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The sociology of players: the various kind of MnF Users
A new Category I'd like to add. I don't know if it intermingles with my other categories. Is it a new one or a variety of others? Is it a sociological or a personal attitude? I'll let you judge , I'm not sure. Anyway, this style is so typical and special for me, when I met it, that I propose:

The Dis-Abused

The world is grey and corrupted. All will fall and be disappointing. What's the point, by the way? We eat gravel and we're in a limbo, in the roads between the purgatory and hell. Why even taking care? All who come here just want to fuck, all their sentences are pretenses, I see them coming from here. Why do I come here? Because it has no importance, I'm using my time.

I'm a Dis-Abused. I'll try all the perversions sometimes, trying to be virtuous is an illusion. The rest of the time, I'll joke about the lame plans of the new ones or the old-timers, that's the same stuff. We'll gang with other Dis-Abused (or the most sarcastic versions of a few other Categories) and exchange jokes after jokes, 2nd degree to 4th degree, rebounding to each other our disillusions.

Sometimes, I'll fall in love for a light in the crowd, one of the rare in the Game that is a Warrior of the Light, for what I can see. But he/she will escape me -because rust touches everything one day?- or the creature is hypocritical? (... but what no one dares say to me is that that pure angel fled me because of my innate pessimism, even he/she won't dare say it to me frankly, because angels hate to hurt...).

I'm in the gang of the Dis-Abused.

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buy prednisone with paypal 177 mg - by CharlesMah - 11-09-2024, 12:35 AM
RE: The sociology of players: the various kind of MnF Users - by Boris327 - 01-29-2019, 07:58 AM

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