of him.
   "Hey Igor, sorry for the wait. Do you have what Miss Brown asked for?"
   "But of course! But I'm afraid you'll have to have these guys accompany you." The imposing man said with a deep voice.
   "That won't be necessary, but thank you."
   "I insist. I know that this cargo is still pretty valuable. For these valuables, we have already prepared everything." The man said, pointing at two black SUV with extra armour and a trapdoor at the roof of them.
   "Fine, better safe than sorry I guess?"
   The people entered their vehicles, the armed guards went to their SUVs, one took the lead and the other end of the convoy. The two women felt a bit oppressed by being forced to be escorted, laughing nervously.
   "Anyway, let's head out." Maria said on the radio.
   The convoy barely left the secured area of the arsenal that a bullet went through the windshield and missed Maria who was driving. The vehicles immediately stopped, the first car parked itself perpendicular to the armoured car as a defensive barrier. The vehicles were making a T and the people would take cover behind the first car. And so, the guards got out and spread out to take a defensive position. The last car deployed its passengers and took cover near the last two cars. Another bullet hit Maria's car and scratched her shoulder even though she was leaning backward with her seat, preparing her rifle. The maid looked at the tank instructor who was hunkering down, holding her head between her hands. 
   "Get to safety, we'll handle it!" Maria said before opening the car door and taking cover behind it.
   Tanya nodded and imitated the maid, using the door as a cover to go behind the armoured car and behind the SUV where the other guards helped her get to cover behind the last car. The hidden shooter managed to hit on the guards of the first car, the impact was enough to knock him down.
   "Man down! Vadim, stabilise him and evacuate him!" Shouted one of the guards. "Cover fire! And find that son of whore!"
   "On it!" Said the man named Vadim who rushed to the wounded.
   The man got shot in the head as he was running, the bullet hit right under the helmet. The guard made a few steps before falling to the ground like a rag doll.
   "Vadim! Motherfuckers! Kill those dogs!" Said the man who looked like he was in charge since he was the one giving orders.
   One of the guards noticed something blinking and decided to shoot at that direction which was a small hill with lots of vegetation on it.
   "I think I found them!" Shouted the man. 
   The blinking stopped and the bushes started moving.
   "Found the motherfucker! Annihilate him!" The leader said, using tracers to show where to shoot.
   "Shasqua 1, this is Shasqua 2. We've noticed movement from behind. Looks like we're ge-" the radio broadcasted, followed by grunting.
   Maria looked behind her and saw five men armed with daggers assaulting the rear guards where Tanya was. The maid inhaled deeply, took aim and shot once, then shot again. The three remaining enemies attacking the rear jumped on the nearest guard who had an automatic shotgun and were wiped in a few gunshots.
   "Boris, have you found the fucker yet?" The leader asked urgently.
   "Shut up. Found you!" Said the man named Boris who had a precision rifle with a large scope, the size of his forearm.
   The guard shot dead the enemy marksman, he smirked when he saw the target collapse.
   "Oi! What's that sound?" Said a rear guard, looking around.
   The man looked at the dead body of one of the melee attackers and discovered a ticking explosive vest. 
   "Shit! Suicide bombers!" Were the last words of the guard.
   The explosive vests went off, killing the nearest guards and injuring the one who weren't behind a cover. Tanya who was hunkering down behind the vehicle got hit by a severed arm that fell down on her. Her eyes widened and she started screaming and hyperventilating. She held her chest as she tried to back away from the limb but she was already against the car. Maria ran to the instructor but was shot at from an unknown direction.
   "Shit! We're not done! Has any security drone been launched from base, yet?"
   "Estimated time of arrival is 5 minutes." Replied a guard who just called the base for assistance.
   "We won't hold that long! Pop some smokes we're redeploying and try to figure out what the fuck is going on."
   "All units, launching smoke grenades!"
   The gunshots stopped as the smoke filled the area. The guards were trying to figure out where the gunshots came from until one of them dropped on the ground, hit head was nothing but gore, with the reminains of what was supposed to be a vertebra. The impact of the body on the ground was then followed by the sound of the gunshot. The bullet had created a funnel from where it went. One of the guards freaked out and decided to shoot where the bullet came from, screaming like if he was possessed. Luckily for him, the next bullet missed him barely, but he was scratched by the shockwave made by the projectile velocity.
   "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! We're blind! Where's the drone?!"
   "One more minute!" 
   "Alright people! Keep your head down, reload and prepare your adrenaline shots! Once the drone's here, we'll wipe them out!" 
   The leader pulled out a speaker out of his pocket and started playing Last Stand from Sabaton. 
   "We are Miss Brown's guards! We are her hands and her will! We shall avenge our brothers and carry out our boss' will! We shall know no fear as we are fear itself!" The leader said in the radio.
   He then learnt that the drone has arrived, receiving visuals on the surroundings as well as the enemy position. The guards injected the adrenaline and started firing at the last hidden sniper.
   "Kolesvov, Matveyev, flank the motherfucker! The rest, with me!" The leader said as he left his cover and walked towards the enemy, firing his rifle from the hip.
   The men followed their leader's order, shouting "ura" as they marched forward. The man in charge was fired upon by the last enemy but seemed to be dodging the bullets as if they were snowballs thrown by a child. Maria ran to Tanya who was hyperventilating while being curled up. The armed woman reached for the distressed woman, who jumped from the touch. Miss Brown, who was wearing a red dress,   arrived escorted by twenty mercenaries, armed to the teeth. The guards just finished the last enemy after beating the him with their gun barrels, laughing hysterically. A pair of paramedics were rushing to the wounded who were squirming in pain. The employer looked at the two women before talking to the leader of the guards who was holding the broken sniper rifle of a fallen enemy.
   "Should we help the girl? She seems pretty shaken." The leader said, trying to look calm even though he was still under the influence of the adrenaline shot.
   "Don't worry about them, now, what happened?"
   The man started explaining. The mercenaries began securing the area, gathering the corpses of both faction but making sure they were in two separate groups. Maria held Tanya in her arms, holding her tight as if to force her to stop breathing in a frenetical manner. 
   "I'm here, I'm here" Maria kept repeating.
   Tanya held back the maid, as she looked like she was calming down. The panicked girl finally stopped breathing rapidly but cried silently. Maria pat the other woman's head and hugged her tight.
   "It's okay, it's over now. We're going home." Maria said in a soothing tone.
   "I wanna my momma!" Tanya whined.
   "Um… sure? We'll go see momma. Come on, now. Get up." The maid said, trying to get Tanya on her two legs.
   The maid helped the instructor walk to the car, helped her sit on the passenger seat. Miss Brown walked to them as Maria was about to enter the vehicle.
   "I've overheard the conversation. Here's the address of our dear tank instructor. I'll accompany you this time." Brown said, taking a seat at the rear.
