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Cath’s novel ch.1-30 (abandoned)
Sup? I’ve been working on it for a lot of time now, but after a forced hiatus, I decided to post a couple of chapters in the following weeks.

EDIT : I’m so fucking lazy so the chapters after 19 will contain more typos that I didn’t bother to correct because I have more than 200 pages so far

Chapter1: messy introduction (SFW)
   As the sound of the pouring rain was fading away and settling down, a ray of morning light laid on two metallic carcasses letting out smells of oil and gasoline. A handful of people were gathered around the metal mess, a man wearing a blue camouflage uniform seemed to be accustomed to such sight as his eyes were half closed and his disappointment could be seen thanks to the light of the rising sun. He was nonchalantly holding an umbrella above a kneeling man holding his own head with a look of despair, his mouth and eyes wide open as if frozen in a mute scream. A few steps away, three people in drenched casual clothes were lined up in front of a man wearing a grey tuxedo and an unfazed expression, only he had dry tidy attire. The well dressed man took a glance at the two destroyed metallic structures then sighed before looking back at the people standing in front of him.
   "So, you managed to flip a tank upside down. Colour me impressed." The man declared, idly tapping the briefcase in his hands. "How?"
   One of the men, the one who was wearing an orange shirt with oil stains spoke up, but as soon as his mouth opened, the man in expensive clothes pinched his nose as to block the smell of booze coming out.
   "How could I know it was possible?" The inebriated person mumbled as a reply.
   "Either way, you three have been caught driving under influence. We'll have to punish you quite harshly this time." The tuxedo man said before pulling out his phone. "The Mother won't be happy about all of that and I don't want Her to sanction me because of you. Let's get you changed and report to Her immediately." He continued, putting an emphasis on the feminine entity.
   The men shuffled and waddled away to an unmarked van that drove off when they closed the door, disappearing after a sharp turn behind a house. The well dressed man nonchalantly walked to the civilian who was still on his knees in front of his destroyed car while whimpering. He looked at him as if the other was a whining dog but he wasn't paid to be sympathetic with others, he was paid for damage control.

   “Good morning, sir. It looks like we might have caused you some troubles, we will pay for the damages and put in a little extra for the inconvenience." The man declared as if he was a door-to-door salesman.
   "What… the fuck." The kneeling man said, looking at his interlocutor while the military man next to him was tucking away the umbrella.
   The man in grey ignored the question and quickly began his prepared speech that he unfortunately had to say almost every two days. With a wide smile showing his shiny and perfect dentition, he said in a fast pace:
   "I'm Smith, a representative of Brown industries, here's our card if you have more complaints. And here's our lawyers' if you have some legal issues against the men involved or the organisation they belong to. We're also willing to pay for your lawyer for any case involved directly or indirectly with our organisation." Smith said, giving cards and papers like a professional croupier. "Keep in mind that Brown Industries is entirely cooperative and is going to give compensation. By the way, what is your name? It'll be easier for the incoming procedures."
   "Daniel Tonq…" the man muttered.
   "Damn, Daniel!" The military man said enthusiastically with a laugh, as if to lighten the atmosphere.
   Daniel, also known as Dan, was a man in his mid twenties and was looking pretty much like any Caucasian man in town. He had short brown hair and a clean shaven face that was approved by his mother's tastes. The only contrasting trait was his bright blue eyes, some people even comparing them to those of huskies. Thankfully, he often took that remark with a smile as it was a nice icebreaker. Daniel looked quite approachable too, being as tall as the next guy and usually wearing sets of clothes outmoded by at least one season or wearing the classic jeans and unicoloured shirt. He didn’t look like someone from a specific category, like being a student or hipster.
   Because of the ruckus, the young man had rushed out of the house wearing nothing but a pair of trousers and an unbuttoned shirt that he hastily grabbed on his way out.
   "Shut up and call the towing company, Tony. Anyway, that's all for now. Have a good day, mister Tonq." The representative coldly said before turning on his feet.
   Daniel absentmindedly waved them goodbye as they walked to their car. He took a last look at his destroyed Toyota Yaris as a group of workers were dislodging the two vehicles and taking them away. One of the workers was kind enough to retrieve some objects from the carcass, there was a picture of Daniel in front of the intact vehicle giving thumbs up next to the car dealer, there was also a pair of broken sunglasses that were too small for him and a scratched sticker of the US flag with a redhead pinup dressed like a cowgirl.
   It was with a broken heart that he went back inside the house, his mother was looking worried while his dad, behind her, was half asleep, scratching his junk through his boxers with a yawn.
   "What did they say?" The mom asked, looking at the window as the workers were struggling to separate the two vehicles.
   "I don't remember everything, but he gave me some papers and such. I think that they will give me compensation for… everything?" Daniel said before giving his stuff to his mother who frowned at them.
   His responsible mom quickly read the different cards right after putting her glasses.
   "The Order? What kind of narcissist idiot would name their industry like that? Don't worry, hun. Momma will take care of everything!" 

   A few weeks later after the incident, in Brown Industries headquarters in Madrid, a woman in a grey office dress was having a phone call while slowly spinning from the left to the right on her office chair and admiring the view of the building outside.
   "So, I take it that you've ruined my nephew's birthday present because of that prototype tank incident." She jokingly said before pausing for a moment as her interlocutor replied. "What? No! I'm not ruined because of that! … of course not! Anyway, I do hope that you'll prepare the terrain for the implantation of our newest shell company on the west coast in California. That new prototype should sell well with our client." She said before noticing a glare on the building facing her office, she smiled. "By the way, make sure that the windows of the building are bulletproof and that the adjacent buildings are occupied by our guys. We don't want to repeat the sniper incident a third time, right?"
   As she finished her sentence, the window violently shook for a moment and a small piece of lead fell outside before the sound akin to thunder was heard. It didn't take long before a firefight occurred in the building where the group of snipers were hiding.
   "And make it double layered, just in case. … And don't forget to install a coffee machine in the office, one with an option to have hot chocolate. … Exactly, that's why I always take those expensive ones, the quality is better. … Oh! Ok, say 'hi' to Alice from me! Bye!" She said in an almost singing tone before hanging up her phone.
   The woman looked in front of her with a frown, she caught her reflection in the window. Her eyes were glowing an unnatural shade of green.
   "Should I retake control of my pet project?" She said before turning on her computer and she began working. "Maybe I should stop talking to myself as well, I’m too old for that."
   Behind her was a logo composed of a white silhouette of a sword and feather crossed together with the word 'Order' on them.
Chapter 2: two guys one girl (mostly sfw for now)
   Daniel was once again happy after the incident. With the money he got from the lawsuit he could finally get his own apartment in the city, instead of living in the countryside at his parents' house. Upon arriving with his boxes, he met a cute redhead girl living next door, who gently smiled at him before offering her help. Life was good, he even got a job as a waiter for the restaurant down in his building, the staff was pleasant and helpful. Maybe life was too good, Daniel thought after scoring a date with the neighbour who still didn't tell her name. 
   "Hey, um... isn’t it awkward that I still haven’t got your name?" Dan asked right after that the ginger girl accepted his dinner invitation.
   "Aww... you're so cute. Actually my name is..." the girl said before getting an urgent phone call she had to answer.
   Once again, he was interrupted. He thought that inconveniences were going to show up at some point. He wasn't wrong because the next day, he got an eviction notice, he had a month to find a new house. The girl had already left the building when he got the bad news and he was unable to contact her. Something about the number being unavailable in his country.
   With his eviction notice in his left hand, Daniel sighed and dialled a number on his phone, it rang twice before someone picked up. The voice seemed happily surprised when it answered with a 'hello?'.
   "Hey… Jacob, it's me again. I need your help to find a new place. Turns out the building has some safety issues and needs to be refitted. Or some bullshit like that." A disgruntled Dan explained.
   "Tough luck bro. But don't worry! I can help you with your housing issue, my little brother left my apartment, I have some vacant rooms." The voice of Jacob said with a very laid back tone.
   "You're a lifesaver, man! When can I come?"
   "In the bathroom when I'm not here. Look, I'm at my dad's office so I'll come down to pick you up after work. I'll be here in, like, an hour. Oh by the way, my cousin should come around today, she'll be staying here for a while."
   Daniel knew only one of Jacob's cousin, and he wasn’t sure on how to react.
   "Morena? She's always been a weirdo since high school, no wonder she used that nickname. Remember that time when she spoke that weird language and tried to fight the anatomy skeleton because she said it was a spy?" Dan reminded his friend, cringing.
   The young man could hear and imagine his interlocutor wince with embarrassment.
   "Argh, don't remind me of that! It wasn't as bad as when she punched Edgeman Larry in the face because he said that zombies were cool. Anyway, see you in a bit." Jacob said before quickly hanging up.
   Daniel let out a frustrated sigh, he had flashbacks of the girl's antics and her nerdy appearance. He had a hard time remembering her actual name but he did remember that she usually wore thick turtlenecks and ankle long plaid skirts. Morena even used to wear round glasses because she thought it made her look smart, though her grades said otherwise. Dan had a laugh remembering her embarrassed face when he walked in on her, trying to cast a fireball in her bedroom as she thought she was alone.
   Back to the present, young man Daniel had one hour to get ready for his pick up. Thankfully for the man, he had already packed most of his things, he took one last look at what could have been his new life, especially the bed where he would have probably lost his virginity to the cute girl-next-door. He also had to resign from his job because he was moving to the other side of the city, and spending more than two hours stuck in traffic was a hard pass.
   As for the relationship between Daniel and Jacob, they were long time friends, they knew each other since elementary school. While Daniel was from the middle class, Jack came from a wealthy family. They met for the first time when Morena had accidentally started a fire in an empty classroom and the two boys tried to put it out. Daniel jumped straight into the action when he noticed smoke and also noticed another kid trying to extinguish a fire. The rich Jacob's first gift to his friend was a pair of sunglasses during their first summer break, but the object recently got destroyed by a tank. Since the teenager Dan was unaware of the wealth of his friend back then, he was genuinely friendly with Jack who appreciated the sincerity.
   "You're a true bro, dude." Teen Jacob once said.
   "Jack, next time you're the one doing the cheat sheet." Teen Dan had replied.
   Adult Jacob had the jock body type, he was tall and had the muscle mass of a football player but had a small beer belly from drinking at the frequent parties he went to. He often hid it by wearing loose shirts. Oddly enough, he very rarely did any workout nor did he practiced any sport, aside from the bedroom one. The young man was quite handsome, with a square jawline covered with a three-day-old beard that gave him a slightly rugged appearance. With short raven black hair, combed slightly to his right, as if he often brushed his hand in it, Jacob's overall charisma and confidence easily appealed to the people in average.

In a luxury car, the friend pulled up in front of the building and honked, earning him some annoyed looks from the people walking down the street. As Daniel greeted his buddy, he couldn't help but notice the shiny golden watch on the wrist and the branded clothes, mainly from Hugo Boss. It took them twenty minutes to pick up the cardboard boxes. After making sure that everything was set, they drove to Jacob's apartment.
   "So, how is the dating going?" Jacob said over the sound of the radio.
   "Yeah, she ghosted me in the end." Daniel said with a sigh.
   "Stupid bitch. So, still a virgin?" The driver said with a grin.
   "Shut up, it's not like I’ll get an escort either."
   Jacob let out a frustrated groan before kicking Daniel on the shoulder who let out an "ow" before staring annoyed at his friend who shrugged it off.
   "Bro, I told you we could hire a stripper for your birthday. But no! You don't want to! Dude, if you want to get laid, you have to commit to it." Jacob said. 
   “But the first time should be special, not wasted away.” Daniel said with a pleading voice right as Jacob slowed the car to a halt. “And besides, I want to know the person before hooking up, y’know?”
   They stopped at a red traffic light.
   "Look, you see this car?" Jacob said, tilting his head to the wheel.
   "It's a… Bentley Bentayga, yes?" Daniel asked, clearly clueless.
   The light went green and they continued on their path.
   "You think it matters if I'm not its first driver? No, all you need is to be is comfy in it. You know? All snug and warm." Jacob explained, remembering his latest fling.
   "Oh for fuck sake!" Daniel shouted with exasperation. 
   Jacob squinted his eyes and decided to stop near a woman who was pulling her two luggage near a bus stop. The driver pulled down the window near the girl and leaned towards her, Daniel stepped back so that his friend could get a closer look at the young woman.
   "Yo girl, you lookin' fine out there!" Jacob said to the woman while rapidly moving up and down his left eyebrow. 
   The girl, surprised by the sudden catcalling, turned to the one who spoke and was about to say something before stopping with her mouth open. Her shocked expression was quickly replaced by a happy one with a wide smile. She let out an hysterical scream that made some passerby shoot some intrigued looks.
   "Jack! Dan! Guys, you won't believe what that probably fake taxi driver said! He said that if I don't give him a head, I'll have to get the fuck out." The girl said, leaning on the opened window of the car.
   Daniel unintentionally stared at the woman's lips as she told her story, then subconsciously glanced at her cleavage that revealed her lack of bras. He blushed at his sudden realization. 
   "That explains the cum drooling out!" Jacob said with a straight face.
   The girl looked at her mouth in the reflection of the car and was ready to wipe the semen before she realised that Jack was only joking. With an amused look on her face, she was about to reply.
   "Dude!" Daniel said before the woman could.
   Jacob laughed and was soon followed by the other two.
   "Come on Morena, hop on in! We have some space left." Jack said, pointing to the back of the car with his thumb.
   "Thanks! I'm glad I don't carry much." Morena said, looking at her small luggage. "Oh, and stop calling me that name, guys!" She said, a bit more serious this time.
   Daniel got out of the car to help the girl get her things inside the vehicle, she looked rather pleased to get a ride instead of walking all the way to Jacob's apartment, especially when the evening was about to settle. 
   Dan couldn't help but glance at her and her metamorphosed appearance. Morena was wearing a long blue dress that was hugging her body and exposing her curves, leaving nothing to the imagination. The white summer hat she had was hiding most of her dark hair underneath. To add to the classiness, she had half round glasses sitting on the edge of her pretty nose, and Daniel could notice that they didn't correct her vision. Unlike Jacob and Daniel, her skin was tanned and her body toned, as if she was having some light workout everyday, unlike the two boys. In short, the gorgeous woman had a healthy body shape and was the middle ground between the two men. 
   Once Daniel put in the last luggage, they got in and the driver stepped on the gas.
   "So, how you doin', cousin?" Jacob said while focusing on the road.
   The woman laughed at her cousin trying to act like a guy from 'the hood'.
   "I need a bath! I fucking hate my business trip, the people there are dirty, stinky and their breath are disgusting. But! It’s quite the adventure." Morena said, looking at the window.
   "Where are you working, Morena? In one of the countries that end with 'stan'?" Daniel said, struggling to turn on his seat to look at the woman.
