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Memories (from the future)
Before moving on to chapter 2, A quick primer on the Amazonian Imperial military or AIDOF. First off Imperial Galactic uses English as its root but it heavily influenced by other languages mostly Western and Northern European. Kommand for example is derived from the German Kommando or staff headquarters unit.
It is subdivided into several branches in the early-mid 27th Century there were seven of them. Stellar Assault Navy; the space navy. Aquatic Patrol Kommand; the much smaller water navy. Ground Force Kommand, the army and marines. Special Operations Kommand, all special forces (at this time APK SEALS were just considered elite), AeroSpace Kommand, air and space force, Medical Branch, the Medical Priestesses and lay-girls assigned to provide medical and spiritual support to the military all are ordained or lay clergy of the Church of Soro. And lastly lay Command and Combat Kommand the General Headquarters organiazation which includes the top tiers of the civil aristocracy.

Ranks: The Empire is divided between Civil and Military Regency. It is also divided between Imperial and House Control. Although the Tikus have their own names for their leaders they also use the standard Imperial titles as well;

The Royal (and Imperial) Ranks and Titles are associated with the senior leaders of the Imperial Government and the Five Houses. Members of AIDOF in this group hold title with their families and are filling a post of great importance. While serving in the AEF or IHF however the Royal will place Imperial concerns over her own house. The Leader of each house is informally called the Matron, even if she is a Queen or the Empress herself.

Empress: Her Imperial Majesty, Sovereign Defender of Amazonia and Soro, Matron of
House Vira
Tzarina: Her Majesty, Daughter Heiress of the Empress, Head of the Council of Matrons
Queen: Her Royal Majesty, Sovereign and Matron of one of the Four Houses
Princess-Royal: Her Illustrious Highness, Daughter Heiress of the Queen
Crown Princess: Her Imperial Highness, Senior Royal Serving in an Imperial Capacity
Royal Princess: Her Royal Highness, Senior Royal Serving in Her House
Princess-Consort: Her Elevated Highness, Consort-Bride of a Crown / Royal Princess or
higher but not of the Matron (Changes Surname to new House: Hyphenated Names are for Royals who are married but of Equal Status (House Vira never Hyphenates)
Princess: Her Highness, a member of a Royal House with no other qualifier
Wanaxxae: Her Militant Highness, a member of the royalty serving in AIDOF
Viceroy: Her Civil Highness, a member of the royalty serving in the Imperial Government

The High Nobility is the senior levels of either AIDOF or the Civil Government. The titles have some overlap but there is a distinct difference between the spheres of influence. Wives or Consort-Brides of High and Lower Nobility retain their current titles, but will take the surname if of lower standing or hyphenate if of equal standing.

Arch Duchess: Her Supreme Grace, Regent of a System Arch Duchy or Chief Retainer of a Royal / Imperial Court or Very large multi force combat command
Margraefin: Her Supreme Militant Grace, Regent of Large mixed force command or chief of staff of organization under a Militant Royal. Equal to a Field Marshal or Fleet Admiral
Duchess: Her Elegant Grace, Regent of a Planetary Duchy or Senior Retainer of a Royal / Imperial Court.
Graefin: Her Militant Grace, Regent of Mixed force command / Combat Theater. (Admiral or General Equivalent
Marquessa: Her Grace, Regent of a Territorial Region, or member of a Royal / Imperial Court.

The Lower Aristocracy is the ladies who run the Imperial government as well as the royal domains and large military (Flag) level commands. Viscountess is bestowed on the members who are currently sitting on the House of Ladies. While in this capacity they do not hold title or land in their respective Royal House. The social gulf between Marquessa and Countess is rather wide.

Viscountess: Her Enlightened Ladyship, Member of the House of Ladies (Appointed and Temporary position)
Countess: Her Supreme Noble Ladyship, Regent of a Continental County (Military Equivalent to a Vice Admiral or Lieutenant General)
Contessa: Her Most Noble Ladyship, Regent of a Kries (Subdivision of the County) (Military Equivalent of a Rear Admiral or Major General)
Baroness: Her Noble Ladyship, Regent of a Barony (Military Equivelent to a Commodore or Briagadier
Thaness: Her Ladyship, Regent of Knight: Regent of a Legion or Mistress of a Star Ship (Colonel or Naval Captain)

Young scions of Royal or Noble houses, or extremely gifted commoners are found leading the combat units or serving in supervisory roles for the civic government. Once a young maiden graduates from the academy and achieves her commission she is destined to advance as her talent, patroness and fate will take her.
Line Officers are serving in leadership in front line combat units. Line Officers do not distinguish between Naval and Martial like the aristocrats appointed above them. The level also is determined by number and appropriate rank, a SBA is lead by Mademoiselle Majourette and the flight by a Madame Kaptain for example.
Madame Kommandette: Commander of a Cohort, Star Vessel, Aerospace Squadron,
Madame Kaptain: Commander of a Century, small Star Vessel, Aerospace Section,
Mademoiselle Majourette: Commander of a Troop, duty section, Aerospace Flight.
Mademoiselle Lewtennette: Commander of a Convent, duty detail, Aerospace Craft.
Mademoiselle Kaydette: Junior Officer learning her trade (fills a junior Lewtennette slot)