   "As you wish, miss." Maria said as she drove back to the mansion to drop the cargo. 
   Tanya was still shaken but noticed a lot of people wearing the same uniform as the maid, they were the ones taking care of the supplies that the women brought. The instructor fell asleep on the laps of Miss Brown, at the backside of the vehicle. The address was of a flat in high density habitation complex. The sun was rising when they arrived. The maid was wary of the area since it was her first time there. 
   "How does it feel to be so far away from home?" Chuckled Miss Brown as she was getting out of the vehicle after gently waking up Tanya.
   "Like a fish out of the aquarium. I don't like this place, it doesn't feel safe. Do we have backups?" Maria said, feeling her pistol on her hip, hidden under her jacket.
   "Oh my. But you are the backups. Don't worry, I'm here." Brown said as the three women walked to the entrance.
   But before the three women could even use the inter-phone, the door opened and a small tower of anime-like figurines were dangling from the door handle. Tanya noticed the cat ears on the robots and wondered what those things were doing there. Miss Brown chuckled and picked the three-figurine-tower in her hands and put them in a pocket inside her blouse.
   "What was that?" Tanya said, a little more self conscious of where she was.
   "CATHs. It means that everything is clear. But if worse comes to worse, they'll be our backups. Now now, lead the way, tank instructor Schuldner."
   "Ugh… Why did I even asked that?" Tanya said as they went for the elevator.
   Maria was still suspicious of the place, looking around to see any security camera and for possible exits. The employer was smiling idly as they waited for the elevator to come. When it's door opened, it reeked of alcohol and cigarette smoke which managed to make the employer stop smiling for a fraction of second. Tanya reluctantly pushed the worn down button of her floor. As the cabin moved upward, some muffled music could be heard as well as some people screaming at each other.
   "I almost forgot how it was to live here." Tanya grumbled.
   "Well, at least I'll meet my in-laws." Maria said, trying to relax the atmosphere. 
   "I wonder if she remembers me?" Brown said to herself.
   The other two women turned to the well dressed woman with a surprised face and were about to say something when the doors of the elevator opened. Miss Brown gestured to Tanya to lead the way. They arrived at a door with "D. Hündin" engraved on it. The button of the doorbell ring was missing and the tank instructor had to knock.
   "Jesus, they haven't replaced it yet!" Tanya said before punching the door since nobody was answering.
   "I'm coming! Don't break the door, asshole!" Said a pissed female voice from inside the flat.
   Maria pushed Tanya aside to prevent the woman from breaking her knuckles on the reinforced door.
   "That's Diana for you." Chuckled Miss Brown.
   The door opened suddenly, with a tired looking woman in her forties, with messy hair and undone night blouse. She was almost surprised to see a person in a Federation uniform, letting out a swear word between her teeth.
   "Look, if it's Andrew, I did have sex with him but it was outside his work shift. Also don't blame me, blame him." Diana said, already annoyed.
   "Mom, what have you done this time?"
   "Look who it is? Eldest daughter of mine finally came back home. Your tanks had you busy enough to not contact me anymore, didn't they?"
   "Look, if you actually cared about me, you'd have sent letters or something." Tanya replied.
   "I did. So, except if you changed your address, there should be a ton of mail resting in your mailbox."
   Miss Brown decided to step in, still with a benevolent smile.
   "Hello Hündin, I know it's extremely early. Could you invite us inside so we don't have to stand in the hallway."
   Diana frowned upon the sight of Miss Brown but was too tired to just stand at the door. They followed Tanya's mom to the kitchen where the only table of the flat was. The female guests sat on the chairs, Maria noticed that every chair had a name written on each chair back and she was on Tina's name. Miss Brown was on Tony's and Tanya was on her own chair. Diana went to make some coffee from the coffee machine that looked like it came from an office since it had a digital screen and an empty holder for plastic cups. 
   "Too early for this shit." The mother grumbled as she pressed the screen for an American coffee.
   The machine purred as it was pouring the black liquid in the mug. The mother turned to the guests and pointed to machine with her mug as a "want some?" but the women declined. Diana sat on her chair and loudly sipped before putting down the cup. The mother was sitting between her eldest daughter and the chair of Karl. The other names were Terry, Tally and Tammy. Maria looked unimpressed by the diversity of name and thought that Karl was probably the youngest sibling as if the mother gave up thinking of name starting with the letter "T". The employer, while gently smiling, was starring straight into the unfazed mother's eyes. Some kind of animosity was emanating from their gaze, some silent war fought only with their eyes. 
   "So, you're here to take my eldest daughter?" Diana finally asked after a silent moment that felt like an eternity for the women sitting at the table.
   "Wait… you know my boss?" Tanya asked, genuinely surprised.
   "Turns out, Emma thought you'd be placed in an orphanage or something like that. So she wanted to make a deal with me."
   "Wait… a deal?" The daughter interrupted.
   "Let me finish first. Now… where was I? Ah yes. Emma was the one who helped me get a home and a job. In exchange, I'd give her something back. I was young so I thought I'd give her one of my children. Well, it never happened on my own volition, it seems." Diana said, sounding annoyed at the end.
   Miss Brown opened and closed her mouth before showing her teeth in a big wide smile, her emerald eyes looked like they were glowing. Maria looked nervous all of a sudden, as if she smelled danger. Tanya was oblivious of all this, as she was trying to piece together the fact that she was considered as merchandise. She suddenly stood up, banging her fist on the table.
   "I can't believe you've been using me all this time!" She shouted.
   Maria tried to get her to sit down but for some reason she wasn't strong enough. The employer and the mother turned to her with a slightly surprised face. Miss Brown was surprised enough to stop smiling.
   "I didn't use you." Miss Brown and Diana said.
   "That's what you always say! Can't stand you anymore!" Tanya said as she stormed into her old bedroom.
   The maid was about to follow the instructor, but her employer held her back by holding her by the armpit. Diana pulled out a pack of cigarettes and took one that she lit after putting it between her lips. 
   "You aren't going after her?" Miss Brown said, with a benevolent smile.
   "Can't reason with her when she's like that. I had to pin her down when she was going to hurt her siblings."
   "Anyway, we came here because she was crying to see you. She got into a firefight."
   Diana's eyes widened, her cigarette in the verge falling off her lips.
   "Don't tell me you put her in danger!" The mother shouted, her cigarette seemed to have been glued to her lower lip.
   "Unfortunately, I can't deny that I did."
   The mother stood up and was about to grab the employer by the collar but was stopped by the maid who interposed herself. The mom sat down but not without a frustrated sigh.
   "You're lucky you've got a bodyguard. You broke my daughter, again!"
   "Again?" Maria asked as she turned to her employer.