   "My contract forbids me to share that kind of information. And can you stop calling me like that? My name's Abby! It's like spelling two letters!"
   "Sure, sure. But Morena sounds more exotic than Abby. Don't you think, Mediterranean girl?" Jacob said while laughing.
   "For fuck sake!" The girl wanted to say.
   But Abby exclaimed it in an unknown language to the guys before giggling when she realised her mistake. It was guttural tongue, short yet powerful and with lots of 'r' in it. It startled the boys who jumped on their seats which prompted a burst of laughter from the somewhat exotic girl.
   "And you wonder why people called you a weirdo." Daniel said, trying to hide his confusion. "By the way, why are you staying at Jacob's place?"
   Jacob coughed before hitting Daniel on the side who gave him a confused look. Abby looked thoughtful, badly hiding her uncomfort.
   "What? I'm just asking!" Dan protested.
   "I have to do a… thing… for… my… job." Morena hesitantly replied. "Something like head hunting and collecting data. Laying down some stuff as well." 
   "Mor- Abby!" Jacob corrected himself. "Abby's done a lot for our family's business. So, I'm just… returning the favour that we owe her?"
   Abby snorted before leaning forward, Daniel could feel her hot breath on the back of his neck. It sent shivers down his spine.
   "I'm holding his father by the balls and I got him on his knees for me. I love it when men are begging for me to release them." Abby said with a slow and almost amused tone before leaning back to her seat. "Not that it matters to you, Dan." She continued normally, though with a small kick in his seat.
   Jacob glanced to see his friend's reaction and, without surprise, Daniel was shocked and confused. The shy guy turned to Abby who looked at him with a waiting expression on her face and her legs crossed. After a moment of awkward silence, she and Jacob then bursted out laughing their asses off.
   "Yo! We're messing with you! Come on, Cherry boy!" Jacob said with a small wheeze at the end.
   "I knew you were still a virgin when you checked out my ass when you helped me. You gotta be more subtle about it next time." Abby laughed before uncrossing her legs, while not allowing Daniel to see anything of her.
   Jacob stopped giggling and frowned.
   "Next time?" The two men asked at the same time.
   "Sorry about that." Daniel said while trying to avoid making eye contact with her.
   "But more seriously now, Jack's dad owes me a big favour, but Jack proposed to do it in his stead. Who's a good boy?" Abby said before reaching to pat the driver's head who slapped away her hand before she could touch him.
   "Well, since my dad gave me his old apartment, I decided to pay him back by hosting this weirdo. You're not mad about that, bro?" Jacob said as they were approaching the entrance of the underground parking lot of the building. "I'll get you a double of the keys, tomorrow."
   "I said I'm cool with it. And it's nice to see Morena again." Daniel replied before getting his seat kicked by an angry lady.
   "It's Abby." She annoyingly remarked.
   As the car slowly entered the well lit garage, the radio started to crackle and Daniel turned it off after it produced static noises. There was nobody or anything in the parking, aside from a couple of cars. It didn't take long until Jacob found a vacant place next to the lift. 
   "Alright ladies, we're here!" Jacob said as he exited the car.
   "I won't stare this time." Daniel said with a shy smile as he was already taking the luggage out of the vehicle.
   Abby shrugged and got out, taking a good look at Daniel's rear to get even with him.
   "I don't mind the view. Also be careful with this one, I have all my electronic devices in here."
   The trio had to make two trips before bringing everything to his apartment that was at the top of the building. Once they were installed, Jacob pulled out three glasses and a bottle of champagne and gave one to each. Daniel understood quickly and proceeded in pouring the bubbly liquid to everyone, though he wasn’t a heavy drinker.
   "To the good old days!" Jacob said, raising his glass.
   "To the good old days!" The other two replied with a clink as they hit each other’s glass.
   They cheered and began drinking. A lot. It wasn't long before another bottle of champagne was emptied, afterward, they decided to open a handful of bottles of liquor. Two hours later, the three of them were sitting on the couch in the living room, they had their cup either in their hand or standing near them. Jacob proposed to watch the television where he had YouTube installed. And so, the big tv was on and was playing a compilation of random videos, there were a mix of funny clips and weird ones.
   "God damn! It's been a while since I laughed that much!" Daniel said, holding his sides that were beginning to hurt from laughing.
   "Guys, wasn't there like a channel with softcore porn?" Abby said, lazily leaning against her cousin as the alcohol seemed to be getting to her head.
   "Bitch you're wasted! I'm not gonna watch porn with my cousin! I don't mind with Daniel though." Jacob said as he pushed Abby away from him.
   The woman lazily landed her head on Daniel's shoulder who almost spilled his glass from the impact. He was a bit shocked and turned to his best friend.
   "Dude! I don't swing that way!" Daniel said, with a bit of panic in his voice.
   "Ugh…" Abby moaned before chugging her drink. "I haven't watched any porn in, like, forever! They don't have any good stuff back there!"
   "That's a 'you' problem!" Jacob said with a hint of irritation in his voice.
   "Shit, I think I drank too much." Abby mumbled as she tried to stand straight. "I'm gonna take a shower and head to bed. Have fun, guys." Abby said as she struggled to get on her feet. “And don’t fuck Daniel when he’s passed out.”
   Upon hearing that, Daniel got up as well and held her as she was wobbling towards the bathroom, he struggled with her weight even though she was probably lighter than him. Jacob turned off the TV and turned to the two as they were slowly walking away.
   "Don't try to be a 'Nice guy', bro. Girls don't like when you act nice just to get in their pants." Jacob said as he looked at Daniel.
   "I'm not a Nice guy! Also I'm not into Morena!" Dan replied, not noticing Abby's annoyed look.
   Abby groaned but smiled when she was sure they didn't look at her. She stumbled and landed on her knee, right next to her helper's crotch. Of course, Dan panicked.
   "Shit… can you help me undress too?"
   Obviously, Daniel was baffled and looked at his friend for advice, but the man just shrugged and went to the kitchen with the empty glasses. In the bathroom, as Dan was feeling obligated to help the girl undress, he accepted but tried to look as little as possible. Unzipping her blue dress with his eyes closed and trying to slide it down her waist was harder than he thought. Abby was drunkenly giggling the whole time.
   "Jesus! Why do you have to get tight dresses!" A kneeling Daniel complained while trying to not open his eyes.
   The only reply he got was just a moan when it finally slid down. He opened his eyes to see what happened for her to make such noise. To his great surprise, he learned that the woman wasn't wearing any underwear nor that she shaved her pubic hair. His heart was beating fast as he tried to not stare at Abby's nakedness. His face was three centimetres away from her bush. To make matters worse, she decided to stretch and made cute noises as she was extending her arms.
   "I… I can't take this anymore!" Daniel cried before bolting out of the bathroom while hiding his crotch.
   Once Abby was sure that she was alone, she sighed with disappointment and took a shower without any problem, as if she wasn’t drunk at all. The mischievous woman wasn't too happy and looked like she was holding a tear.
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
Chapter 3: magic introduction (world building)
   In the realm of Avila, a world where magic and fantastic creatures existed, a maritime city was being under siege by an army of thousands of soldiers wearing green cloth and a banner depicting a snake biting its tail. The siege had been going for almost two weeks without any breakthrough from either side, the walls of the city showed signs of mild destruction from dozens of catapults outside the city. The projectiles were mainly used to demoralise the defenders and it worked over time, since getting shot at with boulders wasn't pleasant. The sieging camp suffered some light damages as well, with some craters here and there, mainly during the beginning of the siege to show the unwelcomeness to their aggressors. Both camps had columns of smokes rising high into the sky. 
   The city of Premer was located at the mouth of the Minr river where it met with the sea. The city had tall brick walls with strong stony towers, its main gate was composed of three heavy metallic doors put one behind the other. The canal had to go through a portcullis, which was a gate made of a big grille. The city itself had two wide main roads, one coming from the main gate to the castle situated in the centre and the second was coming from the port to the castle. Around that building, there were another set of limestone walls that were smaller similar to the size of two men. It separated older looking buildings made of wood and limestones as well as the castle that was among them and the more recent constructions made of both bricks and wood. Usually people would peacefully go about their lives but with the siege, they would rather stay inside and avoid going out as much as possible, especially during the night where guard patrols were the only ones outside.
   On a balcony of the castle, two figures were facing the sieging camp.
   "My lord, the Ahas army under lord Falmer seems to grow at a faster pace than the usual Ahas ones. Should we try to capture them instead of killing them?" A man in full plate armour with chainmail said to the other one wearing a long purple cape.
   The man hummed as he thought for a moment, observing the lights of the enemy camp.
   "We're in a dilemma, my friend." The lord replied without turning his eyes away from the battlefield. "We lack the resources necessary to capture them alive and we lack resources to kill them faster than they can reproduce. Do you have a suggestion, Merdosa Picha?"
   "Should we deactivate the magic dispelling stone? That way, our mages could decimate them?" Picha said as he glanced at the courtyard of the castle.
   In the courtyard were a handful of people wearing the standard mage dress of a blue robe with a hood, they held a staff with crystals at the end of it. 
   The magic dispelling stone, also known as city stone, laid in the middle of the city, it was hidden from sight with fake walled off houses because it was the size of a two story high building. Its purpose was in its name, it emitted waves that cancelled magic spells, except for some very rare type of magic. It was used to protect cities and other important locations, keeping them from unruly magic casters. On very rare occasions, wealthy merchants could buy small, hand sized dispelling stones to protect their caravans. Rumours said that a very old divine mage managed to cast a fireball from within the area of effect of a stone, those who pretended witnessing it mentioned something about mixing components blessed by his patron.
   There were different types of magic with different ways of using them, but people mainly used standard magic that was centred around elemental manipulation.
   "The Ahas may have a weaker tendency to magic, but they are numerous enough to nullify their disadvantage. It would be like millions of pebbles compared to dozens of boulders. Let's hope our naval reinforcements arrive soon or we'll be forced to ask the Order for help." The Lord said with anger in his voice. "I don't want to be indebted to them."
   "I'm sorry, Lord Olf. It was my blunder that led the Ahas to land in our borders and come so deep within our region. I shouldn't have trusted the Order either." Picha apologized, biting his tongue.
   "It doesn't matter anymore, general Picha. Both are slithering snakes of foreign lands trying to extort our resources, trying to bribe us into letting them take advantage of our people for their own benefits. Had I been the King, I'd have mobilised every lord and nobles to counter influence these bastards." Olf replied, frustrated at the shortcomings of the crown.
   "What should we do of the Ahas people already within our walls and our organisations using those kinds of slaves? Even the admiral of the royal fleet has Ahas blood within her, not even counting on the Healing Lord Alm whose adopted children are Ahas." Picha asked, thinking of his Ahas concubine.
   "If they are against us, we'll deal with them quietly. I always strived for Premer's human majority. But having Ahas soldiers at our services would be… quite useful indeed. Such a shame that they are a violent bunch at birth."
   The Lord and his knight general kept silent as a mass of naked Ahas soldiers crashed onto the city's walls, getting shot down by volleys of arrows or boiled alive by hot sand thrown at them. Their cries as they died were covered by the cheers of their fellow comrades who stayed behind, some were even smashing their shield with their sword or spear. The suicidal charge didn't even scratch the defence, only piling up corpses at its base where there were already a few days old corpses rotting, the only living beings in those piles were flies, rats and agonising soldiers. These specific individuals didn't fear death as they didn't seem to know what dying meant. One of the banners, that a naked Ahas held before crumbling from his wounds, was harbouring their motto: May I path the road to victory.
   The Ahas were a race of humanoids that seemed to have been crossbred with reptiles. The singular term was Ahan but nearly everyone used the plural as they were rarely seen alone, the singular term was mainly used to mention exiled members of their society or to sound knowledgeable. Their skin colours ranged from dark red to brown with dark wavy patterns running along their limbs, it might look like tattoos for anyone unaware of such race. They had a pair of sharp fangs that often dripped with poison when they felt threatened or angry. 
   "I suggest that you calm yourself before I send you to the next charge, young one." An Ahas said to another one that was baring his fangs with a hiss.
   Their noses were flat, almost non-existent and their eyes were usually yellow or green or red, with vertical elliptical pupils or round ones. Most of those who had catlike eyes were working at night or for underground jobs.
   "Working night shift again, Hoshee?" An Ahas yawned during the evening.
   "Of course. I was born for this. Yesterday I managed to shoot a deserting human near the farms over there." The other Ahas replied, pointing at the farms with an arrow.
   "You know I can’t see in the dark. You mean the death-filled ones or the barren ones?"
   The Ahas usually had black hair but the ones on the battlefield lacked any hair attributes, as if it hadn't time to grow. The patterns on their limbs looked smudged, similar to ink on a rubber balloon after being filled with air.
   Far away from the war zone, a hundred of fully armoured soldiers were standing idly in a square formation. The motionless army were all the same height, some even had padded shoes to match the height. They all wore a grey piece of cloth on their helmet, like a bandana. A man on a horse was observing the battlefield from afar with the help of a small hand telescope. He was the only one with just a chest plate for protection, as he wore a blue tunic and a brown pair of pants that was a bit too wide for him. On his back, there was the symbol of a sword and a feather crossed together. The mysterious man smiled as he saw the Ahas sending another wave of soldiers.
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
Chapter 4: Abby (finally some nsfw)
   In Jacob's apartment, the atmosphere had changed from drunken festivities to sleepy yawns and shuffling feet. The handsome host had changed into a pair of shorts and shirt while Daniel had just slipped into a boxer, showing his non-existent abs to those who were present. In despair, he was leaning against the kitchen table, his head in between his palms. Jacob was watching him with an intrigued smile on his face while drinking a cup of coffee.
   "Dude, I can't even close my eyes now! Morena… she…" Daniel muttered, trying to not close his eyes.
   Every time he did, he could see the woman's body imprinted in his mind. Her pillowy lips, her toned body, her bell shaped breast with perky brownish nipples and her abundant bush that gave the telltale of her lower lips. The only thing bigger than his embarrassment was his boner hidden underneath the table.
   "Bro, if you want, I got some premium escorts at the ready. Like, five minutes to wait and they're here." Jacob said, pulling out his phone.
   Daniel only raised his head to show his tired face.
   "I don't want to waste my first time on something so meaningless!"
   A slightly offended Jacob sighed and put back his phone on the table while taking a sip of coffee. He had a discount on a classy lady at the ready.
   "I can surely find you a dateable girl. I don't want your confused boner in my house, bro." Jack replied, hinting at his crotch under the table with a nod of his cup.
   "It'll pass, it'll pass. But there's something very wrong with Morena." Daniel whined while crossing his legs to hide even more his erection.
   Jacob raised an eyebrow before snickering. 
   "Nothing new under the sun, bro. Also you should have seen that coming. A drunk person will often end up in an embarrassing position. She's no exception. At least it was in my house, in a safe place with us." Jacob said with a faint smile at the end. "Don't want her to get abducted."