Civic Administrators serve as supervisors for the Imperial Bureaucracy. Each level has more and more responsibly and prestige.
Madame Minister: Head of major department or office on a given system
Madame Secretary: Head of a large planetary department, office or agency
Mademoiselle Aide: Senior Supervisor for a section or division
Mademoiselle Valet: Junior Supervisor for a section or division, or team

Members of the Imperial Church of Soro who are serving in a Medical Support Role are given nominal rank equivalent to an Aristocratic Lady Militant or Line Officer.
Abbess of Sappho: High Priestess of the Church of Soro, her Temporal voice
Prioress of Alred: Head of the Medical Ministry
Reverend Mother Doctor:Head of a Medical Arch Dais
Mother Doctor Superior: Head of a Medical Parish
Sister Doctor: Head of a Medical Ward
Sister Nurse Superior: Senior member of a Medical Ward
Sister Nurse: Member of a Medical Ward
Daughter Nurse Maid: Junior member of a Medical Ward, newly ordained from the Seminary on Sappho.

The Professional Enlisted Ranks or PERS are the Imperial equivalent to most militaries non-commissioned officers. PERS also serve in the civic administration. Kommand level are the equivalent to Sergeants Major while the Troop level serve in roles ranging from Centurion to Squad Leader. Formal Address is Frau, All Naval, ships, vessels and craft call the SPER the COB or Chief of the Boat. Other PERS go by Chief and their Rating, Engineering Chief, or Bo ‘sun Chief. The SPER of organizations below Sarjent Majour are informally called the First Skirt.
Imperial Sarjenette Majour: Senior PER of AIDOF
Royal Sarjentette Majour: Senior PER of a Royal House Defense Force
Kommand Sarjenette Majour: Senior PER of a Force or OPKOM
Sarjenette Majour: Senior PER of Maniple Equivalent or Higher
Kommand Sarjenette: Senior PER of a Cohort or Equivalent
Sarjenettte Upper Class: Senior PER of a Century or Equivalent
Sarjenette: Senior PER of a Sorority or Detail
Sarjenette Lower Class: Leader of a Circle
Junior Sarjenette: Leader of a Party / Team
Apothecary: Gifted Medical PER affiliated with the Church but not ordained

The Troopie, or Girl / Gal form the junior ranks of the Imperial services. There are four ranks mainly used to denote experience level, pus one unique for medics. They are formally addressed as Fraulein but informally the mildly derogatory pejorative of Tussi is used. Naval girls are addressed by their ratings more than their rank such as Senior Helmsgal or Engineer’s mate.
Troopie Upper Class: An experienced warrior-maid who may lead a small element or is trusted with important tasks or equipment.
Troopie: Rank and File warrior-maid
Troopie Lower Class: A warrior-maid who has served some time or survived combat.
Rookie: A warrior-maid fresh from training
Candi-Striper: A medical corps-gal serving as a field medic

Messages In This Thread
Memories (from the future) - by Willy_for_Boobies - 08-06-2016, 01:36 PM
RE: Memories (from the future) - by Sylviekat - 08-06-2016, 01:51 PM
RE: Memories (from the future) - by Sylviekat - 08-07-2016, 05:50 PM
RE: Memories (from the future) - by Cath - 08-07-2016, 06:50 PM
RE: Memories (from the future) - by Sylviekat - 08-08-2016, 03:22 PM
RE: Memories (from the future) - by Sylviekat - 08-09-2016, 05:48 PM
RE: Memories (from the future) - by Sylviekat - 08-10-2016, 05:12 AM
RE: Memories (from the future) - by Sylviekat - 08-11-2016, 04:36 AM
RE: Memories (from the future) - by Cath - 08-11-2016, 05:44 PM
RE: Memories (from the future) - by Sylviekat - 08-11-2016, 08:26 PM
RE: Memories (from the future) - by Sylviekat - 08-12-2016, 04:32 AM
RE: Memories (from the future) - by Sylviekat - 08-12-2016, 03:13 PM
RE: Memories (from the future) - by Sylviekat - 08-12-2016, 06:51 PM
RE: Memories (from the future) - by Cath - 08-12-2016, 09:15 PM
RE: Memories (from the future) - by Sylviekat - 08-12-2016, 09:39 PM
RE: Memories (from the future) - by Cath - 08-12-2016, 09:48 PM

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