   "I was the one who suggested sending an armoured platoon to guard the village where she died for the second time." Miss Brown said, suddenly looking worn down as she had stopped smiling.
   For the first time, Maria saw her employer looking exhausted, with dark circles under her eyes and it felt like she had almost invisible wrinkles on her face. Diana looked gloomy as well, looking down at her cup of coffee.
   "Wait… is Tanya a special individual?" Maria asked without hoping for an answer.
   "Tanya was my first child, she was quickly followed by her twin Tina. Tanya hadn't the strength to breath and died shortly after she got out of the womb. Tina, on the contrary, was strong, healthy and alive. So, I made a deal with the devil, her." Diana said, designating Emma with the end of her cigaret, "I'd work even harder to repay the devil. The second death was during her military service for the Federation, I had to make another deal with the devil, this time I'd have to move to this shitty place so I could pay the devil." Diana said, shaking just from thinking about all she had to do for her eldest daughter.
   "Miss, is that true? Isn't that abusing your powers?"
   "Recalling someone requires sacrifices, it was preferable if she asked for it than if I did it on my own."
   "But then, what happened for the third time?"
   "There was a third time?" Diana, the mother, asked.
   "A rival of mine sent one of their goons. With her third death, I had to give away my industries in west Asia. Which is a fifth of my income gone."
   "Wait… giving away… to whom?" Maria said.
   "You don't want to know." Miss Brown said.
   A loud thud came from Tanya's old bedroom, the three women rushed to the door which opened violently. Tanya was pinned down in an armlock by her twin sister, Tina who looked pretty pissed. Behind her were the half asleep Tony, Terry, Tally and Tammy. The twin sister had kicked the door open with her free leg.
   "For fuck sake! People are trying to sleep!" Tina screamed.
   "I said that I'm sorry! Let go already!"
   "Fuck no! Also where's the uniform I made for you? You didn't even send me a picture of how it looks on you! I've spent countless hours sewing it for your deadbeat ass!" The twin said, tightening her grip.
   "Tina! That's enough! Let go of your sister already! We've got guests." Diana said, nodding in the direction of Emma and Maria.
   The sister sigh and obeyed. The whole family was now entirely awake, slightly grumpy but awake. Miss Brown started laughing, which surprised the others who turned towards her.
   "So, Tanya, go and do what you wanted to do here and we'll leave as soon as possible. We still have some business to do." 
   "Who're you?" The siblings asked upon seeing the well dressed woman and the other one in a uniform.
   "I'm Brown, and the other one is Maria." The employer said joyfully.
   Diana turned to the maid and gave her a "is she always like that?" look and got a disbelieved look in return. Tanya walked to her mom and hugged her tight. In return, the mother hugged her back, with tears rolling down her cheeks. Tina grunted and decided to hug her twin, the other sibling followed and it became a big family hug. Maria turned to Miss Brown but the employer was already hiding an envelope behind the coffee machine before joining her maid. Maria noticed that there was a sewing machine in the children's bedroom, with lots of posters of different celebrities, from singers to military figures, some that looked like they had an autograph on them. 
   "I'll try to be nicer with them." Tanya said.
   The group hug ended, the eldest daughter wiped the tears of the mother before wiping hers. Tanya took a deep breath and turned to Brown. The young woman looked anew, as if she had a revelation. The woman in uniform noticed that her employer also looked less tired and more joyful.
   "Boss, I'm sorry."
   "How come?" Miss Brown said with a slightly surprised expression.
   "I've put you in a lot of troubles, I'll try to make it up to you, somehow."
   "Haha, I'm not going to create a family debt. Let's just say that we're even."
   Diana the mother let out a sigh before walking to Brown and looked in her eyes.
   "My family will always try to resist you, give it a few generations and maybe one of my kin will appreciate you for who you are. I wish that you'll keep my baby safe, ok?"
   "Hey! Who are you calling a baby?!"
   "You're still my babies." Diana said, hugging her children.

   "You are still my baby, she said. Ugh… why does she has to always be like that?" Tanya said, imitating her mother's voice as she was sitting on the passenger seat.
   "Plural." Miss Brown said as she was reading something on her phone.
   "By the way, your mother's name is Hündin. Where did Schuldner come from?" Maria asked.
   "No idea, she refused to tell us. Maybe it's from Karl?"
   "He isn't your sibling?" 
   "No, I don't think so? I never met any Karl. Actually no, I met one during my military training, he was about my age back then, he also had a big dick."
   Maria chocked on an imaginary drink, Miss Brown didn't seem to be shocked as she was still reading on her phone. The employer decided to get some snacks at a convenience store where there was only one person, a male cashier who looked like he was sleeping with his eyes open. Miss Brown's employees followed her through the two aisles. The was no sound aside from the heater at the entrance and the footsteps of Brown's heels. 
   "Morning, Michael. You shouldn't be sleeping on the job." Brown said after dropping a handful of bags of chips in the counter.
   The man jumped as he was startled by the only customer.
   "Erm… good morning, Miss B. Do you want a bag for that?"
   "No need, make sure your squadron is ready for my call. Bring everything." 
   "Always ready for you, Miss B."
   "Except today." Tanya said, ogling at the snacks.
   "Sleeping on the job when Miss Brown is here? Unacceptable." Maria added, giving the man a bad look.
   The employer waved her hand to tell the girls to stand down and to follow her back to the armoured car. The journey was quite tiring and the employer gave the women the day off, even if Maria, who was the main maid of the mansion, protested to have the day to rest.
   "You've been working for a prolonged period of time, from the chores to a shootout. Go on, have some time for yourself."

Tanya lied on her bed, stripped to her underwear. She was staring at the ceiling, trying to process all that has happened recently. There were chatters outside of the mansion, there were lots of noises from trucks driving around. Footsteps could be heard in the hallway, some with metallic sounds. Some people were giving orders but were muffled by the walls of the bedroom. Tanya grumbled and decided to get dressed in something casual, a sweater and a pair of jeans. She threaded the hallways in search of a quiet place, but not even the basement was quiet enough, on the contrary, it was bustling with people running around, some carrying crates, some with stacks of papers and others with electronic devices.
   "Tanya? What are you doing here?" Maria said, stumbling on her while leaving the kitchen.
   "I can't sleep, too much noise."
   "Is that so? You can sleep in my room, it's soundproof."
   "Thanks. Awfully nice of you to propose that."
   "Shut up, butt slut."
   "That's what I thought. Holy Vir… wait... are you still a virgin?"
   Maria blushed and put her hand on the instructor's hip.
   "Maybe we could verify this, Nice Butt." The maid said, copping a feel on Tanya's behind.
   "I… "
   The instructor didn't have enough time to answer that the maid embraced Tanya, invading the woman's mouth with her tongue. The kissed woman reciprocated by caressing the maid's head and kissing back. They were interrupted by a woman dressed as a maid.
