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Memories (from the future) chapter 2
The Empire is dominated by the Amazonians but regular Terran Humans and the product improved Homo Superior genetic modification are common as well. The Empire also has several non-human species counted among the citizen-subjects of Her Imperial Majesty. The three most common are the Wandii, Ssuperliss and the Tikus.
The Wandii, a canine like marsupial race, were one of the first alien races to make contact with mankind. Their race is remarkably adaptable to whatever the predominant culture is. Although highly intelligent, the race is not known for its leadership dynamics. The Wandii will find a system of government and culture to suit their needs, and as long no overt abuse is inflicted will be very loyal. It is not uncommon for two separate groups of Wandii to be seen on opposite sides of a human sprung conflict.
Average Height: 5’8” / 6’8” / 5’4”
Average Weight: 320 / 440 / 240
Sexual Dimorphism: Yes (male lower standing: Val, male higher standing: Valmant,
Female: Vort)
Hair: Color: Brown, Black, Tan or combinations:
Length: 1 to 2 inch thick body hairs located everywhere except on the tail
Skin: Color: Val: Pink, Valmant: Red: Vort: Black
Eye: Color: Brown or Black
Physiology: Endothermic Marsupial Mammalian: The Wandii are bipedal mammals that seemed to have evolved from a type of predatory marsupial . Their features are very much like a bipedal Rottweiller crossed with an opossum. This fearsome visage has a tendency to make other races uncomfortable, especially when the Wandii is happy and grinning. The opossum traits being a long naked tail, rows of very sharp pointy teeth, and the pouch. The hind legs are clawed, but the forelimbs end in five opposable digits, three fingers and two thumbs. Female Wandii give birth to one to two offspring, the gestation period is 2 weeks followed by a 6-month incubation period in the pouch.

The Tikus are a rodent-based species. They have developed a very formal culture complete with a caste system. Since contact with humans, the Tikus have adopted the ways of ancient oriental cultures, mainly Japanese. They found that these cultures and the old Tikus family system had much in common. While contact is permitted outside one’s caste (including marriage), it is impossible for a Tikus to ever leave his or her caste.
HOME WORLD: NEW KYOTO (TIKUSKA): Imperial Tikus hail from the system of Geisha
Average Height: 4’4’ / 4’
Average Weight: 100 / 65
Sexual Dimorphism: YES (Oran (male) / Way (Female)
Hair: Color: White (Mystic), Black (Labor), Brown (Warrior), Red (Noble) tones (based on caste)
Length: Short dense fur, all areas have at least minimal coverage
Skin: Color: White to Pink
Eye: Color: Pink
Physiology: Bipedal, snub tailed rodents. The Tikus are descendent from a rat-like rodent, however any other similarities to the common mouse end there. The female gives live birth to twins after a 48-month gestation, where the young are able to fend for themselves.
SPECIAL: Roll 1d6 to determine Caste, 1-Labor Caste, 2-5 Warrior Caste, 6-Noble Caste
Racial Advantage / Disadvantage chart

The Sspurliss were part of the Gerda League. They gained notoriety in the battle of Terra Nuevo, when the Sspurliss troops ate the human prisoners, under their care. After the defeat of the Gerda League, the Sspurliss found employment in legal enforcement and other like professions. When the old Federation, Collapsed, the Sspurliss all went back to their Homeworld. Ssplaaand was soon rediscovered, and became part of the old Amazon Empire. Renamed Sparta, in honor of the Sspurliss’s great martial prowess, the Empire fully accepted the Sspurliss in the ranks of the ever-enlarging Alien Reserve Auxiliary. The Sspurliss have accepted Imperial rule, and can be found in increasing number in the Imperial military, or as part of some type of government job. The most notable have found a niche in the Imperial Militant Police, or as imperial Magistrates.
Average Height: 7’6” / 7’ 2”
Average Weight: 1000 / 850
Sexual Dimorphism: Yes (Sslark: male / Ssmaall: female)
Hair: NONE
Skin: Scales: Color: Various Shades of Green or Brown, may be iridescent, some Sslmaal’s have turquoise or other shades of blue as highlights.
Eye: Color: Black
Physiology: Exothermic Bipedal Reptilian, similar to Terran Crocodiles. Oviparous, female lays a clutch of about 12 eggs, usually 1/3 survives. The rest are eaten by the first borne. The limbs have been designed so that the Sspurliss can walk in a bipedal motion, they are very good swimmers, and spend as much time as possible in the water. Due to their forked tongue, the Sspurliss find Galactic to be troublesome, they have a tendency to hiss and extend all S sounds and swallow R’s and G’s are as K’s.

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RE: Memories (from the future) chapter 2 - by Sylviekat - 08-13-2016, 08:19 PM

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