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Memories (from the future) chapter 2
Ok time to get violent: The next group will be about Miss Parker's first taste of stellar combat and the brutal nature of the fighting. Though combat is space is best summed as hours of tedium and boredom filled with minutes or even seconds of pure terror.

Old Skull’s last sacrifice: After that trip the meetings became less and less frequent. I found out soon enough we had entered Corporate controlled space. The Sheena-Cats were conducting long range patrols, while the Amazons and Amazon-Warriors were on full alert. Illustrious was on 24 hour aerospace operations which left little time for socializing. All but the most urgent of dispatches were left aboard the Illustrious and a Amazon carried these.

Late on the third day of being in Corp space all of the section officettes were gathered into the wardroom where we were briefed. Illustrious group CTG 61 was to rendezvous with ATG (battle cruiser or heavy cruiser led) 453 and BTG (dreadnought) 11. Lady Countess Volkberg wanted the three task groups to clear the way for an invasion force. The rendezvous point was three jumps away, and it seemed we would be the first on station. The TGR decided to send the Famous with the Salsa and Bride ahead to secure the rendezvous point before the rest of CTG 61 would jump in. This made sense since the Famous was an attachment already and was capable of independent operations. The Salsa was nothing more than a sensor platform and the Bride provided some offensive firepower. Also these three ships or vessels were some of the fastest in the CTG. They jumped almost a full day ahead of the rest of the group.

Thirty minutes after they jumped, the Famous jumped back, she was trailing vapor from some moderate to severe battle damage. Shortly after the general quarters alarm rang and since it was 3rd Watch, both Wendy and I quickly got suited up and rushed to our respective stations.

By the time I got to the VNB all the stations were manned either the primary or secondary (1st or 2nd Watch). Third watch went to their respective DC areas. Ms. Greer came up and took command of the VNB as Lady Amanda Sheridan was on the BDC. “Report!”

“VNB manned and ready, Ma’am!” Shouted Majourette Sampson, SWO 2nd Watch, she was the primary for navigation.

Miss Francis was at her sensor station, and I had the helm. “Thompso, signal BDC that we are manned and ready!” Ms. Greer ordered.

“Aye Ma’am”, stated another Kaydette, she was from 2nd Watch, “BDC this VNB we are manned and ready”


Right you heard her set condition Zebra, If you are not in your suits do so now!” That last comment was directed at about a quarter of the personnel mostly from 2nd watch.

“Ma’am getting a signal from the Famous, they say they were ambushed by a full battlegroup led by two Dolcianies and about 12 Thetas, no Pascals or Descartes though. Bride and Salsa were lost before they could react, she further says that her shields are down to 10% and has suffered moderate hull damage with several breeches. Casualties are relatively light though.”

“Roger that, send info down to BDC to confirm and inquire if we should relay to Illustrious.”

“Aye, BDC confirms and so does Illustrious.”

“Roger, ok girls you heard that two battle cruisers and twelve cruisers, we will have our work cut out for us this time.”

“Jump signatures!” shouted Tamara.

“Where Miss Francis?”

“Off the Starboard bow, 300 MM, 20 Degrees bearing 10, angles –10 to +11.”

“Roger, what number?”

“Too far to read accurately but best guess over fifty.” Tamara said looking at her scope.

“Good, they jumped too far, alert BDC, now we wait.”
And that is exactly what we did, due to the nature of the Golgotha’s weapons we were not in this fight, yet. The Famous and the other offensive ships and vessels accelerated towards the enemy ships. The Golgotha and the other escorts swarmed around the Illustrious while the Zambezi and one corvette turned about and fled to the far side of the system.