   "Oi! What the fuck are you doing here? Get to work or get out!" The maid said with a Scottish accent.
   The kissing ladies stopped and turned to the one who interrupted them.
   "Shut up, Bettis. Can't you read the mood?"
   "You may be the head maid, but now that there's an operation, there's lots of us here. You're in the way."
   "You're right about something. We'll move this somewhere else." Tanya said as she took Maria's hand before walking away.
   A few minutes later, the two girls were naked and rubbing each other with their already wet slits. They were using a random guest room, which they had locked the door to prevent any uninvited interruption. Their clothes were scattered on the floor as the women were furiously kissing as they were heading for the bed. The room was filled with their moans and wet noises. The people in heat were clumsily pushing their private parts on the other's, trying to keep contact as much as possible but their poor coordination made them disconnect from time to time. After some frustrating attempts at pleasing the both of them, Maria sigh and stopped.
   "It isn't working. Let's try something else." The maid said, touching herself to stay horny.
   "Yeah, I'm not used to this. Can we do some sixty-nine again?" The instructor said, pressing her lips on the maid's lower ones while penetrating herself with two fingers.
   Maria gently moaned and caressed Tanya's head.
   "I still haven't been penetrated by a penis yet." The maid said, biting her lower lip.
   At this moment, they felt a cold breeze even tho the windows were closed. They then noticed a pink piece of plastic lying next to them.
   "What the… " The instructor said.
   "You know what? Don't question it. Now take my virginity." The maid said, taking the double ended dildo.
   "Ok… at least I'm used to that kind of shape. Let me… insert it." The instructor said, inserting the toy in her drenched quiver.
   Tanya shivered as she hasn't had any meat in her for a while. She bent the dildo to guide the tip to the entrance of Maria's vagina. The maid had spread her legs to fully welcome the instructor. The latter pressed a bit against the wet spot and looked at her lover.
   "Are you sure you want to do it?"
   "What? You didn't come up with a new name for Holy Virgin?" Maria said, caressing the instructor's legs and moving up to reach the other's ass.
   "You do love my ass, huh?" Tanya said after her butt cheeks were squeezed.
   "I want to lose my virginity to you, so please. Stop making me wait."
   "Oh shut up, what is this? Some shitty love story written by a teenager?" The instructor said pushing in the tip of the dildo even more.
   Maria wrapped her legs around Tanya's body and pushed her inside of her, letting out a grunt as she felt the full length of the sex toy in her inside. Tanya looked surprised at first, but seeing the surprised face of her partner made her burst into laughter. The maid blushed of embarrassment but she quickly forgot about it when she felt the warm lips of her lover on her neck. Tanya slowly began to move her hips, making sure to be as gentle as possible. Her hair was standing on end as she felt the breath of the woman on her skin. She became addicted to it and she began to pick up pace, feeling her partner breathing faster and faster until she tensed up.
   "Oh god!" The maid moaned as she came.
   Tanya got chills as she felt Maria's orgasm through the double ended dildo. She cooed at the sight of bringing her partner to orgasm. The maid, while panting, embraced her lover, caressing anything that she could reach. The instructor kept a steady pace, breathing heavily as she wasn't used to being the one doing most of the work during the missionary position. Maria noticed it and held her still.
   "I'm getting the hang of it, now lay down."
   They switched position and her maid was now on top, lovingly grinding against her lover, feeling her breast and pinching her nipples. Tanya squirmed from Maria's touch, they were both soaking the mattress with their fluids. The couple tried different positions, with and without the pink sex toy. From doggystyle to doing the sixth nine. After an hour, they cuddling on the bed, covered in sweat and slightly panting.
   "Jesus, Maria…" Tanya said, stroking Maria's hair.
   "I never thought I'd turn lesbian."
   "All spaghettis are straight until they get wet." Maria said, stroking Tanya's nether region.
   "Hah! You bitch." Tanya said, chuckling. "Were you a lesbian?"
   "I never considered my sexual orientation, I never thought about it."
   Tanya raised her eyebrow and paused for a moment.
   "Why, though?"
   "I've dedicated my life to keeping this mansion safe, but with you, I feel like I can be more than a maid."
   "That's kind of sad, actually."
   "I've always been satisfied with my life, I was made for it."
   "I feel like I haven't got my calling yet. And meeting Brown made me feel so… insignificant."
   Maria gently rubbed Tanya's stomach. The instructor purred and kissed the maid's forehead.
   "Someone's significance depends on the scale they compare themselves. And for me, you're everything but insignificant." Maria paused. "That was cringy." 
   "Yeah, but thanks anyway." Tanya said, holding a tear of joy in her eyes.
   "Jesus, are you really getting emotional right now?"
   "Shut up, Muca."
   "Is that my new nickname? What are you then? Schul?"
   "How about Mocha and Tan? Could be a code name too."
   "Sure, Mocha and Tan. Now, should we get back to fucking or something else? I still need you to find someone to fuck me, preferably someone I don't work with."
   "I'm actually pretty tired. Don't get me wrong, but all that action was very exhausting." Tanya said before yawning. 
   Maria yawned too and they agreed to sleep together after getting another bedroom.

   The mansion was slowly turning into a fortress, the metallic fences had been turned to concrete walls with guard towers alongside, ditches had been dug with huge diggers. Various anti-air defence systems had risen from the ground and small drones were circulating, some were equipped with a one-use gun barrel. Miss Brown controlled every radar that belonged to the military and public airports, her people were watching the radars in a control room inside the mansion. 
   The employer was wearing a white business suit and a white beret, she was sitting on a bench in the garden, looking at the snow coming down on the landscape. The were two armed men a few meters away from her, watching over her while smoking a cigarette near a trash bin with an ashtray on it. One had a light machine gun and was wearing Russian military winter camo although wearing a greenish tactical vest. The other man was wearing Russian military woodland camo with the same tactical vest as his colleague, he was carrying a Kalashnikov assault rifle with one hand while using his smartphone on the other hand. The green soldier raised his phone, in his camera mode and was about to take a picture before the white soldier placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
   "What do you think you're doing, Nikola?"
   "You've got to admit, having beautiful woman clad in white in the snow is a sight to behold."
   "Do you want to get in trouble?"
   "What's the matter, Ilia?"
   "It isn't one of her look-alike or daughters. Nobody can take a picture of her, even her most trusted men."
   "Ah? I thought it was Natalia."
   "Nah, Natalia has a mole near hear left ear. That's our real boss."
   "Shoot, almost made a blunder."
   Miss Brown pulled out small umbrella and hid from the snow. She looked at the armed men and smiled at them.
   "Come sit with me, although no smoking." 
   Nikola and Ilia obeyed, putting out their cigarette on the ashtray and sat next to their employer. Miss Brown pulled out a deck of cards.
