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Suggestion Thread #II: Even better suggestions!
Good to see some proper debate and ideas rather than the one off suggestions that have often been made already.

I hope I did not seem too negative to NotCharlieHarper and I realise that they were just opening ideas.

It’s odd and counterproductive for Devs to let non-prems buy in game currency at bank when there is little to spend it on.

When Overfiend ran a poll I voted for Strip Poker. I am now rather thinking that his ideas here are better. Except 5, which seems like too much work and how many have images anyway?

FF-Oral and MM-Oral is not even an option for prems. I think the former is greatly desired not sure about MM demand at all but it should be easy to adapt current non-same sex poses. We have couch sex in split and too difficult to do for other poses. Ok as a limited option for 6 (or 7 with 3 way pose) to have sex in apartment (with bed and shower).

A level up reward does seem a very positive idea. It’s been introduced in a limited way: non-prem level 3 you can enter baths, level 6 stripper a new pose on pole and now naked for prems at level 10.

A daily reward is also good. Not sure if it should be money as non-prems can make what they need so quickly but anything else requires another system, so complicated.

None of the screen options proposed by NotCharlieHarper are bad but I think some are unnecessary.
Server and location Trying to get onto a crowded server I forget which one I got onto so that would be good. You can see location so avoid that complication.
Buy/Activate Premium Not done often so no need.
Fullscreen Toggle Needed if screen is changed.
Report Most bugs are known and you can report personal abuse in PMs. The problem there seems to be that can’t if they switch server or go offline. Do we want a button so that you can report someone because you don’t like their name? It will be abused.
Chat Scrollbar A good idea and has been suggested before. You lose message because of those posted on top.
Zoom Option Very good idea. In crowded locations you can’t find individual players. Why do all go to WW or beach?

As NotCharlieHarper says it will not be done at once. So the best options have to be put forward to be implemented first.

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RE: Suggestion Thread #II: Even better suggestions! - by Zephyr - 04-04-2018, 08:40 PM

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