Poll: What type of sex pose should be added next?
FM - Female controlled
MF - Male controlled
FF - Lesbian
MM - Gay
FFM - Female Controlled
FFM - Male Controlled
MMF - Female controlled
MMF - Male controlled
Group Sex - 4 or more - Females control
Group Sex - 4 or more - Males control
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Sex Poses IVB - Battle of the Sexes - vote for 2 poses
The both of you (Avax & Will) are probably right...a group sex pose is probably on the long to do list for the devs. But once added the flood of demand for more will follow. And like Will said it's probably more time consuming to produce so it's been held off for poses that are simpler to make but still rewarding for the user.....Good analytical thinking.....Which probably means that we should, relax and curb our enthusiam, and focus on the FM - Female Controlled pose as a primary goal for now and tackle the group sex pose later.
 [Image: giphy.gif][Image: giphy.gif]

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RE: Sex Poses IVB - Battle of the Sexes - vote for 2 poses - by Overfiend - 07-24-2017, 02:13 AM

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