   "You should have gone with her! I shouldn't have!" Dan retorted.
   Jacob brushed that argument on the side with a grunt and stood straight while putting aside his coffee.
   "She's a big girl, she didn't need help for that. Look, stop stressing over a confused boner, even though it’s facing me. You're a straight man, you saw a naked woman, it's natural. Hell, that's not the first time you saw her like that." Jack said like a father explaining the bird and the bees to his son.
   "We were in middle school! She grew in the breast department! Would you say the same if it was someone you grew up with?" Daniel pleaded. 
   Jacob went silent for a couple of seconds, he rapidly opened and closed his mouth as he tried to say something but couldn't find the words until he remembered his latest lay.
   "Yes." He finally said. "Let's say it's a childhood friend, if she grew up into a fine woman, then I'd be pleased. If she wants it as much as I do. And besides, getting an erection when excited is a biological response you can't control."
   To Daniel’s misfortune, Abby showed up with nothing but a fluffy cotton hat on her head as well as a tired groan. She ignored the two and shuffled her feet to go grab a bottle of water in the fridge, drinking its content to fight the alcohol. Daniel squealed internally while Jacob's jaw dropped on the floor.
   "What the fuck?!" The boys cried with both surprise and disgust.
   Daniel instinctively tried to stand up but his manhood got caught by the table and it forced him to sit down. Jacob blocked his view with his hands, hiding most of her body aside from her stupid face. Abby stood proudly in front of them while drinking her water with one hand and with the other on her hip. The daring girl seemed to be flaunting her body without any inhibition though her nipples were getting stiff from such excitement.
   "You crazy bitch! Get dressed already!" Jacob said with clear disgust in his voice.
   "Dude, I am dressed to go to bed. I'll go in a minute." Abby replied with a shrug as she drank, stealing glances at Dan.
   Daniel struggled to not stare at her, looking down at the table and unwillingly acknowledged that he still got a raging boner.
   "Please, for the love of what is sacred! Put on some clothes!" Daniel's voice trembled as he spoke.
   Abby turned around as she looked at herself with a puzzled expression that hid a grin. Daniel's blood was engulfed even more in his hard member as he got a full view of the naked exhibitionist, he felt like she changed something about her appearance but was too embarrassed to investigate.
   "Guys, this is normal to sleep like that where I work." She naturally said, feeling excitement from the situation as well as Jacob's anger.
   Abby then noticed that Daniel was leaning forward over the table while looking distressed. She quickly understood why and faked a yawn to hide her smile before turning to her cousin Jacob who was clearly shooting daggers with his eyes.
   "Aight boys, I'm gonna head out. Nighty night." She said with a wave before leaving.
   Daniel grunted before going to bed after exchanging some worried looks with Jacob who just grunted. A few minutes later, Jacob sighed and checked his phone on the way to his bedroom. The man of the house noticed some stains on his friend's boxer and weirded himself out as he wondered why he looked at his best friend's crotch.
   Daniel's bedroom was composed of a double bed, two nightstands and a dresser. The floor was partially covered by a creamy coloured carpet that felt pretty snug to the touch, he would take off his footwear to get a good feeling. The only artificial sources of light were from the ceiling lamp and the small ones on each nightstand, though they didn't give much exposition. Daniel had opened the curtains to let in the gentle light of the night. He painstakingly laid on the right side that was near the window, his usual spot as he liked being closer to the window for some reason. At that moment, Daniel didn't care about anything as he tried to control his erection. He was changing his sleeping position from time to time, as he was trying to forget what he had just seen with a groan each time he vividly remembered the scene. With his whining and moaning, he didn't hear the door open. Too embarrassed to notice anything, he didn't see the bed sheets rustling nor the mass getting into his bed.
   "Fuck… there's no way I can fall asleep like that." Daniel whispered to himself as he sat up in his bed. "Shit, I still have that erection."
   He laid down, on his right side, facing the window. He considered cranking one out but he suddenly felt something touching his back and bottom, he thought it was probably his imagination running wild. But then his feet felt something as well, it was cold to the touch. He quickly turned on his left and saw a silhouette in his bed cover, he immediately pulled them out with a frown before discovering that Abby had gotten in his bed, still wearing her silly hat and nothing else. She had her back turned towards him, as she was sleeping in a foetal position that showed her lovely cheeks to Dan. She shivered before turning to Daniel, her eyes opening slowly.
   "The fuck are you doing here?" Daniel exclaimed while trying to keep a low voice.
   "Shut up and give back the blanket, I'm cold out here." She grumbled before grabbing the sheets from Daniel's hand.
   "If Jack finds out, he's gonna kill me! Get the fuck out of my bed." He whispered loudly, pulling away the blanket.
   The sleepy Abby didn't listen and leaned forward, revealing her gorgeous body in full display. To Daniel's distress, the light of the night exposed Abby's beautiful curves, the shades of her smooth abs and the shapely breast that hung nicely from her chest. The man's legs flinched at the sight of her now clean shaven pussy, he could feel his body tensing up at her sight. The woman used his moment of weakness to lunge to grab the cover, landing on his chest with a dizzy giggle. Having, for the first time of his life, the touch of a woman's body on him, Daniel couldn't help but let out a bit of precum that stuck to Abby's body. The feeling of the playful woman's perky nipples poking his chest as well as feeling her tender mounds on him made his lower body convulse in excitement. The young man's blood was rushing to somewhere he didn’t want to.

"Gotcha!" Abby said with a victorious smile.
   Their faces got so close to each other that they could feel their hot breath, their lips could barely touch the other's. The panicked young man was almost enticed to kiss her.
   "My body can handle so much! I'm gonna explode!" Dan whimpered with his eyes wide open.
   "Oh, Dan… you're such an innocent boy… " Abby said, caressing his cheek with her cold hand.
   She leaned in for a kiss but he stopped her from going any further. With a confused look on her face, she straddled him, pulling the blanket over them as she was feeling cold. The only thing separating their genitals was the thin layer of cloth that was Dan's boxer. Though she could feel his manhood pressing against her belly, as well as the precum from a moment ago.
   "You don't want me?" She asked with a slight disappointment.
   Daniel was clearly panicking, frantically looking around to avoid anything Abby related. Unfortunately, his body was betraying him.
   "I… I can't! You're Morena…"
   At the mention of her nickname, she bucked on him before leaning to his ear.
   "My name's Abby, call me like that." She softly said.
   "A-Abby… we can't… it's wrong…" he said, turning away his head to avoid her gaze.
   It made her smile and she slightly leaned backward, displaying her well developed body of a woman. Daniel's image of a nerdy looking girl was slowly being replaced by Abby's sensual curves.
   "Say my name again." She forcibly asked, cupping his face to force him to look at her. "I love how you make it sound. Tell me if you want to stop."
   "Abby…" he muttered, more like a whisper as he put his hands on her hips.
   She smiled and began grinding on him, he let her kiss him on the lips for a second before pushing her away again after realising that it was very real and not a very lucid dream. Daniel decided to stop the foreplay before they went any further as he still wanted to have his first time with a significant other. Abby was clearly getting impatient as she was fidgeting around.
   "Abby, stop. We really can't." He said, firmly holding her hips to stop her movements.
   "You've rejected all my advances, why?" Abby asked with a genuine interest.
   "We went to school together, we grew up together. You, Jacob and me. It's just weird." Dan explained.
   Abby didn't look like she felt concerned about what he said and rolled her eyes instead. Daniel looked serious in what he said.
   "So what? You've always been the gentle boy to the ones in need, to Jacob, to me. I want to give back for all you've done for us, I want to show you my love." Abby confessed, feeling goosebumps as she said the last word.
   "Why me? There are so many good men out there who surely want you and who are much better than me."
   Abby let out a frustrated groan and got out of the bed, her eyes shooting death glares at Daniel who sat up with a dumb expression on his face. She took her cotton hat and threw it at his face, though it didn't travel a meter before falling flat on the floor.
   "You're the worst! No wonder why you're still a virgin! That's it! Fuck you! I'm out! Good night!" She yelled as she stormed out.
   "No! Wait!" Daniel protested, trying to calm her.
   "Too late, Daniel! You had your chance, I'm done." She said, quickly walking towards the door.
   "Abby, stop!" Dan shouted.
   Daniel quickly got up and stopped her by grabbing her hand. She turned to face him, her eyes filled with tears. His heart felt like it was shattering.
   "I like you Abby, but I don't want this relationship to disappear. Even through your antics, I've always supported you. I've always seen you as a tomboy, and seeing you as a woman made me realise that… you've changed… and I don't know if we can still be like before."
   On the verge of crying, Abby slapped him and screamed until her voice faltered. She began flaying her fists at him, but instead of dodging, he accepted it and took her in his arms. Her strong punches were hurting but Daniel felt that he deserved it. Abby cried and cried as he was holding her close, tears rolling down her cheeks to land on his chest. She wailed until she had no more tears to cry while he caressed the back of her head, to comfort her as best as he could. She hugged him back after snorting a few times.
   "Why? Why does it hurt when you talk?" She quietly said, almost to herself.
   "I'm sorry. I truly am." He whispered.
   "Then show it to me. Kiss me." She replied, extending her lips to his.
   Dan kissed her forehead and she disappointedly accepted his own form of love. She let out a disgruntled sigh and resigned herself. She pulled herself back together and gave him a mean look, the one she usually gave him when he fucked up back when they were in high school. As if she reverted back to her former self, the one who wasn't in love with him.
   "You're mean, Dan. You really are."
   "You deserve better than me."
   The light suddenly turned on. The two looked at the ceiling then at the light switch near the door. Jacob was leaning against the frame, his arms crossed and wearing a clear look of disappointment on his face.
   "Ain't ya a cute couple? Guys, can you keep it down? I'm trying to sleep." Jack declared, annoyed.
   "Wait! It's not what you think!" Daniel said, unconsciously holding tightly the girl and feeling her breast pressed against his chest.
   "Look, we're all adults here. If you two want to fuck, it's your problem. But don't make too much noise, I've got to work tomorrow." Jacob said before turning his back. "Also, don't make our girl cry."
   Jacob left them. Daniel could feel Abby's pounding chest against his. It was a fast pace. His body reacted and automatically synced his heartbeat to hers. Blood rushed and his floppy member, that had deflated during their argument, quickly hardened and poked the glistening entrance of the woman, who was still wet from their foreplay. Abby yelped at the sudden slap of her lower lips but giggled at the sudden realisation. She gave him a playful look and bit her lower lip.
   "Seems like your John is waking up again." She said, looking down at his meat.
   "Oh god! That's embarrassing!" Daniel exclaimed, covering his face with his hands.
   She started rubbing her private parts on him with a hum, Abby had a wicked idea in mind to forget the pain and bury sweet memories, mainly burying them in her pussy. Feeling guilty of having made her cry, Daniel embraced her, holding her head to his lips. The young woman tasted like toothpaste but that didn’t bother him too much. She reciprocated before pushing him on the bed, his member flicked her slit with a wet noise by the same occasion. Instinctively, the young man quickly grabbed her hands and pulled her with him in his fall. Being also taken by surprise, Abby landed on him but managed to stop before she hit her head against his. Her surprised face quickly vanished when she felt his hands pawing her firm buttcheeks. With a coo, she smiled and licked his lips before entering his mouth with her invading tongue, Dan fought back with the same energy. Daniel caressed every inch of Abby's skin before stopping at her wet crotch. He paused and looked deep in her eyes, expecting her answer eagerly. She nodded after taking in the beauty of his bright blue eyes. The man carefully entered her wet spot with two fingers, doing a circle on her clit with the thumb. Abby couldn’t help as she moaned in his mouth while shooting a loving gaze at him that he reciprocated, though it was more lust than love. With his free hand, he squeezed her tender breast, pinching and playing with her teat. Feeling fulfilled, Abby broke their kiss, she was already panting heavily and her bodily fluids were coating Dan's fingers. Daniel couldn't help but find her beautiful with the small trickle of drool coming from her lips and connecting with his. He wanted more of her and she was eager to move their foreplay further.
   "How come you're so good with your hands?" She finally asked after coming back to herself from his incredible touch.
   "Working with cows helped." He replied with a sly grin.
   "Fuck off!" She laughed before getting up and placing herself straight above him. "Then show me how you work with cowgirls." She declared with a fake southern countryside accent.
   She sat on his lap, rubbing her lower lips against his erection and leaving a trail of her love juice on him, much like he did with his precum earlier. Daniel held her hips as she ground on him, pawing her asscheeks and making her coo. Abby raised her pelvis and took his meat with one hand to guide it at her dripping wet entrance. She paused and looked at him with a seductive grin and with the most suave voice:
   "Shall I?" She asked.
   Daniel didn't wait for her and thrusted his hips upward, penetrating her in one powerful stroke as her hand let go of his pulsating rod. Abby let out a surprised gasp and collapsed on his dick, he let out a moan at the added weight on him. He sat up and held her in place as he moved his pelvis up and down. Not being used to that kind of treatment from her childhood crush, the woman cooed and held him close with a happy smile. Her fingernails dug in his back as he began thrusting faster, small drops of blood mixed with his sweat, as he moved his body with hers. They proceeded to moan while the only other noise here was the sound of their flesh slapping against each other. After a dozen more strokes, Daniel began slowing down his pace. The overjoyed girl quickly understood why he wasn't moving anymore when she heard that he was breathing heavily. Abby chuckled and kissed his cheek before nibbling his ear.
   "Don't push yourself, Dan. It's your first time after all." She said with a sugary voice. "I'll make it feel good, just for you."
   She forced him to lie down in an embrace and began riding him, bouncing on his meaty cock and moaning in his mouth. Her tits slapping on his chest each time she impaled herself on his thick shaft that could barely fit in her. The air was filled with wet slapping noises and muffled moans as the two lovers were going at it. She straightened her back and put his hands on her chest which was already covered in sweat, her tender boobs felt like heaven for him. Abby knew how to please the both of them, she alternated between short intense bursts and long but powerful strokes. She kept her eyes closed as she enjoyed every inch of his big manhood while squeezing it with her walls that stretched every time he entered her. The straddling girl looked at her partner and giggled at Daniel's cute ecstatic face, who didn't know where to focus as he was overwhelmed by both her soft skin and her riding skills. Abby knew that she was the one in control and decided to up her game. She began moaning obscenely as she picked up her pace, hammering his dick like a jackhammer.
   "You like that, huh? You like that?" She moaned as she furiously slammed her soaked cunt on his throbbing manhood.
   "I love it!" He screamed, squeezing her boobs and feeling her soft flesh.
   She began ramming herself harder on his thick cock, the wet noises were accompanied with the slapping claps of their body colliding in their primal lust. As the bed was creaking, their sounds were akin of those of cavemen in heat, almost acting like them as well. The shocks were violent, Daniel's balls were making contacts with Abby's soaking cunt each time she slid deep down his shaft and the young man loved it. It sent new and tingly sensations to his body and he was eager for more.
