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Uma mulher em plena floração (a tribute in English)
Hello my friends,

This poem was written in a single afternoon, but the subject matter had been tossing and turning in my mind for a good while now. I wanted to pay homage to a very special lady, beloved by all, and one of the most important member of our online community... here's to you, Tania.

Uma mulher em plena floração
The ashes of her fiery rebirth glittering
Like stardust sown across the night sky’s velvet cloth,
She walks the Land anew, unfettered, and from troth
Delivered, standing tall and proud, freely blooming
With sparkling, colorful mien and heady fragrance
Laden with subtle hints of passion and romance;
     Lo! Here she comes, a senhora renascida,
     Stunningly beautiful in her simplicity,
     Beloved pillar of our unique community,
     A flower by any other name: miss Tania!
Reborn through the slow, painful ordeal of broken
Promises, betrayed yet faithful to the very last,
She endured, rising over the ruins of the past
Like the radiant orb of the morning sun, woken
From darkened dreams shackling her creativity,
Now free to express her newfound sensitivity;
     Lo! Here she is, uma dona magnífica,
     True daughter of Lusitanian nobility,
     Alluring queen of seductive maturity,
     Alma indomável... simplesmente Tania!


P.S. I fervently hope my timid attempt to employ a few Portuguese words was done correctly; I apologize in advance to the whole Portuguese-speaking community for any grammatical errors and/or nonsensical use of certain terms.... desculpai !
"Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth, for behold: all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals."
The Goddess -

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Uma mulher em plena floração (a tribute in English) - by IvanXLIV - 10-19-2016, 10:38 PM

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