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The official MnF Twitter account is at @ClubMnF!
As I said in another thread, a Twitter account is in the works which would mostly serve as a news feed for MnF Club. I've been asked to run it. And yes, I'll post a weekly Twitter highlight reel here on the forums for anyone who'd prefer to keep their Twitter feed clean.

My question to you folks is this: Apart from just news, what else would you want to see on an MnF Twitter feed?

EDIT: We are LIVE!! The account is @ClubMnF. Follow meh!
[Image: tumblr_m5n0e4lflM1ryds47o8_r1_250.gif]

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The official MnF Twitter account is at @ClubMnF! - by -J- - 01-06-2017, 02:23 AM

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