   "You like when you're balls deep, huh? You like being inside, huh?" She dominantly asked, punctuating her sentences with moans.
   "God yes!" He cried with indescribable pleasure.
   Abby licked her lips and leaned in Daniel's ear, breathing heavily. The feeling of her sweaty chest on him was addicting, so much that he hugged her tight just so that he could feel it even better. She cooed at his initiative and rewarded him with a nibble on his ear which made him tighten his embrace.
   "Say it." She commanded, squeezing her tight wet pussy around his big fat meat.
   "I want to cum inside you." He confessed while panting.
   She licked his earlobe. Daniel thought that she might have an ear fetish, but his thoughts quickly vanished when he heard her uncontrolled moan because he slid a finger in her other hole. Her hot breath was sending shivers down his spine, making him grab for the first thing available. He settled for her firm asscheeks which he squeezed without restraints. His mind was overloaded with all the different sensations. From her sweaty skin on him to her tight and welcoming cunt, her firm bottom, including her soft breast with her tits poking him and even her gasping breath. All these stimuli imprinted in his mind forever. He nibbled her neck and she responded with a playful moan.
   "Convince me." She demanded before leaning back and letting him admire her beautiful curves.
   Daniel pushed her on the side and she yelped out of surprise. He went on all four over her and Abby gave him a cute shy smile. He immediately took her legs in his hands, raising them above his head and resting them on his shoulders. To reward her lover, Abby gave him a seductive look as she bit her lower lip, inviting him to use her body as he pleased. Wasting no time, he began kissing her drenched spot, then moved to her inner thigh, then to her calf. Being done with covering the girl with kisses, he aligned himself with her inviting entrance and didn't waste time to pound her lubricated slit that was already red from all the previous punishment. Dan felt proud to know that it was his cock that did it. As he entered her, he quickly felt a wave of wetness surrounding his shaft before tightening around it. Abby had let out a loud moan. Daniel moved his hips with carnal desires, almost forgetting that it was his first time. Abby was clenching the bedsheets while screaming at the top of her lungs as her body was run through by an electric sensation, making her legs shake violently. Unable to endure the spasms of her limbs, he made them slide along his sides and adopted the missionary pose with a passionate kiss as if to calm her down.
   "Say my name!" He commanded between thrusts.
   "Dan!" She screamed out of breath, as she felt like her snatch was on fire.
   "Say my real name!" He ordered, doubling the intensity of his thrusts.
   Abby moaned as she was catching her breath. Daniel intensified the pace of his pounding, not letting her take a break until she complied. He could clearly see her face twisted in pleasure. And he loved it.
   "Daniel!" She moaned. "Daniel! Daniel! Daniel!" She screamed louder each time he slammed his thick cock deep inside.
   Her moans were a melody to him, and hearing her scream his name was surreal. He knew he wasn't dreaming as he could feel joy, pleasure and the pain from Abby's fingernails in his back. He smiled like an idiot, but she didn't see as her eyes were rolled over her head. His meaty cock was drenched in her fluids yet he could still feel every inch of her warm cunt. He felt like he could ram her tight pussy for hours.
   "Yes! Yes! Give it to me Daniel!" She screamed, tightly holding his back like a buoy as he pounded her.
   The slapping wet noises and their moans could be clearly heard from outside the bedroom. Abby could feel his member pulsating and she loved that sensation of having her cunt being stretched by his thick cock. She closed her eyes with a smile.
   "I'm about to come, Abby!" Daniel groaned.
   "It's ok, Daniel! It's safe!" She reassured him, caressing his cheek with her right hand.
   "Sure?" He asked, almost out of breath.
   Abby wrapped her legs around his waist, forcing him to only move deep within her. His meat was throbbing as much as hers. She stared into his bright beautiful blue eyes and kissed him, their tongue meeting with each other once again. She quickly broke their embrace with a wet sloppy noise. Daniel was flustered by her demands. He was eager to fill her up but wasn't sure about her, thinking it's in the heat of the passion.
   "Baby, tonight I'm yours. Fill me with your seed." She said with a seductive voice.
   Daniel stopped moving his hips as he could clearly see that she was entranced by their wild love making. Abby looked confused for a moment. He thought she looked cute.
   "Abby… have you come yet?" Daniel asked, with a slight worry in his voice.
   "What?" She asked, confused and slightly annoyed by the lack of movement inside her.
   She released her grip out of frustration with a faint groan.
   "Have you?" He insisted.
   Abby was clearly feeling the momentum fading away and she absolutely didn't want it to finish as she was so close.
   "Twice, come on now, don't ruin your momentum." She said with a slap on his ass with her hand before putting it back on his upper cheek.
   "They say that all good things come in threes." Daniel said, reaching down to her clit with his hand.
   Daniel put his warm fingers on her cute clit as Abby was confusedly watching him do that.
   "Wa… what are you do-… Oh god!" Abby said before feeling his finger playing and pressing on her pink button.
   Daniel slowly moved his throbbing cock deep inside her while massaging her clitoris meticulously. She could feel every inch of his veiny cock against her insides, feeling completely full and empty with every ins and outs. Abby closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment, letting out quiet moans, as her tight walls were being stretched. She got surprised when he licked her tit, playing with it with the tip of the tongue and tracing the shape of her areola. She purred with joy on her face as she was visibly enjoying his wet tongue on her hard nipple. Abby wasn't used to getting her tits played with but the experience wasn't unpleasant. She cooed.
   "Oh Daniel… I'm close." She said with a quiet voice.
   "I want to come with you, Abby." Daniel confessed after giving one last suck on her nipple.
   She felt happy for a moment before feeling a rush in her body as she was coming close to orgasm. 
   "Fuck… " she hurriedly let out with a moan.
   Daniel picked up the pace when he saw that her legs were starting to shake and her eyes were rolling back.
   "Almost!" She screamed as she arched her back.
   He pushed faster. Her arms were shaking and so were his. His cock was pulsing like crazy and he could feel her juice leaking out of her cunt and drenching his balls.
   "Baby, I'm gonna!" They screamed in unison.
   He threw his head back as Abby's vagina tightened more than ever. He thought she would crush his cock, making him go over the edge and releasing torrents of cum deep inside her. They shuddered at every burst. Daniel thought that Abby's voice couldn't go higher, but he was delighted to discover how wrong he was as she screamed his name. She was violently shaking as powerful orgasms washed through her entire body and their fluids mixed with each other inside of her throbbing pussy. She was unintentionally milking his dick, amplifying his own orgasm as well.
   "Abby!" He screamed in ecstasy. 
   "Daniel!" She cried with tears.
   He collapsed on top of her, panting. She hugged him with her legs and arms, keeping him inside her flooded pussy. It took them five long minutes before calming their breath, while giving passionate and happy looks at their partner, at least that's what he thought as he interpreted the tears on her beautiful face to be ones from happiness. Daniel pulled out his flaccid member, some of his semen leaked out of her quivering hold. He laid beside Abby who was smiling with content, wiping her tears.
   "Hey baby, how was it?" She said, unconsciously rubbing the entrance of her filled cunt.
   "Can't believe I had sex with you."
   "Same." She said before licking the cum off her fingers. "Virgin my ass." She snickered.
   Daniel found her sexier than ever as he admired her sucking and cleaning the oozing fluids off of her fingers. She smiled as she understood his fascination and reached down her slit to wipe more of the overflowing cum dripping of her abused red cunt.  
   "Does… does that mean we're dating?" Daniel nervously asked.
   His words were daggers to her heart but she pretended to shrug it off as if it was nothing. She had made peace with herself.
   "Do you want to? I thought you didn't want to have a relationship with me."
   Daniel felt some relief before feeling very guilty. It quickly disappeared when he saw her put her fingers covered with his jizz on her beautiful lips. If he could, he'd probably have another boner. She wanted to please him as she seductively sucked each of her fingers, making a popping sound each time she pulled them out of her inviting mouth. She swallowed and smiled at him.
   "Abby, do you really love me?" Daniel asked, feeling needles piercing his heart.
   "I fell in love with you when I was a teen. But with what we did now… " she quietly said, with a hint of regret in her voice. "I realised that you too have changed, you aren't anymore the innocent and clumsy boy I fell in love with. You're a man."
   "Yeah… sorry… " he shamefully apologised. 
   She kissed his forehead to show that she didn't resent him but deep inside, she cursed herself. He had a shy smile. They both laid down side by side, facing the ceiling and holding hands. Abby let out a small sigh and fiddled with his finger.
   "I moved on. Making love made me realise that what we had was long gone, dead. Looking back at what you said, I now understand your feelings. You've always seen me as a friend, that weirdo friend that made you forget that I'm a girl. I won't ask you for more than what we did tonight." She explained, trying to hide the sadness in her voice.
   "Abby…" he whimpered.
   "It's okay. I was being a horrible person, I was being pretty selfish. I don't own you, you're free to make your own choices, fall in love with who you want and have relations with anyone who wants to. I should have known better than to force your hand." She said before turning to him. "I hope I didn't ruin your first time, Dan." She regretted.
   Daniel embraced her, forgetting that her lips came in contact with his spunk.
   "Stop saying all this or I might fall for you."
   She smiled, with another tear rolling down her cheek. He wiped it off from her beautiful face ruined by pain and sadness. He promised to himself that he would never make her cry again, or at least not from sadness or pain. For a brief moment, they felt at peace with themselves.
   "Things have changed, but you're right, it's best if we keep being friends. Okay?" She said before turning to show her back. "Good night, Dan."
   "Sure! Good night, Abby." He said before doing the same.
   They quickly fell asleep back to back, dreaming of the past.
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
Chapter 5: Olf 
   "Good morning, Lord Olf! I have good news! The naval fleet will arrive in two days! The admiral Afarin assured that every vessel has been resupplied and should be able to deliver a constant barrage upon the enemies. Even if she's part Ahas, I'm sure she will meet your expectations."
   The person who spoke had just arrived in the dining hall of the castle. The room was decorated with swords on the walls and shields over them, bearing the insignia of the Lord. The insignia was a long blue scaly creature that resembled a dolphin with sharp teeth, their dragon. The room was occupied by a couple of lightly dressed servants holding plates of food and a man eating alone at the table in the centre. He was the ruler of the castle and the city, he was currently busy eating food and occasionally smiled at his female servants.
   The Lord was a tall man named Olf Premer. His long blond and wavy hair was covered by a silver crown with a gem the shape of a trident. He wore a brown dress and over it was a pelt surcoat dyed in purple. He wore many jewellery such as a golden necklace and silver rings at each of his fingers. An encrusted sword was hanging on his left side.
   "General Merdosa Picha, it's quite a good piece of news. But judging from the ever growing size of the enemy, I doubt that the fleet will arrive on time." The Lord said as he was eating the seafood that a servant was cutting for him.
   "My Lord, the garrison has enough manpower to repel any attacks until reinforcement."
   "You're forgetting that the enemy has siege engines such as catapults, trebuchets, battering rams and siege towers. I'm surprised that they didn't bring sappers yet."
   "My Lord, our scouts reported that an army of the Order is at a one day distance behind the enemy camp. About two hundred of heavy infantry and only five mages on horseback. The foot soldiers seem to behave unnaturally."
   "Two hundred heavy infantry and only five mages? The Order isn't well known in the neighbouring kingdoms, we know nothing about their war doctrines. But they seem to be pretty wealthy nonetheless."
   "Except for their mages, their army hasn't moved from their position. They stood still from dawn until dusk. Another abnormality is that they don't have a camp, they don't have cattle, they don't have any transports nor defences. They only have a medium sized tent where the mages sleep in."
   "They aren't humans, then. They're probably metal golems. As of now, they aren't our enemies. But prepare a golem counter measure. If they are confident enough to bring in magically controlled beings, they must have some kind of Lord stone or some very experienced mages."
   "Maybe they only intend to give only one order before they're in range."
   A Lord stone was often given to royalties and lords, they were often put in a medal or a necklace to hide from thieves. Anyone who carried such treasure would be able to use their spells even within the range of a magic dispelling stone. Only a handful of people knew how to make these devices, and their identity were a mystery to those who weren't at the head of a powerful kingdom. Lord Olf was but an underling of the King Hedi of the Herik Kingdom which was one of those powerful kingdoms on the continent.
   "A Lord stone… neither the lands of Ahas nor the kingdom of the Order was ever recognised to be granted any stone."
   "Somehow, their lands must have gotten some, my Lord."
   "Send a scribe, I'll cite a message to King Hedi that has to be delivered directly at the capital Hedicart, not Valiart where his brother could intercept it."
   "Yes, my Lord! Right away!"
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
Chapter 6: Work
   "Get your ass into something right away!" Jacob yelled at a naked Abby.
   It was seven in the morning, the three of them were already up and getting some breakfast. The smell of coffee and melting butter filled the room. The boys were already sitting at the kitchen table, eating some toasts. The two had already slipped into casual clothes, aside from the tie that wore the man of the house. Jacob had already ranted to Daniel about how loud their wild romp was last night before congratulating him on losing his virginity though it was with a forced grin.
   "Dude, can't I free my titties when I'm home?" She retorted, proudly exposing her chest.
   "My house, my rules! I was lenient enough to have you pork so late in the night!"
   Daniel enjoyed the sight before putting a slice of bread in the toaster. 
   "Come on, Morena. Get some clothes and join us. There's one in the making." Dan calmly said, pointing at the machine.
   "At least it isn't your child." She said before going back to her room with a pout.
   "Your what?!" Jacob said with a killing intent in his eyes.
   Daniel recoiled and put his hands in front of him.
   "Bro, she said it was safe. And it's a joke!"
   Jacob exhaled and chuckled.
   "Bro, it'd be super weird if you knocked your first girl on your first time. Especially with my COUSIN!" He said, emphasising heavily on the last word.
   They stared at each other silently, as the toaster was grilling the bread.
   "I felt bad, okay? She was crying and she pushed me on the bed. We already talked about it!"
   Abby finally came back, dressed with a white blouse and a long black skirt. Like for her blue dress, her skirt was tightly hugging her bottom. Her blouse was buttoned up to the top but felt like those on her chest were about to break if she ever did a wrong move. Her bust wasn't especially generous, it looked like she had picked a smaller size or that her clothes shrank after a spin in the washing machine. Feeling the men's gaze, she spun around to give them a good look.
   "Better? So, where's my toast?" She demanded.
   She joined them and sat next to her cousin, in front of Daniel. She didn't look at him longer than usual nor did she act any differently than before, aside from some sexual jokes and innuendos. She giggled every time while Jacob groaned instead.
   "Hey look, I've spread that butter like you did last night." She laughed, showing her toast to them.
   "Morena!" The guys exclaimed.
