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The sociology of players: the various kind of MnF Users
A new Category:

The Sex Huns

Like all barbarians, the Sex Huns practice sex in a rough and animalistic way. The girls love to be insulted and/or to be told bad words, the boys like it when the girls like it. It's not a dom/sub relationship, it's more an equally-accepted rough sexual exchange. They will speak about sexuality in a very explicit way.

The Sex Huns, generally, have an intense sexuality in Real Life. They come in the game when they're alone at home or in a period when they're between two lovers in RL Life.

Like all true barbarians, the Sex Huns are polite and friendly before and after sex. Barbarians know that they have to be polite with another barbarian, because if you lack respect to a barbarian, he feels that he has the right to cut you in half with his two-handed sword. But DURING sex, the Sex Huns will act like two lions during the mating period.
They're in general very friendly with their mating companions (if they prove to be correct after the first sex moment). Do not fall in love too much with them (not so easy because the sex moments they will give you are hard to forget) because they are not interested in monogamous relations. They'll have their favorites, but that's all.

They're not necessarily of lower-class in RL life. Some higher-class people hide volcanoes inside and a very free sexuality.

Do not count on them too much for social relations here. They come for sex, sometimes also for money, just to buy themselves a few things and a house, but they have a very pragmatical approach to the game. Once the orgasm or the $ are obtained, they say a few friendly words, maybe chat a little to relax, and then, they go back to their RL life affairs or another prey.

Their ideal: Jason Momoa fucking the girl with Dragons on a fur carpet in GoT.

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buy prednisone with paypal 177 mg - by CharlesMah - 11-09-2024, 12:35 AM
RE: The sociology of players: the various kind of MnF Users - by Boris327 - 01-06-2019, 10:37 AM

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