   "This one is full of ace of hearts. Do you know what that means?" Brown said, pulling out a card and showing it to the men.
   "Taking care of it, not losing any of them if possible?" Nikola said, hesitantly.
   "Shredding the other decks?" Ilia said.
   "Except the queen of hearts. Any. Other. Card. Will. Be. Destroyed." Miss Brown said, with a serious look. "I'll entrust you with this mission. I have faith in your success." 
   The employer gave the deck to Ilia who inspected the cards. Miss Brown left, escorted by a maid who just arrived. The soldiers looked at each other and agreed to go to the basement where a command centre had been established. 
   The room was quite large, with a dozen of screens showing satellite videos of various places like a hospital, some rural areas, snowy road and more. In the centre of the room was standing a wide table with an holographic map of an valley, with its topography and additional information such as the overall temperature and the weather. The command centre was occupied by a handful of people dressed in grey and blue formal clothes, some even had a medical mask on.
   The two men walked to the table and Ilia, the white soldier, displayed the cards on it, upon being laid on the surface of the table, each displayed a small picture with basic information bellow it. Some of the images were a portrait from an individual, others were from vehicles.
   "TELs, MRLs, MBTs and a lot of infantry. Looks like boss is holding back, especially for someone who wants to annihilate an opponent." A woman in the room commented, looking over the shoulder of the men.
   "I didn't know we had transporter erector launchers and multiple rocket launchers. Wait… why are we using main battle tanks?" Another person said, looking at the table.
   "She gave us our assets, we'll make do with those. Obviously, we'll shower the enemies with a salvo of rockets then we'll launch a clean up operation with the infantry and tanks as support." Nikola said, reviewing their assets.
   "From what I understood, we're going to ambush a convoy of five thousand men, including vehicles and helicopters." Ilia said, pushing an icon on the table which displayed pictures of the thighs he mentioned. "As you can see, they've got armoured personnel carriers, although outdated, they're still effective. Armoured trucks in the hundreds, some lighter ones which are surely for their supplies. They've got twelve outdated tanks… they've got a lot of outdated equipment it seems…" 
   "Can you blame them? Almost a century of infighting and stagnating development because they were greedy? Good thing the Federation took over!" Nikola said, taking a closer look at the cleavage of the woman who was standing behind to Ilia.
   She caught him and slapped him before covering it with her notepad.
   "T-14 Armata isn't obsolete, it was an inspiration for the MRDA, also known as mobile surveillance tank in English. The latter was finally integrated with a toilet." A man in the room said, looking at the info sheet of the vehicle.
   "They've also got a shit ton of attack helicopters, Mi-28 Havoc as well as troop transporters, Mi-38. How did they get so much vehicles?!" Nikola said, still rubbing his cheek where's been slapped. 
   "During the Russian conquest, there were a lot of them left behind in hangars and such. Good thing that we had the western side as ally, the Eastern Russians were reluctant for some reason." The main looking at the info sheets said. "I guess the enemy were connected to a resistance cell."
   Ilia switched the map of the valley with the one of the city nearby their own position.
   "This city is the birthplace of a figure of the Federation as well as one of the best field agents of Miss B before the Federation. We need to protect it at all costs, failing this side mission will hinder the reputation of the Russian with Miss B." Ilia said.
   "That city is also the hub of her industries, the ones she wants to get back. Once we annihilate the enemy, we will have he path cleared."
   "Alright, do we know when the enemy will make a move?"
   The woman behind the two soldiers coughed and stepped forward, laying a card on the table, which changed the map of the city to what looked like a military camp.
   "You can count on the reconnaissance division for that. They're getting ready as we speak. They should come to the ambush site in a week."
   "Excellent. We will commence the operation House Of Cards tomorrow." Ilia said.

   Tanya woke up from the sound of trucks passing by her window. She was lying in bed with Maria in her arms who gently opened her eyes as well. The maid yawned and kissed her lover before getting up.
   "I'm gonna get ready then, see you later, Tan." Maria said, while getting dressed.
   "Sure, but what's with all that noise?" 
   "Probably a new batch of mercenaries coming in?"
   Tanya got up and looked through the hangings of the window.
   "Rocket launcher trucks, they're heading out. Hey, Mocha, wanna grab some coffee together before we start our day?"
   "Sure, Tan. Too bad there's a lot of people at the moment, I wouldn't mind having the sight of your ass for longer." Maria said, spanking Tanya's asscheek. 
   "Don't make me call you an ass-woman." Tanya laughed as she was getting dressed as well.
   The women walked to the kitchen while holding hands. They noticed that a lot of people were in a hurry, they started to worry. They finally got to their destination and to their coffee. A group of armed men barged in the kitchen, startling the couple who were looking into each other's eyes.
   "Got more coffee?" One of the mercenary asked, looking at the cups on the counter.
   "I'll make you some, what's all the fuss?" Maria said, already preparing the beans for the blender.
   "We're preparing for the operation in less than a week. We'll enjoy the most here before getting deployed. Also, three sugars for me, I like it sweet." The mercenary said, giving a suggestive look at the maid.
   Maria looked unfazed, looking like her usual self. The flirting armed man laughed from the lack of reaction before turning to his comrades. Tanya was concerned at first but then remembered what her employer said about the employees under her supervision.
   "That's why I love going here, that girl is the most professional hands of B. You could be in an orgy she won't bat an eye and act as if there was nothing wrong." The mercenary said. "Anyway, if I were you, I'd leave the kitchen unless you want to be stuck here for the day. A whole division in heading this way. Oh, and Schuldner, pray that I don't die or you'll be the one in command."
   "I am here to serve the guests of this mansion, it won't bother me." The maid replied as she was pouring the black liquid in cups.
   The mercenaries thanked her before chugging their coffee and leaving after saying goodbye. Maria turned to her lover with a sigh.
   "That's the leader of Archer one, he's got a fetish for maid uniforms and even more if they wear some tactical stuff on them. He even married one of our maids, that cow Bettis." The maid said, mumbling the last sentence.
   The armed man wasn't wrong because not long after, a dozen of armed people came in the kitchen and many more were on their way.
   "Tanya, make them wait in a line. I'll manage the production." Maria said before activating her radio. "All agents, Mucama speaking, requesting reinforcement in sector key, we've got a green code happening. I repeat, green code happening. Out."
   Tanya was trying her best to make herself heard because of the grumbling of the people waiting for their daily dose of caffeine. 
   "Oi! Get in line! You'll be served in a moment!"
  Five minutes later, some maids carrying coffee machines and bean bags arrived in the kitchen. Maria the head maid gave her orders, dividing her subordinates into different teams, even leading the growing number of coffee drinkers into the eating hall where the tables had been dressed, with plates of fruits, breads and cereal bowls. 