   "Just kidding! By the way, it's still Abby. Oh! Is it okay if I conduct interviews here? I haven't got any office to do that."
   Jacob shrugged and looked at Daniel.
   "I haven't got any plans at the moment, I'll probably be job hunting for a few days." Daniel said with a shrug.
   "Then that's settled! Tell me when you'll be home, so that I won't bother you with work." Abby cheerfully said.
   Jacob had some office work at his dad's enterprise, he'd start at eight in the morning to finish at five in the evening. Abby and Daniel then had to courtesy fight each other for planning their own schedule. It was finally a phone call that broke the stalemate. At that time, Jacob had already left for work.
   "Hello? Abby Rodriguez speaking." She answered on the phone.
   Daniel got up to leave but she signalled him to stay. He pulled out his phone and checked his social medias in the meanwhile.
   "I have to send at least one person within twenty four hours? It's urgent?"
   Abby quickly ran to her bedroom and came back with her laptop that she placed on the kitchen table. She looked worried but Daniel was too distracted by phone to notice.
   "What kind of profile do you need?" She asked as she typed something on her keyboard. "It's gonna cost extra for such a short notice, does the client know that?"
   A long moment of silence ensued as a frowning Abby was quickly typing some words and clicked on a few icons. Daniel was intrigued by the display and was impressed by the speed at which she worked with.
   "Sir, I've got two profiles that could interest the client. I'll meet them right away."
   She noticed his gaze and smiled at him. She quickly came up with an idea.
   "May I employ an assistant? I've got someone reliable and someone I personally trust."
   Daniel was surprised by the turn of the events and was overjoyed when she affirmatively nodded at him. He stood up and sat next to her, as if to hear the conversation.
   "I'll manage his paycheck once the job is done. Have a good day, sir." She said before she hung up and turned to Daniel. "Well, looks like we'll be spending more time together. All you have to do is take notes and fill in a form during the interview. I'll take care of the rest, so don't worry."
   "That's really nice of you! Was it because we banged that you decided to hire me?"
   She pulled out her tongue and poked his nose with her finger.
   "It's only because you're a decent lay, honey. I got bigger dicks too." She said with a wink. "But seriously, like I said to my employer: you're reliable and trustworthy."
   "I don't know how to thank you, it's all so sudden."
   She looked at him with a serious face and put her hands on his shoulders. He looked at her expectantly.
   "You can eat me out while we wait." She said with a grin.
   "Um… sure? Is it going to be a recurrent thing?" He answered, lowering his head.
   Abby recoiled and let out a surprised gasp, she was shocked by his immediate answer. Daniel was already kneeling before her. He paused and looked at her horrified face before bursting out in laughter as he stood back up.
   "Teasing can go both ways, Morena." He laughed as she began kicking his chest with a pout. 
   "Not! Funny!" She angrily said as she pulled her punches. "Don't scare me like that!"
   "Hey, you started it." He replied with a smug face.
   "It isn't because you've been inside me that you can start fucking around!" Abby said, covering her crotch with her hands.
   "I didn't expect to have casual sex with you that easily either. Now, when's the guy supposed to arrive?"
   "Ah, right! I'll call the people and make appointments. I hope we'll start in two hours. You've heard that it has to be within twenty four hours. I have to take in consideration that if they pass the interview, they'll have to take a four hour trip to the destination."
   Abby pulled out her flip phone and arranged the meetings. Daniel helped her set up her electronic devices on the table of the dining room, it wasn't too hard as it was just putting two microphones with three cameras. The woman put her laptop on the table after making sure that her man had prepared everything. She checked if the cameras were functioning and that the first one faced the interviewer, the other pointing at the interviewee and the last one had to face the two interlocutors. To the woman's disappointment, the first appointment was at eleven in the morning, meaning that they'd have to wait for more than two hours. However, the second one was at one in the afternoon. Despite the long wait, Abby and Daniel didn't slack. She showed the forms that he had to fill in during the interview.
   "… and so, if they say something about that topic, you'll have to check the box."
   "Even if they just say the word?"
   "What do you mean?"
   "Like if they say: my birthmark looks like a reptile." Daniel said, emphasising on the last word.
   "Oh, then I'd ask the person to elaborate on that. If it's just a coincidence, you don't do anything. That was smart to ask beforehand. Clever boy!"
   Then she went on explaining what her work required him to do, but told him that some information is still confidential and that she couldn't say more. That didn't deter the man either.

"So you're a recruiter?"
   "More like a counsellor but sometimes I get other assignments. It isn't a static job, I usually move a lot." She said, sounding very passionate about her work.
   "Oh, is that why you're so fit?"
   "Fit? I'm pretty average back there."
   "You always say 'back there' but from what I understand, it's like a third world country. How come you can't tell me where it is?"
   "Well, it's in my contract. But it's mainly because of rival companies that I can't say the name nor description."
   Daniel looked worried for a moment.
   "Are you sure you aren't in some shady business?"
   Abby seemed to look for words, she rubbed her chin for a moment.
   "I don't think my contract allows me to say much about it. And besides, every big company has some shady business. Let's… try to not go for the details. If I can say something, I'll tell you. Okay?"
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
Chapter 7: Marcus
   The first interviewee arrived slightly earlier, Abby and Daniel were ready. The assistant opened the door to a tall and muscular man who politely smiled at him. The tall man looked in his thirties, he had a pale skin that contrasted with his thick black beard and slick long hairstyle. If it wasn't for a tidy costume, Daniel would have thought that the man was a viking coming straight out of a cartoon. Unlike her friend, Abby didn't look intimidated by the man who was three head taller than her and instead walked to the man to shake his hand.
   "Marcus! I'm pleased to meet you! Excuse my assistant, it's his first time at the job. Come take a seat." She said like a mother would when she welcomes a guest at home.
   Marcus followed them and sat at the chair that the woman pointed. Daniel sat next to Abby, trying to avoid eye contact with the big man who seemed to look nervous. The man was constantly touching his tie or joining his finger while Abby was serving him a cup of water. She opened the laptop that displayed the CV of the man in front of her.
   "Alright." She finally said before activating the cameras from the push of a button on a remote. "I'm agent Morena of the Argo company. This interview is going to be recorded for archives and won't be published in any way possible. We have three cameras and two microphones. They are here, here and here. If you're okay with the recording, you can sign this clause of confidentiality. If at any point of the interview you wish to stop, the recording will be interrupted and destroyed."
   Abby slid a piece of paper to Marcus who nodded and signed. She took it back with a smile and gave it to Daniel. The assistant put the paper in a file and took another sheet to take the notes and another one to fill in the form.
   "Can you state your name, your age and your profession if any." She calmly said.
   The man took a deep breath and exhaled.
   "My name is Marcus Gogh, I'm thirty two years old and I previously worked in forestry." He said as Daniel was noting the information.
   Dan couldn't help but feel the nervousness of the interviewee whose hands were slightly shaking. The interviewer didn't seem to mind and continued.
   "Understood. How long have you been working there?" 
   "About seven years and two months, I think."
   "Have you got any health issues?"
   Marcus paused for a moment.
   "I have a slight allergy to peanuts, but last time I checked, I'm pretty healthy."
   Daniel crossed a box on his form.
   "So far so good. Now, tell me why did you accept to come to this interview?" Abby asked with a straight face.
   "From what I remember from the pamphlet, it mentioned helping out in a war torn agricultural society. It was a few months ago, so my memory is a bit fuzzy. But when I called, they said that when a position would open, they'd call me."
   Daniel took some notes. Abby took a sip of water, looking uninterested. Marcus wiped a drop of sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand.
   "Philanthropist, much?" She asked with an eyebrow raised.
   "More like I'm open to new experiences. My previous job was pretty stale after the first few years."
   Her eyes seemed to lit up and Marcus, who was looking at her face to avoid looking at her blouse whose buttons seemed to be ready to explode at any moment, noticed her change of attitude. Daniel checked a few boxes and took some notes. He noticed that the man relaxed a bit, judging from the initial stiff posture that slightly deflated.
  "Open to new experiences? Interesting. Now, tell me about your skills and competences. Though, I can see that those muscles of yours aren't for show." She said, nodding at Marcus' arms being constricted in his costume.
  The man was slightly surprised by her remark and let out a relieved sigh in his breath.
  "Thank you? I do go to the gym, never skipped leg day either. About my skills, I'd say that I can use most woodcutting equipment, from chainsaws to axes. I can drive heavy duty vehicles as well. I also have a degree in philosophy, though I don't have a favourite philosopher."
  Abby hummed at his words, her heart was racing with excitation.
   "You sound pretty balanced between strength and wits. Anything else?" She said, trying to hide her eagerness.
   Upon seeing the relaxed attitude of his interviewer, Marcus let down his guard as he felt like the interview was going smoothly.
   "I can tolerate both cold and hot climates, I even won a sauna competition three years ago. I prefer hot climates, call me a reptile if you want." He said with a forced laugh.
   Daniel checked a few boxes, looking pleased. He looked at Abby who seemed to wriggle from the excitation. She hid it from the camera, but her legs and hips were fidgeting.
   "Reptile, huh? Are you comfortable with them?"
   "Not an issue, my father was obsessed with snakes. If need be, I could handle one if it was on the loose."
   "Good! Good! Now, tell me about your weaknesses."
   "You may have noticed, but formal and important meetings make me very anxious. Well, I'm a bit more relaxed now."
   Abby smiled and opened her mouth to say something but Daniel tapped her arm to stop her from saying something inappropriate. Marcus didn't notice, he was staring in her eyes as to focus on not being anxious.
   "I'm also a divorcee, I had a gambling addiction and she couldn't support it. I'm good now."
   "Do you have any family?"
   The interview lasted twenty minutes, where the woman was eager to know more as Marcus was unknowingly telling her what she wanted to hear. He had shown his interest in learning a new language as well as working abroad for a long period of time. He even showed some quick reaction time when Abby's button exploded and flew at his face. He easily dodged the piece of plastic. The woman seemed pleased by that and didn't bother covering her chest. Daniel had to nudge her a bit so that she would regain her composure. 
   "Okay, last question to wrap this interview. What do you think about fantastic worlds often depicted in tabletop role play games?" Abby asked, pulling out a small red book from under the table.
   She slid it over to Marcus who seemed a bit surprised. He read the title out loud.
   "Guide to the world of Avila?" He read, confused. "Well, as long as it's believable with concrete rules, interesting races and coherent environments… it's okay?"
   "Quite an average answer, but okay." She said before taking the book back. "I think that's all we need. I'm sorry if it felt a bit long. You're more likely to get accepted. You should expect a phone call from the company very soon."
   Marcus smiled for the first time since the interview had started. Abby turned to the camera in front of her.
   "This concludes the interview of mister Marcus Gogh." She said before pushing a button on the remote which turned off all the recording devices.
   Both parties stood up and shook hands. Daniel couldn't ignore the strong grip of the man who didn't seem to show any ill intent behind it.
   "Daniel, can you accompany mister Gogh to the door? I have to send the recordings to the company." Abby said, not even looking at them anymore.
   Daniel obeyed and escorted Marcus to the entrance. 
   "Hey, uh… is it true that I'll get the job? They weren't just empty words, right?"
   Daniel quickly looked if she was listening but she seemed busy on her laptop, then he turned to Marcus who seemed a bit nervous.
   "Well, I don't know if I can tell you, but just from the form I filled, it looks like you're good."
   "That's a relief! Well thanks. Have a good day, sir." Marcus said as he stepped outside the apartment.
  "Thanks, you too." Daniel replied, waving goodbye.
   He waited for the tall man to get in the lift to finally close the door. Daniel thought that if it was always like that, the job would be pretty easy. He went to the kitchen to get something to eat, he only had time to open the fridge that his ass was groped.
   "Good job, assistant!" Abby cheerfully said.
   Daniel closed the fridge to look at her face which was radiating with pure joy. He grunted before grabbing her ass as retribution from the slight fright she had caused him. Her cheeks were a good balance between muscles and fat, there was enough softness to be enjoyable and enough roughness to keep a round shape and a good grip on them. The man considered doing some exercises so that Abby could also have something to enjoy.
   "So… ? That leaves us with more than an hour until the last guy shows up."
   "It would be too easy if we were to have sex right here right now?" Daniel guessed.
   "Yup! I'm gonna get changed, I haven't done my workout routine yet."
   "Any chance that you'll let me join you?" 
   "Hah! It'll take twenty minutes. Why don't you prepare something for us to eat while I'll work a sweat."
   Daniel reluctantly let go of her bottom and she did the same. He'd never think he'd ever have to cook for someone else but accepted his role of house husband for now. He'd hoped to get some actions but knew that she was the one in control, not that it bothered him. While he was boiling the water and cooking some pasta, he could hear Abby's grunts in her bedroom. He tried to not think about her and focused on making the béchamel sauce.
   "Come on now, man. Don't think with your dick." He said to himself.
   He suddenly heard some commotions and quickly rushed to her room. She looked surprised to  see him bursting in. She was wearing some kind of bandage compressing her chest and a loin cloth. She was in the middle of doing burpees, which was a combination of doing push ups and jumping up. She was already covered with sweat.
   "Sup? Is it already done?" She asked as she wiped the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand.
   "I heard some commotions!"
   "Oh, right. Sorry about the noise. I'll finish my set then I'll hit the shower. Make sure to not burn our food tho." She chuckled.
   "Jesus, woman! Next time, you'll be the one cooking."
   "You wouldn't like what I'd cook, dude. Also, can you stop staring at me?"
   Daniel apologised and quickly went back to the kitchen. After some time, his Mac and cheese dish was ready. He admitted to himself that it wasn't the best thing to serve to the girl he slept with and worked with. The young man sat at the kitchen table and patiently waited for Abby to come. He was surprised to see that she was actually wearing a dress that fit her without showing much of her curves, she even had a blouse that wasn't too tight. The cute girl put on her cosmetic round glasses.
   "Who are you? Where's Abby?" He asked with a laugh.
   "What is that supposed to mean? Anyway, it smells good. Shall we eat?"
   For once, she acted normally, she didn't make any sexual innuendo, she didn't flirt nor did she act extravagantly. She sat opposite to him and was more interested in eating than looking at him. The man almost felt like she was a different woman, as if she wasn't being herself. Abby noticed him blankly staring at her. She didn't smile like usual, instead she made an o with her mouth as she looked confused.
   "Are you okay Daniel? You seem a bit distracted." She softly asked.
   "Who are you?" Daniel bluntly asked, which shocked the woman.
   "I'm Abby, silly. What's wrong? Are you feeling sick?" Abby asked, looking genuinely concerned about her friend.
   "I should be asking you that. You don't act like the Morena I know."
   She let out a sigh and ate a mouthful of pasta before standing up. Daniel watched her walk over him, she sat next to him with an exasperated look.
