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Everything you always wanted to know about seXP*
I've figured out the Threesome XP distribution!
I added the results to my spreadsheet:

Now that I know how it works, it'll be easy filling the rest of the group poses

Feel free to check and confirm the numbers. Although the Threesome numbers can have a deviation by 1
Hi, well done.  It does seem to work.  I do have some comments and a question though.

First, I don’t think that having previous group poses matters.  Secondly, the pose cost does not matter.  The first 3 have different pose values but all give the same EXP.  You know that because you have allowed for it but for others the first 3 have a pose equivalent of 750, the next 2 1000 and the last 1250.

I tried to reproduce your formula in my spreadsheet but it said not enough arguments so I removed the Max and Roundup functions that really only tidy things up.  I don’t understand where the numbers 101/3, 45 and 169/3 come from.  The last numbers 113, 150 and 562/3 are the EXP given in a 2 way for equal levels at the above pose values.

So, my reduced formula:  Average of the 3 players minus player level; multiply by the “unknown” number and add the equal level value.  An example of an actual round.

Average 11            Diff              101/3              Diff x 101/3             Add 113 & Total
Level  8                    3                33.66                    101                                  214
Level  12                  -1               33.66                   -33.66                             79.33
Level  13                  -2               33.66                   -67.33                             45.66

My method using % gave values 213.75 78.75 45 so much the same.
But EXP actually gained was 122 45 26

I too thought that I had a formula then when I looked too many actual rounds did not fit.

I don’t know if this will help but putting in a pose value of 430 (it was Turn by the way) gives EXP as actually given.

I haven't tested the not knowing previous poses. I thought it made more sense to know what is the max XP possible and then figure out if not knowing a pose would give less.

I don't think I've ever talked about the pose cost mattering. Pose Costs and Pose Values are different things. The ratio of pose pose value and pose cost is always 30% for the guys but seems to go down for the more recent girl poses to upto 18%
Pose Value is what I got by experimenting and adding the XP gained if the level difference wasn't more than 5 and Pose Cost is what I found out at the temple
I got those numbers by experiments which is why they are not an exact formulation for the XP and the values can deviate by 1.

About Threesomes,
At least the concept is clear tho that XP = a*(Level Average - Level) + b is the governing equation.
To find a and b, you just need one round of the pose and get how much XP all the players got.
Because the game rounds up the XP in the end, the a, b calculated this way will also be an approximation.

Not all poses have the same a and b. You can see in my sheet that Under Heat and Double Ass Sandwich are different from the others.
I'll find out the values and post them on my sheet and I'll also try to figure out how to get the exact values for a and b

For example, let's talk about your data about It's My Turn pose:
Using your first two points, you can get the variables a = 77/4 and b = 257/4
We can check if the third point fits: 77/4*-2 + 257/4 = 25.75 which in the game would give 26
Like I said this is an approximation and we'll need multiple data points to get the most accurate values for a and b per pose and I'm on that

The Foursomes work the same way, I'll keep doing the experiments and updating my sheet
I did Pussy Jam (only group pose) got and did Unity then Pussy Jam again.  Unity is a less expensive pose and also predates Pussy Jam.  The results indicate that having a previous pose does not matter for group poses.

Pose Costs (as in the Temple) and Pose Values (as in EXP given) are sometimes different things.  For M-F poses I think that they are the same.  For poses such as Futa or Bulk they are different giving a pose value of only 750 despite a much higher cost.  1 on 1 the pose value is 30% of pose value.  I think that is true for girl poses too.

Pose value will add up to 30% with level differences of 5 or less; 15%:15% at no difference to 30%:0% at 5 levels.  It goes wrong at higher levels as 6 levels gives 33%:0%, 7 36%:0% etc.  It also goes wrong if 1 player is top level; they give 18% to a player 1 level less but receive no EXP.

“XP = a*(Level Average - Level) + b is the governing equation” Agreed.  But I questioned how you arrived at “a”.  “b” appears to be the equal level EXP given to a player 1 on 1 at that pose value.

My Turn values
I see what you have done now.  3a+b=122, -1a+b=45 and you can calculate a and b.  But before b was logical: the EXP given in a 2 way for equal levels at the pose value.  Same poses should not give a difference in a or b.

I too thought that I had the formula, in a different way, until I found rounds that did not fit.

Mnf only very, very rarely gives unexpected EXP.  So are there other factors?
The Ratio of pose value to pose cost is 30% for guys and most girl poses but it is 22.5% for Split Poundage, 18% for Side Roller and about 26.32% for Face Sitting.

