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Looking For Players: Luderos, A Fantasy Roleplay (With plenty of sex themes)
Sure. The world is fairly standard fantasy setting, apart from things that would be considered spoilers. Its called Luderos and the players start on the continent of Soinella in the country of Aldan. Their adventures begin low on money and with no equipment in the town of Eschestadt, a small lumber jacking settlement. A fair bit of play will be finding out about the world, but I can tell you a few things.

In Aldan there are three major religions Axelism (who's adherents worship the Goddess Axela, Königin der Huren), Anelism (who's adherents worship the Goddess Anelahk, die Schöpferin) and Soyristity (who's adherents worship the God Soiryk, der Wiedergeborene). There is a strong tension between Anelism and Axelism, but the three generally coexist peacefully.

There are a large number of different sapient races and monsters (and players can play most of them) each with their own cultures and traditions as well as physiological differences. In Eschestadt there are only a few none humans, though they are integrated pretty well. One is even the Mayor's wife! Still none humans, particularly rare ones are something of an oddity. This is far less true in the big city.

Speaking of the city, that is the first objective of our new players: Get to Karlsburg. This is the capital of Aldan, where lives the young King Sebastien and many of the countries nobles including the famous Majordomo Karl König III.

As to what characters the players want to make they can make almost anything they want. Each character is given a nominal class, but you can learn skills outside of that as part of a job system. We currently have a sexy elf thief who uses her whiles to steal things (or fails and  ends up in terrible trouble)  and a catgirl mage, who mostly just wants a job and to meet nice people who won't judge her. Those are two examples.

As for the NPCs you will interact with there are shopkeepers, thieves, farmers, nobles, peasants and all sorts of monsters. There are also genuinely nice people as well as the most vile scum you can imagine. Sometimes its hard to tell those apart. My poem The Lay of Dörthe Bärentöter is a song from the bards in this world.

If you'd like to know something more specific feel free to ask more questions!

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RE: Looking For Players: Luderos, A Fantasy Roleplay (With plenty of sex themes) - by Kyrios - 06-03-2016, 12:38 PM

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