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Suggestion Thread #II: Even better suggestions!
Jason 18 - i do agree that there is a whole list of better ideas that could have been updated instead of this one.  But i do want to say that as a male, I would try to buy and wear a male denim jumpsuit just to make friends with a girl that is wearing one.  Just so we have something in common to start a conversation with.  Now i would agree it wouldn't be in the front & center of my MNF closet but i might stuff it in the back just in case......I understand your frustration Jason. Really I do.....I'm just trying to keep my head up because all that pussy ain't going fuck itself.....If she comes to you in that jumpsuit with nothing underneath and smiley invitingly - are you going to turn her away? .......well then Sir, let me give you my info to pass along to that fine young woman just in case you decide to protest. Just tell her to ask for the BIG O.....i'll rip that jumpsuit off her so fast she'd never remember wearing it.  Don't worry bro, i'll punish her just right for wearing that hideous unnecessary scrap of rags.....YeeeHaaaah!!!! Girl you gonna pay tonight!

All that aside, it just occurred to me that maybe the Devs have a long list of brainstormed ideas that are not in any particular order and they're just crossing them off the list as they go along.  Maybe that's the only purpose we can get out of this.  I don't know.  It's not my favorite but Oh Well.  There's not much we can do about it except to suggest that they give the updates a bit more thought next time. In the meantime I'll try to make the best of it and lure that denim girl to be the submissive in my next FFM threesome....hehehe
 [Image: giphy.gif][Image: giphy.gif]

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RE: Suggestion Thread #II: Even better suggestions! - by Overfiend - 01-11-2018, 05:04 AM

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