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The sociology of players: the various kind of MnF Users
Another Category:

The Drama Queens

Easy to understand who they are, hard to develop. The Drama Queens can be males or females, that's not the point.
They love relation complications. They love to argue about: "Does Kevin loves you, really?" " I don't know, he hasn't logged in since three days.. I think he's tired of me..." "Ohhhh, dear, come here!... Big hug***"

As the new fashion of getting married has developed in the game, they will.. yes, you guessed... quite probably get married at least once. Or at least, they will be fiancée or they will have an official BF or GF (Boy-friend/Girl-Friend) (It's their right).

With getting married , comes the problem of divorcing or cheating on your love partner. It will frequently happen. One day or another...

The sufferance, the questions... the "heroism" of "leaving" the love subject is nearly as important as getting close to him/her.

It is so romantic.

The Drama Queens won't necessarily quarrel or question about love matters. They will also quarrel about Club problems, for example, make meetings about: "Should we expel John from the Club, he hasn't been very active since those last weeks?"... "He's a social traitor!"... "I wouldn't say that, he hasn't seemed very motivated since quite a time. It would be better for him to leave us!"

Or you could be "Ignored-listed" because you just wrote on your bio that you are fond of Jennifer.
"Hi, how are you, Brenda, you seem interesting..."
"How dare you? Stay with your Jennifer, if you like her so!"
"But.. I just wanted to t..." (IGNORE LIST)

Or the Drama Queen could de-friend you just because you didn't come on the game this last week. You have a real life, but that doesn't matter. REMOVED FROM FRIEND LIST.

(They love to make a friend-list tour regularly, just to have the nobility to de-friend those who didn't get in touch with them recently or, maybe, who have a little forgotten what was their kick, or who were not there at the same time as them those last weeks: The Monthly Friend-List Purification).

I know, I know, I'm a bit ironic, not very comprehensive... A typical De-Friend candidate for the next weeks... ***Gasp***

You didn't understand that behind this misanthropic heart beats a sentimental heart. I have a secret tenderness for the Drama Queens. They take it a bit too seriously but they want to find true love (or just true friendship) through the Game . It is understandable. Something high and true.
They want to reach the stars, or Heaven.
I'm not even ironic when I say that.

Their weakness and their natural predator:

The Classical Distant-Hearted Narcissistic Pervert.. that I could speak about later, even if you can already know a lot of things about them with Google or psychology books.
"But, you know, under his rough skin, hides a tender heart..." ... you can always believe it.

I have the feeling that I could say more about the Drama Queens. I'll have to meditate about that. I'll add a few elements maybe later...

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RE: The sociology of players: the various kind of MnF Users - by Boris327 - 01-13-2019, 01:13 PM

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