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Memories (from the future) chapter 2
Cynthia and Wendy adapt to a new ship, as you shall see it is not hard nor terribly unpleasant before getting a new ship.

Battlefield Promotions: We went to see the TGR, still in our grungy Vacuum suits, of course by now I got out of the bulky hard suit, but my soft suit was covered in sweat and grime, and a little blood. Wendy was little better, only Ms. Daniels had a relatively clean suit, although the sweat marks were visible as she had her bulky engineering coveralls over them, until we got to the shuttle.

We were ushered in and since she was senior Ms. Greer reported for all of us.

“At ease ladies, ok well first of all let me thank you for saving my ship, and next give my condolences for all of those we have lost. Unfortunately the Big Illy is out of the upcoming fight, as my aerogroup got hammered. The good news is we are going not to Avonia but to Chronos to reequip. Then we will join Lady Catherine just a little later. For the record, the Famous is no longer attached and she is going to Avonia. The bad news is Golgotha is being written off; the good news is that we are not going to scuttle her; she is going to be towed by the Famous to Avonia where she will be decommissioned and scrapped. Therefore all survivors of the Golgotha will transfer to other elements of CTG 61 as they best fit. Radiant will escort the Famous and get reassigned. So until further notice Zambezi will work on Licorice and we will leave the Rooster with them, and Big Illy and the animals will head to Chronos. Now starting with you Ms. Greer give your account.”

“Yes Ma’am once general quarters were sounded….”

We each gave accounts of what happened, Wendy stated that her battery smoked a Newton and strafed the living crud out of a Trig class destroyer. By the grace of Soro her section was never seriously threatened unlike the starboard or upper port sides. After the ramming she evacuated her station and headed up to M deck, and waited at DC 5. She also recommended that her section get commendation especially Gunnery Tech Foxy Girl, and in the Ssuperliss tradition a new name, honoring her deeds. Lady Shelly liked that idea, and so we decided on Slayer of Corvettes, as Newton Smoker was a bit vulgar.

Kaptain Daniels explained that like lower port, the engineering area was never hit, the only major actions was ejecting the reactors, which went by the numbers. She commented that whoever was flying the ship the last few moments was one heck of a helmsgal, although it stank loosing the ship in the process.

When it came to my turn I down played the actions on the VNB and focused on the recovery effort, however as modest as I tried to be, the others would hear none of it. You’d think I saved the Empire single handily rather than be the person responsible for destroying a heavy cruiser.

“OK, well you all did a fine job, actually the whole CTG kicked major rear today. Let’s see two Dolci’s although I think Dauntless will claim one, 12 Thetas that is including the one you gals rammed, forty Trigs, and eight Hawkings, two bailed when the Dauntless and Company arrived. Oh yeah I forgot 20 Newtons, I am including the mis jump and the fool that rammed you, and 80 aerospace craft, twenty Numeric bombers, 50 Quads, and 10 new things that were actually tough. And in exchange we lost the Golgotha, even though she will be parts, two frigates, one corvette, a badly damaged light cruiser, a heavily damaged destroyer and 60% of my aerowing. That includes the flight you had. Of those all of my Jean De Arch, 90% of my Amazons and 20% of my Sheena-cats, the new warriors did superbly we are picking up more of them and something new called a Raptor when we get to Chronos. I am trading all of the Amazons. Oh and over 3000 lives, which is the greatest sacrifice, losing those three ships with all hands hurt. When I am done here I am going to do the same with the Aerogroup folks.” She paused

“Now the good part of this horrid day; Ms. Greer you are reassigned Commodore of escorts, right now Kommandette that consists of the two frigates but once we get the Rooster and the Licorice back they will also be in your charge, Lady Greer. Ms. Daniels you are to report to the Licorice as Chief Engineer, same grade but with commendation, upon reaching a suitable station and vacancy you may wish to transfer to a ship worthy of your caliber. Miss Travis I would love to reassign you to the Licorice as a gunnery officette, but in light of the request endorsed by the late Ms. Lyons and Ms. Rivera that would be bloody unfair so you are assigned to 2nd watch gunnery division ISS Illustrious as seen fit for position of senior Battery Mistress, after all not many BM’s can claim a corvette kill, and an assist on a destroyer. Now what to do with you Miss Parker, some would blame you for wrecking a starship, others would ship you off to Amazonia as a recruitment ploy, I think we can come to something less drastic. I already have a damned good helm control officette on the VNB, but Lady Grenville had to transfer several of her personnel over to the Licorice, including the senior maneuvering officette 1st Watch, are you interested?”

