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How do you reject people in the game?
(12-10-2015, 07:17 PM)juicylucy Wrote: I look past the names for the most part because I have a bit of a silly name myself.

I am sixes on this. Sometimes the silly name is what attracts me to a person. I compliment peoples names when they are really funny and clever. I also love really clever petnis names as well, especially if it works with the persons name or is a play off of something.

Sometimes, however, people have really rude or offensive names. Then I just ignore them or if they talk to me I don't respond.

But I have not really run into too many people like that. For the most part people have been generally good about not using racial slurs, or other forms of hate speech in their names.

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RE: How do you reject people in the game? - by Silvyraven - 12-18-2015, 01:16 AM
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