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(Thank you, Miss Tania... now, the story goes on... But... What? Only 4 stars? Who gave me only 4 stars? This is scandalous! My work deserves 6 stars!!! Be patient! I'll make the tension grow... I bet people want sex immediately, with a lot of porn things right now?.. Well, even George R. R. Martin takes time, makes looong descriptions of people eating, how they dress, what is the weather, before the sudden bursts of violence, sex and fight... OK,OK, my head is inflating, I musn't become a BHB)

The ISLAND - chapter 2

I tried to make the secretary speak: "What is the Island about, what happens there?"... She laughed gently again, and said that you could know what happened there only if you went there... That it was a risk I should take.. That it was part of the thrill of the Island.

Finally, I plunged. I paid the travel with the lower cost flat rate. Plane + boat + single room + food for a one-week period. No authorization to bring a partner in my single room or I would be thrown out of the Island. I could have sex outside but it could be risky. If another client complained, it could be the same result: out! Safe sex could be done in hotels but I would have to pay for that with Virtual Money or X-$. For those X-$, I would have to work on the Island. There were a lot of jobs available on the Island: all of them were useful for the Community. I could even extend my sojourn by working on the Island... or by going to the Island Bank and pay with my real money...

"OK, OK, enough!".. I was a bit fed up with those explanations... "I'll do it".

With devilish eyes, the girl added: "Don't you want the higher flat rate? It is more costly, but it could give much more opportunities... With the lower rate, you won't have the right for all options, you won't be able to go in VIP places, or you won't be able to do everything..."

"I'll see... But what if I cheat, and do VIP things nonetheless?"
"Our security guards are very efficient. They are everywhere..."

"Mmmm... OK... I'll still keep the lower rate... I must try first the lower rate to see if I want more..."

The girl lowered her eyes and smiled. She KNEW what I was going to do after my first -or a few more- sojourn... I signed papers, accepted not to complain if the sojourn didn't please me, that it would be a no-payback option, that they were not responsible of psychological consequences (because people were free of the maddest sexual fantasies on the Island) and so, and so...

I went back home, prepared my luggages and waited for the next Monday, when my one-week holiday started...

Messages In This Thread
The ISLAND - by Boris327 - 02-14-2019, 11:42 AM
RE: The ISLAND - by Simple Tania - 02-14-2019, 10:49 PM
RE: The ISLAND - by Boris327 - 02-15-2019, 08:24 AM
RE: The ISLAND - by Simple Tania - 02-15-2019, 11:58 PM
RE: The ISLAND - by Boris327 - 02-17-2019, 12:13 PM
RE: The ISLAND - by Simple Tania - 02-17-2019, 12:42 PM
RE: The ISLAND - by Boris327 - 02-17-2019, 04:14 PM
RE: The ISLAND - by Simple Tania - 02-18-2019, 01:01 PM
RE: The ISLAND - by Boris327 - 02-18-2019, 02:30 AM
RE: The ISLAND - by Boris327 - 02-23-2019, 10:44 AM
RE: The ISLAND - by Cath - 02-27-2019, 07:32 AM

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