   "Alright! There's free seats at table six, please follow Miss Katya." A maid said.
   "Table three needs a refill of its milk jar! Remember, when you're done, leave as soon as possible!" Another maid said.
   For a moment, Tanya felt like she was back to serving at the café Tres Irmas.
   "Sir, I'm not on the menu, fuck off!" Tanya said with an amused smile.
   The mercenary laughed before eating some grapes.
   "I'm just messing with you. Name's Vanya, captain of the Sword unit. I've heard you're going to be Dagger One? Anyway, I should flirt too much, my son wouldn't like if I try to bring home a cute girl like you."
   Tanya blushed. At the same time, a maid opened the door with her foot as she was holding a heavy bag of coffee beans. Maria looked pleased and took it from the panting maid.
   "You did good, Bettis. Go take a break now."
   "No shit… the carrying team has a lot to do." The maid said, breathing heavily.
   "The rotation is in two minutes." Maria said.
   "Fuck…" Bettis said, panting. "I can't believe I was a field agent back in the days."
   "Shut up, Bettie. You were a field agent for two weeks." Said a passing maid.
   Tanya and Maria's day was dedicated to holding a makeshift maid café in Brown's mansion. Miss Brown showed up at some point, she talked to some of her men, her bright smile lightening up the day for some of her employees.

A tall silhouette entered a room poorly lit with only one lamp hanging from the ceiling. There was a metallic desk and someone was already sitting at it. It was a tall and thin woman who looked pale, almost looking like a ghost. The woman was reading something on a piece of paper with a stain of a coffee mug on the bottom left. Her green eyes were slightly glowing, her hawk necklace even reflected some of it. The silhouette made itself known of its presence by faking a cough. The woman looked up, looking rather bored.
   "It's you." The woman said, in a high pitcher voice.
   The silhouette grinned its teeth from the sound coming out of mouth of the woman.
   "It's me. Your plan has been compromised. She knows."
   "Is that so? Too bad."
   "What's next, then?"
   "My men have all suffered because of her. They know that they might die. I'll modify it now. You can leave." The woman said before going back to reading her paper.
   The silhouette grabbed the woman by the throat, lifting her a few centimetres above the ground. Teresa bragged in the room, holding a magnum that she aimed at the threatening figure.
   "Brunhilde Braun, you irritate me. If you don't take it seriously, I'll end you."
   "Not before I end you, fiend." Teresa said, making sure to avoid shooting the green eyed woman if she were to shoot the silhouette.
   "I take it seriously. You're just too impatient."
   The silhouette dropped her and sank into the floor as if it was water. Teresa threw away the pistol with disgust one her face and helped Brunhilde to pick up some sheets of paper that she dropped. She glanced at it but quickly put them back on the desk.
   Teresa was the right hand woman of Brunhilde, she was almost as tall as the green eyed woman. The two women looked pale and thin, but one looked older than the other, Teresa had black hair which were starting to go white at the basis. On the other hand, Brunhilde was a ginger whose eyes were as green and she hated her eyes as it reminded her of the park where she used to go with her parents, where the trees were as green as her eyes. 
   Teresa picked up a black cape on the hanger near the door and gave it to Brunhilde who put in on her shoulders.
   "The men are getting impatient, they need you." Teresa said.
   "I knew I shouldn't have accepted these Chinese rebels in our ranks." Brunhilde said, extending her palm to her right hand woman.
   Teresa gave her boss a mask which covered the lower half of the face and she put it on. The women left the room which led to a poorly lit hallway. They walked to the door leading to a balcony that overhung a courtyard fully occupied by a mismatch of armed men, some had way more equipment than the others, some even wore parts of power armour worn by the Ironclad soldiers.
   "My friends" Brunhilde said, her voice modified to lower her high pitch. "The enemy has fallen in our trap. They are already gathering their men to ambush us."
   Brunhilde's army roared and stopped when she raised her hand.
   "We will flank them from the sides. The armoured divisions will depart now and will be on radio silence until the given date. We will make them pay for what they've done to us! The lies of the federation won't poison the youth!" Brunhilde said before raising her fist.
   The crowd imitated her and let out a cry of rage. Their roar could be heard far away in the distance, slightly covered by the sound of the nearby city. 
   Miss Brown smiled cockily while sipping a cup of coffee in her office.

   A few days later, Tanya woke up to the sound of her alarm clock. She groaned and put it off. She grumpily got up and put on a grey uniform with the Order's insignia that was lying on a chair near the wardrobe. She met Miss Brown upon leaving her bedroom, her employer was escorted by Maria who nodded at her and two soldiers, one in white and the other in green.
   "Say, are you ready to go back to war?" The employer asked, holding a headset in her right hand.
   "I agreed on paying you back, haven't I? I won't fail this time, I will protect them all."
   "Never falter." Miss Brown said with a smile as she handed the headset.
   Tanya took the headgear and put it on, getting a warm feeling inside her. She smiled.
   "The man on my right is Ilia, he'll be the commander of the operation, and this is Nikola, he's the second in command." The employer said, introducing the white and green soldier respectively. "You're a tank platoon leader, you'll be under their command. There will be another platoon, so try to get along. Let's go, the enemy is waiting for us."
   The two men went to the command centre while Tanya went to the garage where her subordinates were waiting for her, Maria followed her lover, carrying a rifle.
   "This is the day where we will pop your armoured cherry! Consider yourself lucky for it is an assured victory. Our steel will crush the enemy like the bugs they are! They are below the status of worms and you are the Order's elite tank division! Should you kill the enemy, do it with proficiency but mercilessly as they won't show any of it."
   She turned on the microphone on her headset.
   "Let's roll, boys!" Tanya said before climbing in her tank.
   She took the place of the commander and met Nash who was at the gunner seat.
   "I didn't think she'd let you command. Why did she change her mind?" The man asked as he was wiping the reticulum to aim. 
   Tanya rubbed her knees with a smile. The man laughed. A groan from below their seat was heard and the tank commander looked at the person who was Lucie, who was the driver.
   "I was supposed to be in command. I guess I'm a better driver than a leader." The small woman said.
   "Tanya to platoon one, we're heading out. Make sure to fan out once we've reach the waypoint."
   Meanwhile in the control room, the staff members were all focused on their task, either monitoring troops movements or checking the enemy's movement through satellite imagery. Some courier people were entering and leaving the room with documents of various importance or content. It seemed weird to see a two men wearing combat clothes being the ones in charge when the other people were wearing a grey uniform.
   "They changed plan again, huh?" Ilia, the soldier in white said as he was looking at the holographic map on the table in the centre of the room.
   "At this point, shouldn't we be changing again?" Nikola, the soldier in green, said while looking at screens showing the movements of the enemy.
   "We'll stick to the plan for now, ambushing them while they know or suppose our location."