   "Look, Dan. I'm not a ball of raw sexual energy. Don't think that I'm a hoe because I often dress in tight outfits and that I like to show my body. I know it's been a while since we haven't seen each other, but trust me. I'm a normal woman too."
   "Wh… " Daniel muttered before she shushed him.
   "Dan, don't be a dick."
   "Ah… I'm sorry. It's just that you've been so hyper since we met yesterday." He apologised.
   "It's okay, Dan. I know you didn't mean what you had said. Let's finish eating and get ready for the last person. How about we go to the mall after we're done?"
   He perked up at her proposition.
   "Is that a date, then?" He eagerly asked.
   "Only if you want to." Abby shrugged "It was only to get out of the apartment, I need to clear my head from my work." She did have a naughty idea in mind, just to punish him from doubting her.

Chapter 8: Karen
   The last person arrived at exactly one o'clock, Daniel opened the door to see an average looking woman. She was slightly shorter than him, reaching only his eyebrows from the top of her haircut. She gave an aura of professionalism, from the tidy dress to the nonchalant look and the heavy use of expensive perfume. She had the facial expression of a person who had spent a week in the office without taking a break, her simple rectangular glasses didn't help to give her a friendly look. She had almost platinum blond hair, with a small professional bun hanging at the back of her head. She looked at the young man as if he was but an office decoration before extending her hand while wearing the expression of a soulless menial worker.
   "Good afternoon, sir. Is it the Argo company?" She coldly asked, blankly staring in the man's eyes.
   Daniel mechanically shook her hand. To his surprise, she also had a strong grip.
   "Um… yes. Sorry, I was expecting another burly man to show up. Please follow me."
   Abby was already sitting at the table, she immediately got up to shake the other woman's hand. Daniel took his seat and picked his papers in front of them. The newcomer had been silent the whole time.
   "Please, take a seat." Abby said, pointing at the chair in front of her. "I'm agent Morena of the Argo company. This interview is going to be recorded for archives and won't be published in any way possible. We have three cameras and two microphones. They are here, here and here. If you're okay with the recording, you can sign this clause of confidentiality. If at any point of the interview you wish to stop, the recording will be stopped and destroyed." She said, almost as if she was reciting a play.
   Daniel knew that something was definitely off as he didn't see the same energy from the first interview. The woman nodded and signed after spending some long minutes reading the confidentiality clauses. With a quick look, the male assistant could tell the sharpness of the signature, the short but straight lines almost gave off the feeling of perfectionism. 
   "Can you state your name, age and profession?"
   "Karen Smith, thirty, accountant at Smith industries." The woman mechanically answered.
   Abby acted more reserved but she hardly hid her slight frustration, sighing loud enough to be heard by the accountant but not too much for the microphones. Karen was staring at her interviewer with a jaded expression.
   "Years there?"
   "Four stars at the very least."
   Abby fell silent for a moment. Daniel looked at his notes, he realised that he didn't write anything nor did he complete the form. With a quick glance at Karen, he noticed that she didn't stop staring intensely at the interviewer, as if she wanted to get over the whole thing. With a long sigh, Abby continued her interview with short sentences and even single words at some point. The stoic woman replied instantly with the least use of words which didn't help to lift the mood if not worsening it more. It didn't take long before they arrived at the last question. At that point, Abby had given up on Karen and was wondering why she chose her as a potential candidate if it wasn't for her impeccable CV and experience. Aside from the cold and disinterested attitude, she did meet the requirements and showed her quick thinking with her single word answer from the very vague questions that the interviewer threw at her. Daniel felt like the stoic woman could read minds.
   "Well, last question I guess? What do you think about fantastic worlds often depicted in tabletop role play games?" Abby asked, pulling the red book on the table. "This time I'd like to get a full sentence with subject, verb, object and at least an object complement."
   For the very first time, the unenthusiastic woman changed her facial expression even if it was just for raising an eyebrow. The interviewing team didn't hide their surprise by her capacity to convey another emotion than boredom.
   "Sure. May I?" Karen asked, pointing at the book.
   "Go ahead." Abby nodded.
   The woman with rectangular glasses took the book and inspected it. She opened it to the first page.
   "Guide to the world of Avila, third edition. From P. Bianchi and A. Rodriguez? Well the cover is pretty sturdy, is it leather?"
   Daniel was even surprised that the woman made a long sentence and he looked at Abby who didn't seem impressed but was slightly more interested than during the previous questions.
   "It is, indeed."
   "Mind if I read a bit?"
   The interviewer nodded but didn't expect anything more, fearing to be more disappointed. Karen read some random pages, her stoic face quickly turning into a frown then into a wide happy smile which almost scared Daniel. The woman gave a very surprised look, with her mouth the shape of an O.
   "That's so cool! It's almost like it's an official document, it's well written. I feel like I'm looking at an anthropology report. The world building is really nice too, with geopolitical conflicts over resources and influences. Want me to join your RP game?!" Karen exclaimed, acting differently from a minute ago.
   Daniel and Abby didn't hide their surprise at her reaction.
   "Um… it was pure speculation, really. So, about the question about fantastic worlds?"
   Karen laughed before putting down the book and looking Abby dead in the eye with a serious look.
   "I love role play games! I prefer table top over computer ones. Back in college I was even a dungeon master of a campaign. Anyway, that world really interests me! Please tell me that I'll get the job!"
   "Well, I'm just the interviewer, I don't have a say in that matter. But we'll make sure to give you an answer as soon as possible."
   "Sure! Well, if I'm not accepted, I'll make sure to look for another opportunity. By the way, if I'm taken, can I bring my sword and armour?"
   Abby raised her eyebrows and Daniel took some notes and checked a box on the form.
   "You… have that at home?"
   "Yeah! Real sword with sharp edges and a real set of armour. It isn't that full plate one though, hubby was against spending too much on that. It's more like a breast plate with arm braces and gauntlets. I also have tassets, you know, the things that look like flaps on your hips and that lay on your thighs?" Karen explained with enthusiasm.
   "Sure! So, do you have anything to add?"
   "Nothing else!" Karen replied with a smile.
   Abby clasped her hands with visible satisfaction.
   "Perfect! This concludes the interview of Miss Karen Smith." The interviewer declared on camera.
   Both sides of the table got up. Karen shook their hands and was escorted to the door by the assistant as Abby was already back on her laptop. Like with Marcus, Daniel got to speak with the interviewee who seemed more cheerful. With a somewhat sorry look on her face, she spoke up.
   "Hey, um… you?” She said as she realised she didn’t even know the man’s name! “I'm sorry if I was a bit cold, I was just having a bad day at the office this morning since I was going to this interview. I hope you didn't take it personally."
   "Don't worry, I understand. I bet you got a long session where you've got yelled at by your boss?" Daniel inquired, trying to show some sympathy.
   "Exactly, well my boss is my husband so I couldn't really complain to the HR. How did you know?" A surprised Karen asked.
   "I had a similar experience. Well, it was nice meeting you."
   "I apologise again for how I acted, sir. Well, have a nice day!" Karen said before leaving.
   "Have a nice day as well!" Daniel replied, waving goodbye.
   He watched her until she got inside the lift. Karen waved at him a last time before the automatic doors closed.
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
Chapter 9: Falmer's Ahas
  The sun was up, bathing the lands in all its glory and warmth. The birds were singing in unison as they soared gracefully, the wind was brushing against the leaves of the forest, creating a soothing rustling sound. It would have been a peaceful afternoon if it wasn't for the pile of corpses rotting around the walls of the city of Premer, nor the cries and screams coming from the aftermath of the recent skirmish as black birds were picking bits of flesh that they ate with their horrid laugh. The Ahas camp was still standing and defying the defenders by its mere presence, reminding them of their presence and their constant threat. The flaps of the commander's tent opened and a tall man came out, wearing a full plate of armour covered with green cloth over his helmet and chest. Those who saw him exit, quickly stepped aside while saluting him with the utmost respect in their eyes. Some outsiders might think it was because he was a two metre tall bulky warrior who was surrounded by people 50 centimetres shorter in average. He was carrying a sword on his hip and a mace in his hands, despite being well taken care of, it still bore marks of use with small dents on its end. The man was in the middle of the besieging Ahas camp which had three distinct sections, clearly distinguishable by the wide dirt path separating them.
  The first one was the small fortifications mainly composed of wooden palisades made from logs of the forest nearby. Ditches had been dug to deter any direct assault on the wooden defences. It was constantly being guarded and fortified.
  The second section was more focused around the aspects of waging war, from packed barracks of soldiers to a field hospital which was basically a big tent with beds and a vast array of saws, pliers and scissors, some were still covered with blood. There was also a canteen area with cooks constantly running around, either to fetch ingredients or delivering the meals to a dispatch squad in charge of the food logistics. There was also an armourer tent which was constantly producing or repairing tools of war but there were also engineers who were fixing or building the next siege machine. In the centre of the district stood a small stall with an abacus next to slate board, there were numerous family names written on it and next to each one of them, there was a small vertical line of chalk, one for every fallen member who had that name. And as the number of deceased rose, the quantity of chalk diminishes.
  The last section was filled with moans and cries, it was heavily guarded with patrols and soldiers wielding polearms and maces. It was the most important part of the camp for it was their sinews of war, their lifeline. There were small individual tents, most of them had cries and screams coming out of them, some even had the stench of urine. There was one big building made of planks and stone bricks in the middle of the third section. There were a lot of feminine grunts as women were either giving birth or being impregnated, some of the women had long silky hair while others lacked any hairy attributes. Despite its sexual focus, it was also occupied by dozens of scribes who scrupulously registered every birth with all the details about the newborns, from their parental lineage and direct family members to their future position in this ever growing army. The Ahas people had that particularity to be able birth two to three children at the same time, though it was through laying eggs the size of a small melon.
  The ancestors of the Ahas were named Sakha, snakefolk who hunted big prays for food, they usually ensnared through seducing their target with the promises of sexual intercourse which led to crossbreeding with other sapient races. At that time, the most dominant race that lived around the Sakha was one of the ancestors of humans who were more vulnerable to the literal booby trap. Those human ancestors were slowly assimilated or simply coexisted alongside the ancestors of the Ahas. But due to the dangerous surroundings, Sakha people developed a fast ageing metabolism when a parent died, the stressful environment meant that a caretaker was required to survive. If left unattended for more than a day, the baby or child would grow to full maturity though the older they were, the longer it took them before the accelerated growth happened. It was still a matter of days, though the maximum was five for a ten year-old. Some people noticed that children with both living parents had an average magic potential unlike those who were forced to maturity, which was almost non-existent.
  "Lord Ahs Falmer! We received words of a naval fleet heading to Premer, they should arrive in less than a day and a half." A man wearing a hood said, following the ruler to the third section of the camp.
  "Ah, mister the messenger, Wo. Do you know its purpose and its size? Is it an ally or an enemy?" Falmer asked, idly looking at the individual tents where cries could be heard.
  The messenger in question was draped in layers of green cloth, underneath the hood, he was wearing a tuque and a veil that hid the Ahas' face. Wo was the personal courier of Falmer as he also managed the communication network of the entire army.
  "They bear the insignia of a water dragon and there's another one with a land dragon." The messenger told his lord. "Neither have wings. The water one is a cross between a fish and a lizard. The land one is red and breathes fire."
  The two people arrived at the breeding building, the hooded man ceremoniously opened the door to the armoured lord. The people inside went silent when the important man entered, only the creaking sound of the wooden floor resonated inside. Some newborns began crying but were ignored by the nurses and even their mothers. All stared silently at the towering Lord, waiting for his commands.
  "So they are from Valiamer and also serve the King Hedi. That means they aren't just a relief for the city but are actually warships. They might be a game changer." Falmer continued to say after showing the occupants to act as if he wasn't there.
  The moans and grunts resumed but were quieter. Lord Falmer walked to an Ahas who was sitting behind a desk, a scribe who was talking to him quickly left. The worker was wearing a breastplate and pauldron the colour of blood.
  "We'll stop the reproduction as of today. Make sure that the eggs are all gathered." The Lord demanded before turning to his messenger. "Send scouts and make sure that we'll have an escape route."
  The person behind the desk instantly got up, angrily slamming his fist on the table. The Ahas nearby got startled, one even dropped some pieces of paper. The man was fuming but showed some restraint, trying to not yell at his master who could see him shake.
  "Lord Falmer, we've lost five generations on their walls. Leaving now will go against the very meaning of our army's doctrine and motto. Leaving now will mean that our time and energy was for naught. Leaving now will render the sacrifice of the childhood of hundreds Ahas." The desk person protested, looking around for approval.
  "Captain Brigart, I hear your plea, but if we don't make any progress soon, we will be wiped out to oblivion. I prefer saving face now than annihilating my army. The city of Premer will get naval reinforcements with probably enough fire power to nullify the only advantage we have."
  "And what about our mission? What about your own children? What about your position as lord?"
  Lord Falmer flinched, he knew it was all his fault. He knew that it was because of his pride. His only goal was to avenge his family under the cover of retribution which was over the death of the Ahas delegation, a small group of diplomats who had been sent to the city of Premer to negotiate a trade route between some Ahas cities and humans ones. But once the negotiators entered the city, they gave no sign of life since then. It was clear that they had died since their children started ageing faster. Falmer's wife was one of those who had been killed, she was supposed to be the translator between these two races. On top of all that, being an Ahas with an average magic potential was considered very rare and was a status of nobility to those who lead armies. Ahs wasn't one of those but intended for his children to be what he couldn't.
  "Know your place Brigart. I will deal with it my way." The lord replied, weighing the mace in his hand.
  "As you wish, my lord." Brigart grudgingly said as he sat down.

Chapter 10: Afarin
  A 200-strong naval fleet had departed from the small harbour of Himer, it was composed of fifty transporting ships, fifty boarding ships noticeable by their boarding bridge with a spike to anchor themselves to the enemy floor. The other hundred of ships had mages and archers with some vessels having ballista. Among the offensive boats, there were a handful which carried two lance shaped tubes that acted as giant flamethrowers, being able to launch flaming streams of tar at three hundred metres away. To operate such machinery, mages had to constantly blow pressurised air in the funnel while normal crewmen were consistently refuelling the machine with the hot black substance that was stocked in the hull of the ship under the water level. Another magic user had to light the projectile on fire as it exited the pipe, the person had to do it once as it was an ongoing stream coming out. Each lance had ten spell casters operating it since it required a lot of power and rotation to avoid magical burnout. Those incendiary weapons and the ships holding them were called laufer, basically calling them fire launchers.
  The admiral of the fleet was standing on one of those laufer boats as it was the admiral ship, distinguishable by its golden ornaments on the sides and its red and purple sails. The high ranking officer wore a red cape coming down to the middle of her back. She wore pauldrons and a breastplate painted in clear blue, the bulk making her look imposing. She wore a red tunic underneath and a pair of green pants, often worn by the royalty of Valiamer. Every officer had to wear colourful clothes to be easily distinguishable from the rest of the crew who had to wear dark blue clothes. In a form of irony, red capes were shorter the higher the rank of the officer was, the lowest rank that could wear one was of a lieutenant, then commander or master, then captain, and finally admiral.
