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A journey by the dark side
Ban, that was the only time I lied, don't know why I did that, maybe I was bored, maybe I want to feel the thrill, either way, it was a bad choice, don't recommend to anyone, always play honest with the others and more important, be honest with yourself!
Dark, I understand that, it's easy for a female avatar find partners, not so easy find the will to do it...I only recommend that, IF you are really prepared, mentally prepared...
To be simple is to be great
I don't know why, but I'm afraid of the shemales, one time I ran away because one wanted to bang me… *shame*
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
Cath, there all kind of shemales around here, probably, that wasn't a shemale, just a guy, a stupid one, playing with a female avatar, if you want I can recommend to you a very good (in all meanings) friend *winks*
To be simple is to be great
*nervous giggle* I-I… Thanks for the o-offer… b-but it-s o-okay… I-I do-don't need such help… *blushes*
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
Your comments on shemales and trannies reminded me of an encounter of mine...

I met a transvestite online once - a guy using a female avatar without any attempt at deception (the name whas a dead giveaway...). We had a great conversation (a fewhours) about several topics, including gender identity; it never went beyond that, but it was a memorable evening nonetheless.

Of course, transvestites and shemales are NOT the same, but each goes "outside the box" in its own way; this being said, I would certainly not be adverse to experiment like Bansai did, as long as all parties are open and honest about their true nature.

Cheers, Ivan
"Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth, for behold: all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals."
The Goddess -
Two of my best friends in this game are actualy trans.
They are A LOT of fun,and i dont just mean it in a sexual way. Fun chat and company Big Grin
Every word a world

Upon entering my darker side, i knew that sooner or later i have to deal with the bizarre and the fantasy world, to speak the truth, deal with it, makes me more nervous than scared, for one simple reason, my ignorance about many of the "games" people around here play, and this come to prove when i tried to enter these fantasies, about elfs, orks, dragons...and i found myself thinking "what a hell i'm i doing?", so after two or three attempts, i give up; except for this "beautiful" story, that i'll tell below (i thank my partner for that, because he knew to guide me thru the all thing with a lot of patience)

 - I met him on forum, read his posts, confess i was surprised by the amount of RP's he had experienced, and knew immediately that I had to meet him, from that until we finally meet in-game, not a day passed, he was extremely friendly, told me in detail their most frequent "adventures", and I, using my honesty, explained to him what i wanted and what i was willing to do, more, i left everything on his hands, he could choose and do to me what he wanted.
When the day finally came, we go to a room, i have to admit that i was a bit nervous about the "unknowing", and realize that he was also, i think the pressure of being with someone so frontal, affected him a bit. After a few moments he propose we do some BDSM, what I strictly refused saying that i had done and wouldn't repeat, and then, after a few more minutes, he introduced me "the tentacle monster".
It all start with me taking a bath, tentacles, disgusting and slimy tentacles coming from the toilet, grabbed me, lifted me in the air and did to me what they want, multiple times, using and abusing of my body, all in growing excitement, ending in epic climax with my body cover with the monster fluids...I feel dirty after that but strangely I liked, not for the "experience himself" i consider that too childish for my taste, but for the quality of my partner, he was so good and credible, that sometimes i feel, really feel, those horrible tentacles touching my skin...BRRRRR
After that, we talk, we got to know each other and became good friends...ah! and I ordered him a new "experience" very specific and horrible, that my friends, is for the last chapter!

 - In relation to the bizarre, i had a very disturbing experience with a guy by PM, it was in the beginning when i was in a state of euphoria, and made two or three RP's at the same time; so, this guy send me a message, saying that he want to make an incest RP, don't even think twice, start immediately on the role of a "mom" a nasty and despicable mom, doing all the things, A TRUE MOM shouldn't do, of course, the all thing start to revolting me, as a woman and specially as a mother, but, I keep doing it, until...he bring the dog for action, yes, the dog! for that "creature" the incest thing wasn't enough, he wants bestiality to. 
I try, resist the urge to call him all the names that had stuck in my throat, and try, but when i look up and saw my own dog laying down on the couch, i felt so ashamed, so contemptible, so dirty, that i had to put an end! the only reason i share this story (i still feel ashamed), it's because it was the only time i felt my boundaries stretched.

I had yet another story but i cut with it early on, a girl who wanted me to be a zombie, and go to a room with her and her "boy friend", i saw where it was coming and think, 'no way' i have no "stomach" for that kind of weird stuff!!!
(Chapter 5 on Page 12)
To be simple is to be great
Fascinating as always Fenix.
Ahh...necrophilia play. Haven't seen those for a while. Well I guess its gonna show up sooner or later in your adultery saga Fenix, just not that soon Tongue

Anyways, incest is already a bad enough taboo, but bestiality? Boy that's one hell of a combo.

Nice chapter btw Fenix, a more bizarre chapter by far especially the necrophilia part.
A wise man always say: 
"Make Love, Not War"
how in the virtual world do you come across this how...i need to walk around with you Fenix...maybe i might get more than lucky....i know how people are shy about "getting in at first" even tho they have dark fantasies...but my curiosity about finding such people is really high....
...ok i know you might be is one of them weirdos...well...ok you could be half right...i admit i am a weirdo but only to someone who is equally as weirdo as me XD

anyways once again thank you for sharing your awesome experiences Smile

i do have a question that you have stopped this "dark adventure"...are you back to just normal game play?...or are you on a different "adventure" now? Smile
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