Meanwhile; the Famous, Golgotha and Illustrious all spat out their respective aerospace craft. Our pathetic flight of four joined up with the Amazon squadron of the Famous while its flight of Sheenas and Jean De Arcs linked up the appropriate squadrons from the Illustrious. We had over 100 aerospace craft in space, and all but 30 Amazons rocketed towards the distant corporate ships. At 300 MM, the attack birds could get up to three strikes in before we got into knife range. If we can keep the enemy away from us we had a good chance of defeating the attack. The plan was to make this a long range fight, and bloody the corp noses, of course they had other plans, and their ships once fully stabilized from the jump accelerated to 30MMH, Their destroyers and fast thetas went to 40MMH.

“Ma’am, I’m detecting twelve small jump outs!” Shouted Tamara

“Right that would be the Newtons making a small hop to get closer, Francis let me know where they appear.”

“Roger Ma’am” The Newton, a small corvette, barely worthy of the name was the main light strike platform for the corps, since their aerospace bomber was a piece of junk. The Newton had the ability to microjump, or jump within a system, it was a risky tactic but could pay big dividends if they jumped in a weakly guarded area.

“Ma’am got em, eight signatures to the port, bearing 185 degrees, angle +34 distance 24MM. Two signatures to port bearing 200, angle negative 200 distance 40MM, and one signature bearing 74 degrees, angle +11, distance 100MM.”

“Last one?”

“No signature”

“Right two mis-jumps not bad for the corps, ok keep an eye on those bastards at 200, negative 200. Confirm with BDC.”

“BDC confirms, priority is group at 24MM.” The Newton was equipped like a super heavy bomber, her main weapons being torpedoes that were effective within two MM. However unlike an aerospace bomber they had jump drives and shields. The defensive weaponry aboard the escorts had a range of 8 MM, this meant that we could get several shots on the Newtons before they could unleash their deadly torpedoes. To make things harder for them the main body turned about 90 degrees so that the side the Newtons were approaching was now shielded by the massive broadsides of the Golgotha and the two frigates. The other remaining corvette covered the weak side.
At a closing speed of 34MMH the Newtons would be in range of our guns in about thirty minutes and must endure about eight minutes of brutal bombardment before they could even consider striking with the torpedoes. At about twenty minutes the order to secure blast shields was given and our wonderful view of the panorama was reduced to the tiny displays of our consoles. Miss Francis provided a play by play of the brief action.

“We are in range and firing!” The eight small vessels were now met by 55 guns, all but two were NPLC, the last two were light Naval Particle Cannon, these big mama’s were the main mount of the big Illy.
“All right!” Tamara shouted, “one Newton just got tagged by the Big guns off the Illy!” A few seconds later, “five bad boys are drifting, one is turning about the other two are still closing.”

“Torpedo Launch!”


“The two fools they fired at 6MM.”

“Right how many?”

“20, they fired their spread, looks like they are cutting and running.”


“Scratch that make one running, and one vapor.”

“Right alert BDC, that we may need local control, open blast visors so we can see those torps!” The last command was not needed as the furthest Newton fired its torpedoes way out of range and all of them ran out of fuel and so proved easy meat for the guns. As for the other 10, most of them were likewise unable to maneuver and had to drift the last two megameters, and were likewise destroyed by the defensive batteries. Only four had fuel and each one selected different targets, which ensured their destruction by the point defenses. Only the Octopus suffered any damage, and that was to her shields from a close proximity blast.

As for the Newtons three were totally destroyed, and four were dead in space. Only one of the eight got away, and it was one of the two that fired off its weapons.

“Good job, ok keep an eye out for the last bastard, he may try something dumb.” Meanwhile the two advancing elements sped closer to each other.

“Our gals will be in missile range in about two hours; those two Newtons are just lurking at the 40MM mark.” Stated Miss Francis.
“Right and the last one?”

“Oh ah it is in path of the Famous, that should be messy.”

We now had a few hours before anything interesting happens.

BDC TO ALL SECTIONS SECURE FROM CONDITION ZEBRA, REPEAT SECURE FROM CONDITION ZEBRA. That announcement meant we could stretch and take short breaks until the action heated up again.

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RE: Memories (from the future) chapter 2 - by Sylviekat - 08-15-2016, 04:35 PM

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