  The woman's face looked rather pale and a trickle of drool was coming out of her half-closed mouth. With a closer look, one could notice two very thin and small fangs in her mouth, it was a trait of her Ahas genetic heritage. She also had red irises and the flat nose of her reptile ancestors, making her slightly stand out when she visited the royal court. On her left forearm, there was some kind of scar, it resembled a snake in a circle. Other than that, the rest of her anatomy and outlook were that of generic humans of the kingdom of Heri. She had an olive skin colour and black hair with white strands, hidden under her leather hat. She was in the average height of the women of the kingdom which was around one meter and a half, every crewmen were towering over her with the average height of one meter and seventy centimetres.
  "I'm gonna get sick." The female officer said to herself, leaning over the edge before throwing up her last meal.
  Thankfully, her crewmen were too busy to notice their admiral who was almost dangling over the ship's railings. She quickly got up when she heard the voice of one of her captains calling her rank from the commanding room, wiping her mouth, she hastily walked there. When she entered, she could immediately feel the eyes of her dozens of captains and many other officers already standing there, around a map on the table in the centre. A faint smell of broth was still in the air and some empty plates were lying on the cabinet next to the door.
  "Sorry for disturbing your busy schedule, admiral." One of the captains said with an acknowledging nod. "We know you like taking the afternoon to oversee the fleet but it's important."
  The officer who spoke was the tallest in the room, his shoulders were wider than the ones of a gorilla, some compared him to an iron golem. He was also the eldest, his grey hair was already turning white and his skin looked a bit leathery. He was the senior officer of the entire fleet, both in age and in experience, having outlived three admirals during his career but he never rose in ranks since his promotion to captain of the admiral laufer boat. His former superiors all died in glorious battles, repelling invasions from faraway kingdoms and their faces were carved in the wooden frame of the bow.
  "Excuse my tardiness, Artin. Let's get it over quickly." The admiral replied, trying to sound annoyed even though felt more sick than anything.
  The officers nodded and turned their attention to the map, a young crewmate placed tokens to their approximate position on the paper. With a quick glance around the room, one could easily notice some interesting characters outside of the imposing senior officer, there were some captains with a peg leg or a wooden hand, some had patched up vest and pants, others had bright and shiny clothes. Their difference resulted from the different areas they came from as well as their experience as naval officers.
  "But of course, admiral Afarin. Most of us have already been informed about the state of Premer. Anyway, the city has been under siege for more than two weeks, the walls are strong and held every time the enemy assaulted them." Artin explained, showing the position of the enemy camp in the map with the crew mate moving the pieces with a stick.
  "Are they within the range of our ships from the sea, or should we move them in the Minr?" The woman, Afarin, asked while glancing over the map.
  The Minr was the river running through the city of Premer. Some officers pondered at that suggestion while the others shook their heads with disappointment.
  "From the sea, that won't be possible. And from the city, it would mean a lot of indirect fire." A captain explained. "That is, if they deactivated the magic dispelling stone for us to use our laufers."
  Afarin staggered at the answer but quickly regained her composure, as usual. Thankfully for her, everyone was too focused on the map to notice anything, but she wasn’t too surprised as it happened almost all the time and it has happened all the time.
  The woman wasn't going to let some minor inconvenience get the better of her. Winging it for years, she spoke up.
  "Oh, then we'll bait the enemy into getting closer to the shore. Our marine infantry has seen some action, they won't go down easily." The admiral quickly said before coming up with an idea. "They'll be the anvil and we'll be the hammer!" She roared with her last sentence, hoping to rally her men.
  Her enthusiasm didn't leave them indifferent and they all roared with their fist raised, sending shivers down the admiral's spine.
  "We're the hammer!" The officers yelled, following her outburst.
  Seeing that her distraction worked, she continued, eager for that incredible sensation of being useful.
  "We will crush the enemy with the might of the Valiamer fleet! The mighty royal fleet!" She yelled, her fist in the air. "For Herik! For Premer!"
  "For the Heri kingdom! For Premer!" The officers chanted.
  The female officer basked in the atmosphere she created. After a while, captain Artin ordered silence when he felt that the men had calmed down a bit.
  "Very well, we will prepare for the attack on the Ahas siege army. Do you have anything else to add, admiral?" The senior captain asked expectantly.
  The admiral had been spacing out and quickly shook her head when she heard her rank. The officers didn't notice her behaviour as they were already staring intently again at the map. Being unprepared to actually have to come up with a strategy, she had to think fast before saying anything stupid in front of her men, first, she needed to buy time.
  "We will arrive in less than two days, right? There's a chance that the enemy will notice a fleet our size, isn't it? I suggest that we… split it in two, we'll leave the slower moving ships… such as the boarders and transporters with the heavy machinery behind with some escort. And that would mean that… that way the attacking group will get there faster, hopefully before dawn. What do you all think?" Afarin said with lots of pauses between sentences as she seemed to be thinking.
  The captains looked at each other before all turning to Artin who cleared his throat. The imposing officer was usually their representative, being the admiral’s second and a captain, he was seen as the middleman and as someone who knew how Afarin thought.
  "That sounds like a good idea. We'll transfer the marine infantry to the fastest ships. Alright, you've heard the admiral. Go forth!" Artin ordered before leaning over the map to point at things. "Vaso, Censo and Reso, your squadrons will escort the transport ships. You know your role, vanguard, centre and rear, do your fathers proud. The admiral's squadron will be the spearhead with the other laufer boats in tow, three columns. Don't forget to resupply before we split into two."
  The officers all hurriedly left the room to go back to their own vessel, giving their respect to the admiral on their way out. These men were the most loyal to the crown and were often trusted with the large scale naval battles especially after proving their worth for winning thousands of engagements, be it against pirates or foreigners. Thanks to their cutting edge naval technology, namely the laufers, the fleet earned the name of Herikfer, the fire of the Heri kingdom.
  The admiral watched her subordinates leave, nodding to each one of them as they passed before her. As usual, the newest officers were the last ones to leave, getting more instructions from the senior captain Artin. Once she was sure that nobody else was there, she casually walked to her captain’s cabin and to her desk before collapsing on the chair with an exasperated moan.
  "I can't believe they're still following me… that was the most stupidest plan I've ever made up on the spot… and we're fighting Ahas too… damn it! For Herik sake!" She ranted, with a hint of despair in her voice, rubbing her left forearm.
  The admiral Afarin quickly looked around to make sure that nobody was here, then she opened her drawer and pulled out a letter with a waxed seal from lord Alm, an acquaintance of the woman. She had learnt that the lord had adopted Ahas children who he named Abfir and Ehilrt, two medicinal plants, and she went crazy over them and their stories. She was so concerned over their well being that she often wrote letters to Alm, while also talking about her own children, who she barely saw. Though these two people never met in person, only corresponding with messengers with their latest location, their relationship seemed to only concern the wellbeing of the adopted children of the lord. The pen friend ruled over a small city situated 30 km northwest to the big maritime city of Valiamer, the minor city used to be a supply depot and a medical outpost, but since he was an important mage in the nobility, his position made him travel across the kingdom to either teach spell casting or heal other nobles.
  "Oh no! Ehilrt almost killed his sister!" She exclaimed as she was intensely reading. "Oh, good, there won't be any scars! Poor thing."
  "Admiral, we've spotted unidentified vessels on the horizon, coming from the south. They're a flotilla size with hulls reinforced with metal plates." An officer declared loudly as he bursted into the room.
  Afarin let out a startled high pitched scream before getting back into character. She looked composed, joined her hands and nodded to acknowledge the person who entered. Quickly dropping the letters on her laps, hidden from her officer’s view.
  "From the order territory, right? It must be them since we're 20 km from Deltamer. If they get too close, signal them that we're not going to cause them trouble. We don't want to be delayed in rescuing Premer, do we?" She said, insisting on the last words.
  The admiral had recently heard of the Order which was a fairly new power in the region, it had colonised a deserted island with a dormant volcano on it. It was situated in the south of the kingdom and had its closest harbour at roughly 30 km from the coastal town of Himer.
  "Of course not! Premer is our top priority." The man replied with a trembling voice.
  "Well then, why are you still standing there? Go." Afarin said in a stern face.
  "Y-yes admiral! Right away!" The officer enthusiastically replied before leaving as quickly as he came.
  Contently watching the man go, Afarin contained herself from screaming.
  "I wanna die!" She cried when the man closed the door. "How am I still in charge of these extremely competent people? If they weren't so efficient, I'd still be a ship lieutenant who had to patrol the waters around Valiamer away from all the politics."
  She remembered her letters and resumed her reading with a smile on her face.
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
Chapter 13: Amy
   Good boy Daniel woke up with a pretty Abby in his bed, her back towards him but he didn't mind, he had a great view of her cute butt, some juice of their late night fun was still sticking on her tanned skin. He felt enticed in caressing her cheeks but he didn't want to act like a creep so he quietly got up and left the bedroom on his toes. Having spent yet another passionate night with a beautiful woman with a fiery personality felt unreal. 
   The content man met his best friend Jacob and a petite redhead, who he recognised, in the kitchen, he still didn't know her name since she never introduced herself properly. The other two were sitting at the table, enjoying each other's company until Daniel arrived. As for the blue eyed boy, he just remembered the awkward moment when Jack came back home with the cute girl and the then-cold pizzas he had intended to bring, which prompted a lot of protestations from Abby, mainly for the cold food. At that time the red haired girl groaned when she saw Dan who she gave a blowjob earlier that day and ground her teeth at the sight of the woman who pretended to be the girlfriend.
   "Sup? Slept well?" Jacob asked as Daniel approached.
   "Yeah. Also, why is she still here?" Dan replied, pointing at the girl who giggled.
   She waved at him while taking a sip at her cup of coffee. She was wearing Jack's shirt and pants, both of which were too big for her, revealing a generous cleavage of her small breast as well as her midriff. Despite being in very loose clothes, she looked extremely sexy in Dan's eyes.
   "Amy was just crashing by yesterday, she had lost her job because of a scandal, or something." Jacob vaguely answered.
   The now-named girl giggled and rubbed Jacob's crotch with that reacted well to the touch. Amy put the cup of coffee on the table to use both hands to paw the buff man while Daniel was witnessing the scene with a shocked face.
   "Yeah, your little friend got me fired, y'know? But his dick wasn't as big as yours." Amy declared, clearly feeling the figure of Jack's hard cock under his boxers. "Looks like you enjoy my attention." She giggled.
   "Hey, size doesn't matter. Also you fucked Dan?" Jack exclaimed.
   Daniel rubbed his head with an embarrassed look which clearly gave away the answer.
   "She blew me." He admitted which made Jacob laugh.
   Jack high fived his best friend with a cheer, even though Dan was blushing, while Amy was staring at them while stroking the man's hard-on with both hands in his pants, biting her lower lip.
   "You're lucky I also work for a recruitment centre. Otherwise I'd be pissed if you just high fived after learning that I fucked the both of you." She angrily said, squeezing the man's shaft that responded by pulsating. 
   "Girl, can you stop stroking me in front of my friend?"
   "Fuck no, I'm gonna fuck you in front of him! Come on, show him how big you are!" Amy replied, pulling down Jack's boxers. "Get some cucking experience."
   Jacob's massive dong sprung out of the fabric and slapped its master lower stomach with a comedic sound, bringing an amazed expression on Amy's face. The petite woman couldn’t wait to get more of that man's cock, breathing heavily.
   "You crazy bitch! It's either both of us or nothing." Jacob stated, squeezing the girl's ass.
   It didn't take too much convincing for getting the girl on her knees and jerking the two guys in the kitchen, it mainly involved Jack putting back on his boxers to have the redhead begging for his meat. Amy expertly stroked them at the same time in an almost hypnotising pace while giving her most lustful smile with her tongue out. Daniel was a bit uneasy doing it with his best friend next to him who complimented his manhood's girth.
   "No homo." Jacob quickly said after his compliment.
   It didn't help either and Amy could feel Dan's erection fading away between her fingers. She didn't wait for any instructions and put his member in her mouth, making loud sucking noises and coating with saliva his now pulsating meat, she grinned as she felt the girthy cock getting harder while letting out a little bit of precum. His thick shaft filled her whole mouth, making her shudder from the sensation as she still wasn't used to Dan's cock. Jack laughed before letting out an uncontrollably loud moan when she took his enormous dick down her throat. She alternated between Dan's thick dick and Jack's big rod at an uneven pace, making them look forward to her mouth while dreading that she'd stop sucking at any moment. She was proud of being able to please two men at once but felt like it wasn't enough which was noticeable by her whining. She let go of everything and stood up with a frown.
   "Come on, bitches! Take me if you're man enough!" She exclaimed, bending over the kitchen table and slapping her ass.
   Jacob turned to his friend with an excited look on his face, as if he was in front of the gates of heaven.
   "You heard the lady? Dibs on her pussy!" He said before inserting his member in her wet cave that responded well by adding more natural lubricant around it.
   With one long stroke, Jacob buried his entire shaft down Amy's experienced cunt, letting a content sigh. Daniel stood there, stroking his cock and not knowing what to do, wondering if he was going to watch them or going back to Abby, whose shapely ass was more in the young man's tastes.
   "Get your dick here! I'm not done with you yet, asshole!" Amy yelled while bucking her ass against Jacob who didn't have to do any work, aside from holding her hips.
   She grabbed Dan's thick dick and pulled it to her mouth after gently nibbling on it with just her lips. She took the two like a champ, even climbing on the table of the kitchen and lying on her back so that she could take Dan's cock deeper in her experienced mouth, with Jack's meat all the way down her cunt. Despite the nice view of her petite frame, Daniel didn't find it as exciting as with Abby's fit figure, mainly because there were too many manly grunts and less melodious feminine moans. Still, he continued fucking her face like a fleshlight, holding her throat as he rammed his meaty cock and slapping his balls against Amy's nose. The double penetrated woman was enjoying the rough treatment, getting more lubricant on Jack's invading shaft. After unloading his juice deep in Amy's throat with a groan, Daniel was asked to switch places with Jacob who had finished coating the woman's inner walls. The girl's legs were shaking as she quietly moaned with cum drooling out of her orifices. She swallowed what she could before raising her head to look Daniel in the eyes.
   "Bitch, I'm not done with you. Come and fuck me! Ravage my cunt like your friend did!" Amy yelled before her mouth was kept busy with Jacob's huge manhood, she tried to say something but it was muffled.
   Annoyed to be interrupted in her taunt, the redhead rolled her eyes with frustration, focusing her mind on the delicious cock in her mouth.