I've filled up all the poses and from a lot of rounds I've tried today, they were all consistent. I never got any values for It's My Turn pose that would agree with the data you posted.
There has to be some more factors in play. In any case, my excel sheet is now complete with the maximum XP a pose would give with given player levels.
I've reached the goal I started with so I'm done with this now.

Good luck if you still work on finding what factors can decrease the XP gained for groups and by how much
The Ratio of pose value to pose cost is 30% for guys and most girl poses but it is 22.5% for Split Poundage, 18% for Side Roller and about 26.32% for Face Sitting.

I think that it is 30% on all 1 on 1 M-F poses; that is what I get on the above poses.  Maybe the error is in using the wrong pose values in your table on 12th January.  For Split Poundage you say 450 which gives a pose value of 1500; Side Roller the same; Face Sitting 750 and 2,500.  But Split Poundage is 2,000; Side Roller 2,500; Face Sitting 2,850 as I pointed out the following day.

I've filled up all the poses and from a lot of rounds I've tried today, they were all consistent. I never got any values for It's My Turn pose that would agree with the data you posted.

That is the problem.  Most rounds are consistent but some are not.  Are there other factors or is there just some randomness in Mnf awarding EXP.  If the latter no factor will be found.

There has to be some more factors in play. In any case, my excel sheet is now complete with the maximum XP a pose would give with given player levels.

Yes, it should give the maximum and actual EXP if 5 minutes are done.  I do, however, seem to have 1 round over my expected maximum.

I've reached the goal I started with so I'm done with this now.
Good luck if you still work on finding what factors can decrease the XP gained for groups and by how much

Thanks.  I did think at first that group EXP seemed random so did not pursue it.  I then looked at just Double Penetration and saw a pattern.  It was when I tried to apply this with other poses that I saw some inconsistencies.  Unless I soon see a pattern for the inconsistencies I think that I too will abandon it.

I will look at your updated spreadsheet and try to post my own at some point.
Okay I see you're right about the pose values in the sheet. I was wrong.
I think I was wrong before because the girls that helped me did not have all the previous poses and that decreased the XP I got leading to wrong pose values.
But now that pose values are always 30% of pose costs, it all makes sense.

This would mean that the girl poses table using pose costs for not knowing previous poses is:

Boobjob                                                                                                                                                                            750/750
Get on Top                                                                                                                                                750/1000         1000/1000
Sixty Nine                                                                                                                            750/1250       1000/1250        1250/1250
Reverse Cowgirl                                                                                              750/1500        1000/1500      1250/1500        1500/1500
Split Poundage                                                                         750/2000        1000/2000       1250/2000      1500/2000        2000/2000        
Side Roller                                                         750/2500       1000/2500        1250/2500       1500/2500      2000/2500        2500/2500 
Footjob                                        750/2500      1000/2500       1250/2500        1500/2500       2000/2500      2500/2500        2500/2500          
Face Sitting           750/2850         1000/2850     1250/2850       1500/2850        2000/2850       2500/2850      2500/2850        2850/2850      
(I hope you can see the pattern here and why I insist on not using %)
This wouldn't really make sense to add to the XP table excel sheet because most people here wouldn't really know exactly how many poses they don't know off the top of their head
The group poses show no such relation to their pose costs

I think apart from the rounding up, MnF doesn't give random XP so there has to be factors influencing the XP.
For example the other two people already having sex twice before you started the 3some round etc
I know I reached my goal but I'm pretty sure I'll get back to this to figure it out completely haha

It seems that they have the first three poses in a given category act the same in terms of XP and then they systematically increase it. Which is why Under Heat and Double Ass Sandwich give higher XP and also Team Job

My equation for group poses is only 100% correct for the foursome poses, Under Heat (light) and Team Job. The others are only approximations but I'll figure out the exact one in some time.
Holy shit I just found a really cool way of looking at XP for not knowing previous poses!

Let's say you're doing Against the Wall, and you don't know 1 of the previous poses, you're only gonna get XP equal to the pose before Against the Wall which is Under Heat.
This works for all cases. Let's say you're doing Bum Bum (9th learned pose) and you don't know 3 of the previous poses, it will the same as doing 9-3 = 6th pose which is Pile Driver
You can look back at your Against the Wall table and check. You'll see that it all matches up.

The conclusion that can be drawn here is: No matter what order you learn the poses, it will mean the same in terms of maximum XP from the learned pose. So my suggestion to the new players is that start learning with the less expensive poses first so you can learn more number of poses which would then increases how much XP you'll get and help you level up.
I've added this and fixed some info on my post #42. Thanks for helping me out to getting my facts straight

I'll link my spreadsheet here so it's easier for people to find:
Does anyone know what Male Poses (Premium and Non-Premium) gives the most EXP as of now July 25th 2022?
here are the findings cake walletAds

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