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Looking For Players: Luderos, A Fantasy Roleplay (With plenty of sex themes)
Alexa92 and I have been building a large roleplay. It is a complete world with adventures to be had and people to fight and fuck. If you are familiar with Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or similar systems this will feel familiar. If you have played RPG computer games (Skyrim, Final Fantasy etc.) you will notice similar elements here too. There is one major difference though, our world is very much for adults and fucking is as important as fighting. Though you can skip one or the other most of the time.

We already have one group of players (who have also been play testers) and will continue with them, however we would like to play with a second group also.

We're looking for people who would be interested in exploring this world, preferably a group of 3-5 who can play at weekends at the same time as each other. We are both European (my timezone is +0, Alexa92 is at +1). We are very flexible on our times at the weekend, however and frequently stay up late or all night, so as long as all the players can make the same time we probably can too.

Our goal is to deliver a really fun experience and to that end there is the option to explore every kink we could think of in the world as well as a wide array of none sex things to do (you can get a job as a lumberjack if you want...). We are sensitive to the fact that not all people are into everything so we ask our players to tell us what they don't want to do so we can avoid it!

If you are interested in playing feel free  to reply to thsi thread, or to PM Alexa92 or myself here on the forum, or in game if you see us. We will help you build a character and begin exploring the world. We would like to play our first session on the weekend of the 17th-19th June.

It is worth noting that whilst your character's actions affect each other’s game worlds and you will start together we will not require you to stick together at all times. You, of course, are free to do so if you wish.

Please ask any general questions you would like to in this thread and we will answer as best we can, although we will avoid giving spoilers!

Interested Players


If you are interested and your name is not on the above list, please let us know!

Messages In This Thread
Looking For Players: Luderos, A Fantasy Roleplay (With plenty of sex themes) - by Kyrios - 06-03-2016, 10:20 AM

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