03-31-2017, 08:06 PM
More color options on more expensve clothes i.e. adding a suit thats more expensive and having 4 color options, 2 additional for shirt and shoes.
Same with girls costumes, maybe add jewelery as mentioned by OP.
Also a long sleeve shirt without a suit, option to choose the shirt/top color speratly from the shoes.
Shoe shop with maybe 3-4 different shoe types, business shoes, sneakers, sandals etc.
More hairstyles for premium members, on body facial hair aswell.
More detailed customisation for male bodys (why can girls have monster boobs but I can't have a (even) bigger or smaller dong? At Dr.Boobiges's clinic ofc.
Earning money:
A way to earn more/easier money for premium accounts, maybe rise top level clothes to sompensate.
Add stripping for premium males, the additional way of earning money as a premium user would prevent the economy from colapsing and people only stripping for the money the nonpremiums worked for...
Investing money/lending it to the future bank with interest getting higher the longer you lend it to them.
New locations/additions to existing ones :
making blackjack vs. AI and poker vs players possible.
Beeiing able to sit at seats in the back of the bath when all showers are used.
Petnis Forest,
expanding the treehouse, maybe adding a shop for monkey/ape clothes at the second level
a shop for tiger/puma clothes at the bottom level
Meadows Park
at the art gallery two 3rd 2nd and 1st places at daily monthly weekly and forever, one female one male
expanding the area, making swimming/entering the sea possible
also lots of secret/easteregg potetial here...
Wild West
beeing able to challenge people in a standoff for money or just for fun
(reactiontime to click on a signal etc.)
new location, if possible without violating any copyrightlaw hoobit similar creatures
shops for hobbit weed and small houses to lend or buy
(highly unlikely due to copyright, would be super awesome thoug)
a gift shop with handy crafts to gift to people
Lava Palace
pendant to the monks on the sacret mountain, one female and one male "evil" monk
bdsm positions, and "evil" monk clothes aswell as secret location to obtain bdsm gear
a gloryhole to use from both sides, grants less exp then sex but is free
More color options on more expensve clothes i.e. adding a suit thats more expensive and having 4 color options, 2 additional for shirt and shoes.
Same with girls costumes, maybe add jewelery as mentioned by OP.
Also a long sleeve shirt without a suit, option to choose the shirt/top color speratly from the shoes.
Shoe shop with maybe 3-4 different shoe types, business shoes, sneakers, sandals etc.
More hairstyles for premium members, on body facial hair aswell.
More detailed customisation for male bodys (why can girls have monster boobs but I can't have a (even) bigger or smaller dong? At Dr.Boobiges's clinic ofc.
Earning money:
A way to earn more/easier money for premium accounts, maybe rise top level clothes to sompensate.
Add stripping for premium males, the additional way of earning money as a premium user would prevent the economy from colapsing and people only stripping for the money the nonpremiums worked for...
Investing money/lending it to the future bank with interest getting higher the longer you lend it to them.
New locations/additions to existing ones :
making blackjack vs. AI and poker vs players possible.
Beeiing able to sit at seats in the back of the bath when all showers are used.
Petnis Forest,
expanding the treehouse, maybe adding a shop for monkey/ape clothes at the second level
a shop for tiger/puma clothes at the bottom level
Meadows Park
at the art gallery two 3rd 2nd and 1st places at daily monthly weekly and forever, one female one male
expanding the area, making swimming/entering the sea possible
also lots of secret/easteregg potetial here...
Wild West
beeing able to challenge people in a standoff for money or just for fun
(reactiontime to click on a signal etc.)
new location, if possible without violating any copyrightlaw hoobit similar creatures
shops for hobbit weed and small houses to lend or buy
(highly unlikely due to copyright, would be super awesome thoug)
a gift shop with handy crafts to gift to people
Lava Palace
pendant to the monks on the sacret mountain, one female and one male "evil" monk
bdsm positions, and "evil" monk clothes aswell as secret location to obtain bdsm gear
a gloryhole to use from both sides, grants less exp then sex but is free