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The sociology of players: the various kind of MnF Users
(01-05-2019, 09:41 AM)Boris327 Wrote: A new category:

The Bloated Head Bourgeoisie

(As I'm French, it comes from a French expression: "avoir la tête qui enfle" (to have a bloated head) meaning being haughty when you become powerful. I don't know if there's the same expression in English, but I give myself this right: I'm French and I'm a rebel).
My oh my...Boris my friend, now you made me laugh... bloated head/tête qui enfle...or as we say in Portuguese "Cabeça oca" in a very pleasant way to them(yes, we've several expressions to describe those guys and not as nice as that one, hihihi)
As a stray cat, you know i 'work' with all of them, and there are several who are very nice persons, know!
In a sociological way, BhB is very common to find(not only in this game), in a sad way, society dictates the rules for them and 'them' play by the rules...some knows how to do it, other don't, in MnF and in life!
PS I also adore bad boys and bad girls, and sometimes, as a very good stray cat, I LOVE SLUNG!!!
To be simple is to be great

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buy prednisone with paypal 177 mg - by CharlesMah - 11-09-2024, 12:35 AM
RE: The sociology of players: the various kind of MnF Users - by Simple Tania - 01-05-2019, 09:36 PM

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