   "What about the Federation's reinforcements? They aren't included in our plans."
   "That's in case the enemy has some top notch counterintelligence. They are our wildcard." 
   "They've got some pretty outdated gears, how could they possibly have greater counterintelligence than B's?"
   "Never underestimate your enemy. They did manage to kidnap some of our agents before and they ambushed several of our convoys before."
   On Tanya's side, everything was quiet. She had given her orders and went on radio silence after reaching the designated ambush position. Her crew put a heat camouflage sheet on the tank as well as some foliage for the visual aspect then went back in the tank. 
   "Now's the waiting game. They should be coming from behind our initial position. I do hope that our men won't do anything stupid." Tanya said to herself as she was checking her map of the area for the Nth time.
   Tanya suddenly felt shiver down her spine as she realised that she was in an actual tank battle and not through a proxy body. She began to breath rapidly, her hands were shaking as she was still holding the map. She felt like her heart was about to burst out of her chest as she heard it pounding louder and louder. She looked at her crew to see if they can hear her, she met Nash's concerned look on his face. She let out a pitiful screech that she was trying to contain within her. Then, she felt a sting in her right cheek, her head turned to the left. She was stunned. She turned to her right and saw Lucie with her left hand raised at the right of her face which harboured stern expression.
   "We don't have time for you to breakdown, commander." Lucie said before returning to her seat.
   "Fuck… " Tanya said, rubbing her cheek. "That fucking hurts. Now I want to kill somebody. When are they going to show their face?" 
   She wasn't back to normal, she was now excited. The pain made her blood rushing and the adrenaline was kicking in. Thankfully for her, a line of tanks passed in front of her vehicle, soon followed by helicopters flying close to the ground. Tanya looked at her gunner, Nash didn't need words to know what to do. The crew put on their helmet.
   "Aim for that Mi-28 the closer to us at one o'clock."
   "Understood. Firing."
   Tanya's tank was the first to fire, the rest of her platoon soon followed her lead. The attack helicopter swirled as it fell and crashed on the ground. The tank commander felt a tingling sensation in her nether region as she witness the explosion of her first kill. But she didn't let it distract her from the orders she had received. 
   "Armata, on the left." Tanya said, looking at a tank that was supposed to be the rear guard.
   "Eyes on."
   "Immobilise it. Lucie, once he fired, get us as far back as possible."
   Tanya had a devious smile as she was looking at her next victim.
   "Fire when ready."
   Her target lost one of its tracks, the enemy tank that was the farthest, which was supposed to be the spearhead was soon shot at and immobilised as well. Tanya's platoon soon withdrew.
   "Queen one, this is Dagger one. Fire mission danger close at three four four. Armoured target in the open. Will be leaving danger zone in three minutes. Over."
   "Dagger one, shot. Over."
  The sky roared for an instant before a huge light appeared in the middle of the enemy's armoured platoon. The earth was momentarily shaken. The scream of the explosion reached Tanya's tank. 
   "Queen one, hit centre of mass. Fire for effect."
   "Dagger one, fire for effect. Over and out."
   "Lucie, put some Beethoven, Ode to Joy, please."
   "Yeah." The commander said before reaching for the rest of her platoon. "Good job, boys and girls! Now sit back and enjoy the show. Also put on the sun shield."
   The music started quietly and the first salvo of artillery landed, shelling the area. Some helicopters managed to avoid the first explosion and were ascending, scrambling away from the zone of impact. The tanks used their machine guns to force the enemy to stay in the area. As some as the first salvo landed, the second one was already tearing up the sky. The third one shattered it. 
   "Dagger one, this is Jester one, ballistic missile launched, ETA twenty seconds."
   "Roger, most of the aerial vehicles have avoided most of the damages."
   "That won't be an issue." Jester one said before the missile came into view. "We'll flatten mountains with what will follow."
   The projectile exploded in the air, releasing an electromagnetic shock in a wide area, rendering all unprotected electronic devices useless within the blast radius. As the classical music became louder in the tank, the helicopters caught in the emp began falling down like flies. The choppers crashed to the ground as the first percussion instruments started playing. Tanya then heard some screeches which became louder and louder before the blue sky was engulfed in what could be described as the sun coming out of the centre of the earth. The commander got goosebumps when she saw the aftermath of what was a massive obliteration bombing, there was nothing left except burning dirt and very few scrap metals. The smoke and dust were still present, ashes were starting to fall down in the ground. She basked in the view as the music went crescendo.
   "All units, this is command. Commence clean up operation. Should you find any survivors, there won't be any survivors." Said the voice in the radio.
   "You heard them? Drive forward, make sure to wear protections if you leave your tank." Tanya said, preparing a mask.
   The armoured vehicles were soon joined by trucks that deployed a considerable amount of heavily armed and feared mercenaries. The chorus of the Ode to joy began singing and the chants were accompanied by the purrs of the engines. Slowly, the tank was getting covered by ashes and the visibility became worse as a result. The tank commander finally decided put on her mask and stand in the commander's cupola with a machine pistol in her hand. Once her head was outside, she could witness the destruction, there was no sign of organic life form in any way aside from Miss Brown's men. Tanya turned to a group of mercenaries walking on the right of her vehicle, they seemed to be enjoying the apotheosis of the music.
   "There's nothing left here, I doubt that the centre of the attack will have anything at all."
   "We can't confirm it from satellite images, that's why we're here."
   "Any news about the rest of their convoy, Vanya?"
   "The infantry? They must have been caught in the third artillery barrage. We had them encircled, there's no way that they'd fled."
   "And their leader?" 
   "No idea."
   The clean up operation went smoothly and nobody were surprised by that and they slowly headed towards the base of the enemy which was supposed to be empty if not for some logistic personnel. As expected when the facility came into view, there were no defence being manned, only empty machine gun nests and unmanned anti aerial guns. But when they were closer to it, a mercenary got hit by something but it left no injury. Brown's men didn't let such minor inconvenience bother them but were more vigilant, some even discovered a minefield and proceeded in disarming them since surrounding area was no real threat in the area.
   "Ugh... now I'm bored. I wanted more action!" Tanya said, hanging out on tanks turret with her binoculars hanging around her neck.
   "Enemy sighted at southern entrance of the enemy facility." Said someone on the radio.
   Tanya returned in her turret but wasn't completely inside, using her binoculars to spot the enemy.
   "Eyes on. Two enemy units armed with a service rifle, are the marksman seeing them?" Tanya said before scanning the perimeter.
   "Target neutralised. Easy peasy lemon squeezy."
   "Is the minefield cleared yet?" Tanya said, annoyed of the lack of action.
   "Almost done. Your platoon should stay in position to provide any support for us." A mercenary captain said, he was recognisable by an orange armband.
