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Suggestion Thread #II: Even better suggestions!
I gotta side with Joana, things will get messy and lost if we split the suggestions thread, polls on what to potentially add in fine, but splitting up the thread into smaller subsections/other threads would be nice but more than likely would just make things get lost in between. As for suggestions people have lots of the same ideas and some variation based around a pose, clothing piece, or idea. Just how it goes when it comes to ideas. I myself would love to have more clothing choices or the option to change my characters eye or skin color, but who knows when and if that'll be implemented. Poses I'd say are difficult to add in because they have to be something that works with the game, point being not overly complex. Now they could do pose variations which some people have suggested, or simply add that in as a side action, but it'd take time to do that for each pose. So all in all keep the suggestions coming, in my opinion don't separate the thread, and HAVE PATIENCE.

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RE: Suggestion Thread #II: Even better suggestions! - by Avax69 - 11-07-2017, 11:08 PM

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