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Elegy of a Forgotten Future
Hello people,

My mood of the past few days compelled me to write this short poem. As time passed, I have grown quite fond of our marvellous community and made several close friends... but to all good things there is an eventual end.

Lately, I've had this ridiculous (and quite irrational) notion that it could all wink out of existence if I had to stay away from the game and the forum for too long... and I have to take a momentary leave of absence for seven to ten days. Sad I will miss all of you. If all goes well, I should be back to you around March 5th.

This poem is dedicated to you, the community, and to a special lady friend of mine. The last phrase should prove meaningful to her in several ways...

Without further ado:

Elegy Of A Forgotten Future
Darkness falls, the last glimmer of sunset long gone,
The remaining ambers glowing feebly as I sit
Shivering. The pallid moon has risen anon,
Shadows covering my soul like a grim obit.
The fire is dying, light and warmth all but spent.
Cold, clammy fingers stretch forth, grasping at my heart,
Already numb and listless. A downward descent
In oblivion follows, ‘til all feelings depart.
Like a dying replicant, I’m left to ponder
The meaning of this brief, unreal existence;
Will those moments be washed in the rain forever
Like so many tears of faded significance?
Is my short time already up? Oh, so many painful, haunting questions left unanswered…
Like a distant, frozen comet, I was captured
By the gravitational pull of a blazing,
Radiant solar goddess. So quickly it occurred!
As I drew closer, your warmth cradled me, melting
The icy carapace lining my soul with rime.
Creativity, like a bright and shining tail,
Burst forth, a trail of glittering prose and sublime
Intensity, and yet so tenuous and frail.
Did I pass the perihelion of my orbit,
Outward bound for the nether reaches of deep space?
Soon torn away from your embrace, losing my wit,
Swallowed by the dark, out of reach and out of place…
Alas, we meet only to part… All the more reason to treasure every meeting we shared.
"Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth, for behold: all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals."
The Goddess -
*crying* Ivan...that's one of the most beautiful things I ever read! please be safe and come back to us soon *kisses and hugs*
To be simple is to be great
Oh, a ridiculous notion indeed... May you remain softly cradled in the warmth of this orbit for a bit longer. Believe in the gravitational pull, my dear friend. Blush
"Each night has one sound I know: the moon against the water like your cheek across mine in another life." – Sara Eliza Johnson
I really liked the tone of this poem, yet, I'm only analyzing French poems, i can sense this sadness and hope to, one day, meet again....
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
You shall indeed be missed sir.
It was a short but enjoyable time we spent trading words.

We shall await your return for sure

On a side note, I shall take myself a hiatus form the game at around the time you return.
But really hope so see you before that
A big hug
Every word a world

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