   "Such a boring operation if you want my opinion." Tanya moaned.
   "If it goes too smoothly, there's probably something bad that'll happen." The mercenary captain said before kneeling and pointing his rifle towards the enemy facility.
   His action startled some of his men who quickly imitated him.
   "They've always attacked us when we least expect them. Check your surroundings! Make sure they don't have some trapdoors behind us!" The mercenary said.
   "You aren't so stupid after all. But no." A feminine voice said, coming out of nowhere.
   "What the... sca-" the captain said before ground underneath them erupted.
   "Shit! Command, we've been ambushed!" Tanya said, after closing the commander's hatch. "Sword and Archer have been wiped out! Lancer, Scimitar, Crossbow and Hammer have mass casualties. Dagger has suffered cosmetic damages." 
   Tanya heard someone yelling for a short moment. 
   "Understood, secure the perimeter, we're sending backups. How are the team leaders?"
   "All injured, it's a massacre."
   Tanya could hear some rustling through the radio.
   "Can you evacuate the injured?" Miss Brown asked with a calm but worried tone.
   "I'll do as I can, boss."
   "Stay safe. You're now in charge of the remaining forces." Miss Brown said.
   Tanya but her lower lip.
   "All units, evacuate the wounded ones, Dagger one will provide cover. Dagger two and three, give some suppressing fire towards the enemy facility!"
   In her cupola, Tanya looked around to spot the enemy. She didn't let the sight of wounded men and women agonising on the floor register. A thud on her hatch startled her, she took a look outside, it was a severed arm that had landed on her tank. She let out a curse as the smell of blood and burnt flesh invaded her nostrils. 
   "Hang in there, we'll get you out of here." A mercenary shouted over the sound of gunshots while dragging a man whose legs were torn to bits.
   "Dagger one, this is Dagger four. We've noticed some movements coming from behind us. They look like ironclad soldiers but with less armour on them."
   "What do you mean less? Some light units?"
   "Parts are missing and they are painted yellow."
   "That's not Ironclad! That's the Freedom Movement! Fire at them! Don't let them get close to the wounded!" Tanya said before taking her radio. "Command, we're surrounded! Freedom Movement troops have been spotted west to our position, they've stolen some Ironclad equipment. We need reinforcements now!"
   "Dagger one, this is command. Clear a landing zone for evacuating the wounded. Your backup should be there anytime soon. Consider yourself lucky, someone's brought the big guns."
   "Forty seconds, hang in there."
   Tanya ordered her platoon to form a circle and bring the injured in its centre. She even got out of her tank to help the mercenaries. She was breathing rapidly and her sight became fuzzy after noticing all the blood on her hands and clothes. She cursed as she was trying the wipe the blood out of her skin. She was beginning to crack again, having flashbacks of her previous crew members getting killed. The ground began to shake. The enemies were closing in, some were already firing at the mercenaries who weren't inside the tank circle. A continuous growl was getting closer. The enemies were beginning to flank the entrenched mercenaries. Tanya was pinned behind some rocky covers as she was trying to recover a wounded who got shot when she dragged the person to safety. Her face was splattered in blood. She was unable to move.
   "Peace and Order." A female voice resonated, sending chills to those who heard it. "Surrender now, you're outnumbered."
   Metal cocoons dropped from the sky, hitting the area where the mercenaries were. Ironclad soldiers came out of the cocoons, but unlike for the warehouse assault, they didn't have huge shields, only wielding a type heavy machine guns. They seemed to be speaking to each other's but no sound came out of them.
   "Providence for those who seek Order." The female voice said before some heavy metal began playing.
   "What is going on?" Tanya said in disbelief. "Am I dead?"
   "Not yet, my wolves are ready to hunt." An ironclad soldier said.
   That armoured person was wearing a variant of the usual powered armour, the helmet looked like the head of a wolf and the chest was bearing the painting of a gray wolf. It also looked bulkier with its extra platings on the arms and legs. Tanya noticed what looked like a speaker on the left shoulder.
   The soldier carried the tank commander back to the defensive positions.
   "General Wolf?! What are you doing here?" Tanya said while being carried.
   "My mother could carry me while being on the battlefield, those rebels aren't going to stop a wolf."
   It was known to most Federation officer that the previous commander Wolf had given birth during the Lyon campaign but decided to keep on fight on the front with her men. She became known as the War Mother, she then became the director of the propaganda department.
   The general Wolf led her men to counter attack. Tanya had a hard time processing all that was happening, she got pulled inside her tank by Nash and got slapped by Lucie. 
   "Get your shit together, commander! Are you going to let an outsider get all the glory?!" Lucie said with rage in her voice.
   "There's no glory in this war…"
   "Doesn't matter!" Lucie said before slapping Tanya again.
   "Oi! Fuck off! Go back to your position! Nash, give me my gun!" said a very angry tank commander.
   Her crew obeyed. She got out of her tank again.
   "Command, this is Dagger one. Landing zone secured! Reinforcements are effective, once the wounded are evacuated, we'll proceed with the mission. Over."
   "Dagger one, this is command. Understood. Glad to hear you. We've got vi
Let's see the bright sight of this world!

Messages In This Thread
Tanya's inspiring tank story - by Cath - 04-07-2019, 07:50 AM
RE: Tanya's inspiring tank story - by JohnSins - 04-11-2019, 07:59 PM
RE: Tanya's inspiring tank story - by Cath - 04-11-2019, 08:29 PM
Prime Сasual Dating - True Females - by Cyindre - 02-08-2024, 02:03 PM
RE: Tanya's inspiring tank story - by Cath - 05-04-2019, 11:12 PM
RE: Tanya's inspiring tank story - by Cath - 05-08-2019, 10:31 AM
RE: Tanya's inspiring tank story - by Cath - 05-24-2019, 07:25 AM
RE: Tanya's inspiring tank story - by Cath - 05-26-2019, 11:06 AM
RE: Tanya's inspiring tank story - by Cath - 07-07-2019, 09:04 PM
RE: Tanya's inspiring tank story - by Cath - 07-17-2019, 05:58 PM
RE: Tanya's inspiring tank story - by Cath - 07-18-2019, 05:36 PM
RE: Tanya's inspiring tank story - by Cath - 09-30-2019, 07:25 AM
RE: Tanya's inspiring tank story - by Cath - 09-30-2019, 12:58 PM
RE: Tanya's inspiring tank story - by Cath - 10-15-2019, 02:41 PM
RE: Tanya's inspiring tank story - by Cath - 08-22-2020, 08:07 PM
RE: Tanya's inspiring tank story - by Cath - 08-23-2020, 08:34 AM
RE: Tanya's inspiring tank story - by Cath - 10-14-2020, 03:25 PM
Tanya's bla-bla-bla part two - by Cath - 04-07-2019, 08:02 AM

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