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The official MnF Twitter account is at @ClubMnF!
Weekly update time! Highlights:
  • 39 followers and counting
  • A big assist to Putita! She very kindly tweeted a bunch of stuff.
  • Sitting down with Vadim for an interview TODAY. (Sorry about not getting it in last week, folks)

    The Most Interesting Man in MnF is still one of the best tweets on the list! And I've been tasked with making sure people know we're the real official account and not a couple of scammers on Twitter. Again, VERY big thanks to everyone who's helped make things interesting there. One important note: I don't want to tweet any pics where it's clear there's another username, as I want to be sure consent's given for any non-public stuff.

    Take care!
[Image: tumblr_m5n0e4lflM1ryds47o8_r1_250.gif]

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RE: The official MnF Twitter account is at @ClubMnF! - by -J- - 01-22-2017, 09:48 PM

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