   "I'm… not sure I want to put my dick in a hole filled with my friend's cum." Dan said, looking at the leaking and throbbing cunt while cum flowed out of it.
   Amy gargled something and pointed her ass, raising her legs. Jacob noticed his friend's confusion and decided to be helpful while getting a masterful blowjob.
   "Want a translation? She said to put it in her ass then." Jack explained while slowly sliding his cock in the woman's throat, with Amy raising a thumb.
   Daniel complied and put some saliva on Amy's butthole which seemed to have been bleached. Before he could say anything about it, she wrapped her pale legs around his waist and pulled him inside her, forcing him to enter in contact with his friend's jizz. Dan shuddered. Jacob could feel the woman freeze in motion, her scream only muffled by his enormous pulsating cock that easily reached the back of her throat. The new sensation almost made Daniel cum, it was tighter than anything he knew, he stayed inside without moving, his dick twitching and ready to release from all the excitement. To calm himself, he rested his hands on the girl's stomach as if to focus on himself but his soft touch made Amy shudder once more and she contracted her trained asshole with quite a lot of force.
   "Feels good, right?" Jacob asked with a grin as he felt Amy's tongue working its way around his big rod.
   Daniel stuttered as he was registering the new sensations around his still inexperienced shaft.
   "It's my first time doing it." He finally managed to say.
   "First time for everything, right?" Jack said before pulling out to let the girl breathe.
   She gasped for air before looking at Daniel while breathing heavily and stroking the other man's sloppy cock. Dan decided to finally move back his hips a little which made the girl scream in both pain and pleasure.
   "He's going to tear me apart!" She exclaimed with an excited smile, rubbing her stomach and momentarily brushing against Dan's hands. 
   "You asked for it though." Jack declared, admiring her small chest. "You gonna fuck her of what?"
   "So tight I think I'll come if I move too much." Dan whimpered.
   Jacob and Amy froze in place with a startled expression on their face, and before Daniel could turn to see what shocked the two, he got pushed forward by an unknown force. His pulsating shaft went all the way in and released cum deep in the woman's guts who moaned and screamed of pleasure mixed with surprise before hitting Jack's manhood with her forehead which prompted the man to come as well, coating Amy's face and small perky breast. Their faces were distorted in pleasure as they orgasmed and painted the redhead with their love juice. The only one who didn't look happy was Abby who was standing naked behind Dan, her foot still against his back.
   "Jesus Christ! Can't you keep it quiet!" She yelled. "And why is that slut still there?"
   Amy, who had somehow regained her composure, chuckled while glaring at Abby who seemed to have been listening to them for a while, as she was also aching between her legs.
   "That's what you get for messing with me, bitch! How do you like your not-boyfriend in my asshole?!" Amy snickered.
   "Your insults don't reach me when you're filled up with cum and my friends' dick." Abby grumpily replied while staring at Dan's ass, slightly blushing at the sight.
   She decided to stop pushing him in Amy's asshole, the pressure decreased a bit, making the fucked woman relax her muscles.
   "Ladies, we're all adults here." Jacob curtly said, having wiped his dick with a tissue.
   Daniel felt that the situation was too weird and decided to pull out his still erect member which left a gaping hole from where it went, it didn't take long before semen began leaking out. He saved the mental image of the girl's used holes for his lonely nights when the tan girl wouldn’t be around. Abby and Amy began yelling at each other while Jacob was resuming his breakfast with amusement, seeing two naked ladies arguing on who was the sluttiest. Dan thought that the whole thing was over his head and decided to take a nice warm shower, he realised that Abby had taken one as there was still steam in the bathroom. When he came back, the naked women were still screaming at each other, Amy still covered in jizz.
   "You Argo bitch!" Amy shouted.
   "You Order skank!" Abby replied.
   Jacob had finished eating and decided to break the fight by making a deafening whistle which stunned the girls who let out a painful groan as they clutched their ears.
   "Alright, I don't know what the fuck is going on but it's getting absurd. You either calm down or you get the fuck out." Jack said.
   Abby childishly turned to the redhead, pulling out her pink tongue.
   "Hah!" Abby exclaimed to Amy who sent her death glares.
   "That goes for you too." Jacob added in direction to Abby.
   "Oh… "
    Daniel decided to get involved, clearly not wanting any discord here.
   "So, can you explain what's going on?" He asked, holding his hands up between the women.
   Before the girls could say anything, Jacob gave them a stern look to keep them in line. Being stared down by a handsome and muscular man seemed to do the trick. Abby nudged the ginger's side to say something, Amy reacted with a disdainful grunt.
   "I'm from the company named Order and she's in a rival company. She's trying to ruin my life." The redhead bluntly answered.
   "She… she's trying to fuck with me because I got her fired? By having sex with you guys?" Abby hesitantly said.
   The men facepalmed at the explanation, to Amy's delight.
   "Ok, well she's clearly here to ruin my life! She's from the Order and is clearly stalking me. There's no way she could meet two people I love during the same day at two different places."
   "Well duh! When you gave me your stupid Argo card, I immediately made some research and found out everything about you."
   "Wait… so you just used us?" Daniel asked with disbelief.
   Amy didn't seem too affected, especially with all the cum inside her and on her pretty face. 
   "Bruh." She let out. "I'm not the only one who has used others. Just look at the mess you've made. But yeah, meeting Jacob wasn't a coincidence. Though it was him who came to me and came in me." She said with a giggle and with a wink to Jack who nodded at her.
   Jacob, who hadn't said anything yet, decided to let his friend sort it out and get dressed for work. He was confident enough to leave Dan alone with two wild girls, the poor man pieced together what the women were giving him but he was quickly lost when they began berating the other's working company. 
   "Your Order is closer to a mafia than a commercial enterprise!"
   "Well, your Argo is just a bunch of weirdos with wannabe entrepreneurs!"
   It took a phone call from Amy's boss to make her leave in a hurry but not after blowing a kiss to Jacob who was actually leaving at the same time. Abby was relieved to finally be alone with Daniel. She hugged him in her nakedness, poking him with her perky nipples.
   "I hope she didn't brainwash you too much. Agents of the Order tend to do that to people."
   Daniel felt more at ease with her and hugged her back, though he restrained to kiss her enticing lips. They broke their embrace and sat at the kitchen table which still had some cum stains on it, prompting a look of disgust from Dan. The woman pulled out her phone from her bag that was hanging on a chair and checked her new messages.
   "Was the push really necessary?" Daniel asked after a moment.
   "Was fucking her really necessary?" Abby replied while rolling her eyes.
   "Fair enough. So, what's today's planning?"
   "Looks like I got a text this morning, we're going to the Argo office, it's in a one-hour-car-distance from here. I'll borrow one of Jack's cars. Do you have a license?" Abby said while staring at her phone.
   He nodded. She suggested that he put on some formal clothing, a shirt and a tie was enough. As for her, she went with a tight business dress with a knee high skirt that fit the shape of her bottom at the risk of pulling up too much if she crouched. The car that they borrowed was a grey Bentley which smelled like pizzas and sex for some reason, but it didn’t surprise them to find the empty wrapping of a condom on the floor. When Abby mentioned a one-hour trip, it was because the office was in the centre of the city and there were a lot of traffic lights.
   "So… slept well?" Daniel asked out of boredom while waiting for the green light.
   "Like a baby. You?" Abby replied with a content look.
   "Same, same. Also, why do you always sleep naked and with a weird cotton hat? Gotta say, a bit of a turn off."
   Abby noticed a weird spot under her seat, she pulled it out and discovered a spying microphone. She cursed Amy and destroyed the device between her fingers.
   "It's a force of habits. Where I work, it's normal to sleep naked. We don’t have pyjamas there, so sleeping with clothes on is a bit weird but since the nights are cold, it's nice to have a warm hat. That's also why I often sleep in the bed with other people. Hell, if you weren't there, I'd be doing that with Jack."
   Daniel cringed at her last sentence before getting kicked in the side. They both laughed while listening to some pop music on the radio. As they were waiting once again at a red light, Abby placed her hand on top of Daniel's, which was resting on the gear.
   "You want me to suck your dick while we wait?" Abby suddenly asked.
   The young man couldn't hide his surprise, nor his boner. Getting a road head would be yet another new experience but it didn’t feel right at that moment.
   "I don't think that's legal. Also we're in the middle of the city." Daniel nervously replied, looking around.
   The young woman wiggled closer to him with a grin, leaning forward to whisper in his ear. The driver behind them could clearly see a woman leaning over the other seat.
   "Does that excite you? Being afraid of being caught?" The seductive Abby asked with a laugh. "Would my lips be better than those of this morning?" She purred.
   "Morena!" Daniel exclaimed to calm her libido.
   Oddly enough, it worked, destroying any chances of having a car blowjob. Abby let out an angry groan and kicked him again, that time, without pulling her punch.
   "It's Abby, asshole!" She screamed, visibly bothered.
   "Then why are you agent Morena?" Daniel replied, shrugging at the attack.
   "Because I thought it was cool back then! It's, like, super cringe to call me like that! I was sixteen when I officially started working for the Argo."
   "Wait, sixteen? When we were still in high school?! Is that why you acted weird and were often on sick leave?"
   "I'm not weird, asshole. Also when I was on sick leave, I was, like, really sick or wounded. I visited the place often and, like, I often got sick from the diseases and common illnesses from there. It wasn't easy, you know?"
   A honk behind them made Daniel realise that the light was green. The driver behind them was disappointed that there was no show in the car ahead. The rest of the trip went without a problem, aside from trying to find a safe parking place because their car was quite expensive and Dan didn't want to risk anything. Abby waited five minutes before proposing to go in the private parking lot of the building, ruining the mood for him as well. She visibly wasn't in a good mood and was willing to annoy Dan as much as possible without going over the limit. These were little things like, not holding the door for him or she would try to lead him in the wrong direction. After some time, they managed to finally enter a meeting room where a dozen people were chatting between themselves about random topics.
   "You're early, Rodriguez." said a man who was wearing a green tuxedo. 
   "Good morning, everybody. It looks like I'm the last one to arrive." Abby said politely.
   The young woman sat at the free seat, in the rear, which forced Daniel to stand behind her. A man wearing a red costume proposed to fetch a seat for Dan but he politely declined.
   "Well, since everyone is here and early. I guess it would be right to start the meeting now. Although, I see a new face I don't recognise." The man wearing green declared, looking at Daniel.
   Dan looked around before realising it was indeed him who had to present himself. Already standing up, he cleared his throat after glancing at Abby who seemed to have calmed down, giving him an encouraging smile.
   "I'm Daniel Tonq, I've been employed by Miss Rodriguez to be her assistant." He started, hesitating on what to add,
   "Mister Tonq? Sounds funny. Well, since you're Rodriguez' assistant, I believe a little introduction would be preferable. Call me Farmer." The green man in green said.
   Farmer introduced the other people present as agents, some had plausible names, like McTanner, while others had random names, such as Deez. Oddly enough, those who had weird names also wore flashy colourful clothes, from neon pink ties to platinum blue vests.
   "And finally we have our field agent Sword." Farmer concluded by pointing to the woman sitting next to him. "Now then, to the reason for our meeting, Sword, can you share your information with the rest of the team?"
   The agent in question looked like an MMA fighter, from her bare square shoulders, exhibiting her toned arms where one could definitely see the details of her muscles as there was almost no fat on them. Though Daniel wondered if her strong back muscles weren't there to counter the fact that the woman had a massive rack, comparable to ostrich eggs. Any breast looked small in comparison. Abby's fitness paled in comparison to the person who stood up, revealing a short sword hanging on her hip. The organiser Farmer went to turn off the light, covering the room in complete darkness before a purring sound emanated from the ceiling projector which lit up and displayed a map of an unknown region to Daniel. Around him, the agents had already pulled out their notebook or phone and were checking their notes.
   "Yesterday at three in the morning, we received information that Falmer's troops have disengaged with the troops of Heri kingdom at Preport. At six thirty three, two of our most recent agents have infiltrated Preport by the harbours, they act as organisers of the Ahas infiltrators. As of now, other agents in the Heri kingdom are gathering informations that could help with rekindling the relation between Heri and Ahas lands." Sword explained, pointing at different spots of the map. "It goes without saying that a war between these two factions will result in massive casualties and will be a big disturbance for our trading operations."
   The fit woman almost didn’t notice Dan's puzzled expression as he barely understood her exposition. With an exasperated sigh, she turned to Abby who was taking notes on a piece of paper. The sitting woman raised her head when she felt Sword's gaze on her.
   "I'm not going to explain everything to blue boy. Morena, your assistant will get a level three clearance after the meeting. Make sure he understands the importance of our job." Sword said before going back to the report. "As far as we know, Falmer's troop have retreated up North for possible extraction. Agent Sea has been notified and is currently trying to influence the Ahan lord of Alport to send a transport fleet to fetch them. We're also convincing the Ahan lord of Civiv town to not send another punitive army to Heri. But with the recent events, we'll have to send an investigation team to clear the incident so that we can resume the trading negotiations." 
   Farmer nodded and cleared his throat before coming back in front of everyone as the lights turned on, temporarily blinding the occupants.
   "We've debated on who will take part in the investigation team if the situation in Preport worsen. Sword is going to need other field agents as well as social ones. This operation will be independent to the other divisions as to not blow their cover unnecessarily. I will be the one doing liaison work when necessary."
   Daniel had spaced out for a while during the briefing, it was only when Sword head butted him that he came back to his senses, although with a headache. He found himself alone with the fit woman who, with a good look at her, as she was standing in front of him, Dan realised that she was as tall as him even though she didn't wear any high heels. The girl brushed her blond buzz cut hair with a demeaning look. 
   "Oi blue boy, meeting's over. Your master has gone to the toilet for god knows why." The violent woman declared with a gruff voice that wasn't present during her meeting exposition.
   Daniel shook his head and looked around him then crouched to see if Abby wasn't hiding under the table. Sword raised an eyebrow and cocked head at his demeanour.
   "Oi, look at me when I'm talking." She said, slightly annoyed.
   "Where's Abby? Did she send you?" Daniel asked after standing up.
   "You're her new boy toy or what? I said she's in the toilets. You deaf or something?"
   "Um… sorry? I'm not her boy toy, I'm her friend and assistant." He replied but got her to chuckle at him. "Also you're Sword, right?" 
   "Outside of here, you'll have to call me Smirnov. If you even utter a joke about my name, I'll break your girlfriend's spine." The abrasive woman snapped.
   Her simple remark made him gulp which made her have an intimidating grin. She looked him up and down like he was cattle, still undermining him.
   "You don't look like much, blue boy. That means you're either a good fuck, if Morena brought you with her. Or maybe you're one of those Order agents who excels in deception." Smirnov pondered before locking the door. "Show me what you've got, worm!" She declared before charging him as he screamed out of surprise.
Let's see the bright sight of this world!
Finally some smex! Amarite?
Let's see the bright sight of this world!

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