“Uh yes Ma’am but you said your position on the VNB is filled…”

“So I did, but unless I am mistaken I said senior maneuvering officette, that position is not on the VNB but the BDC, right? Ah now you get it. Now let’s see we need to decorate some uniforms a bit, Ms. Daniels and Miss Travis you are awarded the MSM, as soon as I can get the paperwork submitted. Ms. Greer as CO during the critical hour you are awarded the Silver Star Cluster, pending approval from Lady Catherine. And now young Miss Parker, I see gold in your future if not rubies. Your actions especially the search for fellow crewmates at great risk to yourself is greatly appreciated. That was some quick thinking getting those gals off M deck. So I will endorse the award for the Gold Star Cluster, but with a recommendation for upgrade as seen fit. In the meantime you and Ms. Greer will be also awarded the MSM, for your conduct during the battle. Now that I have made your uniforms a bit heavier, we have a few of you out of uniform; namely all four of you. Ms Greer, you are promoted to the rank of Lady Knight or Equetassa effective this date, congratulations My Lady. Ms. Daniels you will be promoted to Kommandette backdated to this date effective your transfer to an appropriate command. And finally Miss Travis and Miss Parker those orange V’s are no good, trade them in effective immediately for proper gold chevrons, as Lewtenettes you are both out of uniform. Congratulations to all, Dismissed!”

After we left Flag Plot we hurried to see the quartermistress to see about getting the new insignia and frankly new uniforms and gear since all of us lost everything when G deck was gutted. I also saw several other people milling about getting new items, including both Terry and Barbi. “Hey girl’s how are you doing?”

“Cyn, Wendy is that you?”

“Soro be praised how on earth did you live through that?”

“We were lucky, Wendy has a kill and an assist…”

“No way, fighters?”

“No, a corvette and a destroyer, while you flygals were off doing your thing we smoked some Newtons, and then brawled with two destroyers, both of them were slag when it wall over.”

“How about you Cyn, no kills?” Barb asked me jokingly

“Well I’m not gunnery we don’t do things like that…”

“Actually girls, Cynthia does have a kill.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked Wendy.

“That Theta, this crazy mother, under orders, mind you charges a pair of Thetas and we take a beating from their torps and guns, and then she rams one, cutting the bastard in two, the crazy thing is if we were just a little bit faster we would have kept the Old Skull alive, but the Skully was just a little too slow and when the Theta blew, we were right in the middle.”

“How did you two do?” I asked the two aero-babes.

“Well since a torp run is hard to get individual credit, the flight has an assist on a Dolci, that bastard Dauntless hammered the ship right when our torps detonated, so everyone gets a partial or assist. The flight also has three destroyer kills, two Trigs, and one Hawking, we also have an assist on a Theta. As for fighter kills, I have two Quadratics, and two new things, man those suckers are tough, we missed Ace by 1 lousy kill. One of those new jobs waxed the flight leader, and Riana and Melissa bought it on the attack run against the Thetas. The other cat in our flock was badly damaged and its crew is in the infirmary. So we both got promoted to Lewey, and I am the new Flock Mother.”

“Oh yeah we got stripes as well, but we have a huge problem.”

“What’s that?” Terry asked.

Wendy explained “Uh well we lost everything on old Skull, clothing personal effects you name it, and our bunks….”

“Oh silly we both found out you two are assigned here so well, Terry and I got moved to a new room that has room for four, two guess who the other two are?” Barbi said with wink.

Thus the pace was set for my tour of on the Illustrious. The only thing of special note was when we got to Chronos, both Barbie and Terry fell instantly in love with the new Raptor. The problem was that they were single seat craft, so Terry had to become a pilot, which she did. By this time the 4 Lewies in OB (Officette Billet) 34 had a four-way intimate partnership contract, and two permanent partnership contracts pending. When those get approved it would mean always being stationed in the same area or platform. We had to decide how we were going to juggle the different career requirements, and each take a possible hurdle to further advancement. This was going to be extremely problematic if Terry could not get her pilot wings. As things turned out she did, and so both Terry and Barb got posted to the same Raptor squadron, but different flights. It was just a matter of ensuring that Wendy and myself get billets on the same ship.

As Lewies in Weapons and Command that was not very hard, even if we did not get the best postings. The good news was our first posting together in 2631 was a new (as in just commissioned) Neptune, the AISS Gremlin. She shared several similar characteristics with the Golgotha but her flight area was redesigned to operate the Raptors, and her guns were upgraded to Heavy Naval Pulse Laser Cannon in the A, B & C turrets. Wendy was posted as Battery Mistress for B turret, and I was posted as maneuver control Officette on the BDC. The first cruise was a routine shakedown cruise and beyond increasing the personal relationships, nothing really happened.

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RE: Memories (from the future) chapter 2 - by Sylviekat - 08-18-2016, 06:23 PM

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