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Looking For Players: Luderos, A Fantasy Roleplay (With plenty of sex themes)
(06-08-2016, 04:31 PM)TheSalaciousOne Wrote: I'd love to give the demo a try. Let me know what's the best way to get in contact with you

Generally just PM me here and I will respond. May give out more contact details at a later date.

(06-09-2016, 11:52 AM)LadyLuscious Wrote: If there's still space, I would like to be a part of this demo if you'd let me.
A few questions regardless, out of curiosity tho:
1) Will you have an overarching plot?
2) Will you be forcing people to stick to said plot (as some gamemasters do) or adapting to player actions?
3) Given the medium you've chosen, don't you think plot development can sometimes be slowed or neglected by people's libidos(Libidoes? Libidums? idk what the plural is)

Its not too late at all! I am planning to PM all the interested individuals this evening, now including you. The demos will be run as shortish individual sessions, with just the player and the two of us.

1) Not really, although you might feel there is. We have a number of deep and intertwined story threads which you can follow, or not as you wish. We have put in hundreds of hours building the world, essentially we want to let you explore (as we continue to expand) Luderos, with pretty much no restrictions. The story will therefore be built around the player's interests and intents. We will make sure there is a sense of connection and flow with recurring characters for you to interact with and the progression of the worlds plot (whcih you can interact with or not as you wish, things will continue to happen without your intervention).

2) I think 1 pretty much answers this, but no I don't railroad. I world build and then allow free exploration and decision making. I have been running games in this style for about 14 years and DMing in general for about 20 (I started as a kid). Alexa is also very good at improvisation, story crafting and character portrayal as well as being much more organised than I. Working together we really bring a world to life, or at least that is the impression I get from our players.

3) Sex scenes will generally include plot development, as will fight scenes. Both can take a lot of time, so we seek to make them meaningful. If your characters want to just fuck everything in sight this will still be true as you will affect how you're perceived by various groups as well as you're relations with individuals.

Thanks for your interest and questions, I hope those answers satisfy! Feel free to ask more.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Looking For Players: Luderos, A Fantasy Roleplay (With plenty of sex themes) - by Kyrios - 06-09-2016, 01:59 PM

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