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Levels of Roleplay (For the ones who want to learn more)
Chat to pm to RP flirting to RProgress to RPleasure.
I RP and since I do have a vivid imagination and am a constant overthinker, I'm pretty good at it, though highly detailed (any glimpse, any shiver, any shadow cast, any action has a reaction, etc.)
Strictly in Private Messages due to the character limit, though even there I at times find restrictive.
No "scenes", I never play anything but myself.
If it's really really good, then I take some of those mental images with me...for later uhm..."use". Otherwise, I rather smile about how good it was for the respective partner, gloat a little (okay, a lot).


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RE: Levels of Roleplay (For the ones who want to learn more) - by Barbiesque - 06-13-2016, 05:56 AM

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