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The sociology of players: the various kind of MnF Users
me neither Boris...harassing is harassing, you can give it the names you want, for me, is one and only one category, "The harassers"
Fishermen; Revengers; Assaulters; different names for the same shit, they all want the same thing, to mess up with your head! It's bullying you know, cyberbullying, the way you deal with them, will define you.
Me, as a stray cat, used to love them, with my preparation, my sociological preparation and also mine, psychopaty(ish) used to had a lot of fun with that particular category...
To be simple is to be great
(01-15-2019, 02:05 AM)Jenna-X Wrote: You guys have really summed up several specific types or classes or facets of our society.  You have omitted a few.  The fishermen for instance and the dreaded revengers.  Don't forget those who make up the sharpened tip spear either those intrepid assaulters.  

Report them.

If phishing or blackmail is obvious enough that a mod can see it in a report, they go directly to permaban. Do not pass Lagoon Beach. Do not collect even $1 from Flappy Petnis. Why give anyone a second chance at stalking?

Serial gropers/dick pic flashers are a different story. A reported dick pic out of the blue will draw a warning because ew. One "*grabs ur ass*" PM out of nowhere could go either way. But more firm action needs to be taken if  a mod sees a second or third report in a row on the same person. That's when at least a warning and most likely a trip to the island's jail for an hour  would be appropriate. And keep in mind that declined reports are not deleted, so even if a mod doesn't act on it then, it'll be considered the start of a pattern in the next report. People who don't take to the warnings get banned, sometimes permanently if they're too dense.

There was an admin on a MUD I used to visit (for those under 30, MUDs are like MMOs with just text) who once said something that pretty much sums up my thoughts on this group: "There is a fine line between being an asshole and being a fucking asshole."
[Image: tumblr_m5n0e4lflM1ryds47o8_r1_250.gif]
As I said, as a man, it is maybe a bit easy for me to say what to do with them, but the best way seems to me humor, 2nd degree or 3rd degree (as they cannot reach you physically):

Play with them, play the dumb. "Oh, really, you really want to fuck me this way? But I'd prefer with .. (add a weird instrument or an imaginary perversion). Or play the fool: be 10 times more mad than them, and invent strange needs. Destabilize them.

It could be fun, and at the same time, it could relieve you from them, teach you things about human behavior.

Play with your prey. Be more unpredictable, mad, exaggerated than him. Destroy his plan.

Never obey to the blackmail. Find a 3rd choice. Never choose one of the choice he proposes you.

My best advices for now.

I used to play a game, more with me then with them, it was "Make them put you in ignore list"
Very simple, instead you put them in ignore and give them that pleasure and that sweet taste, i turned the table and forced them to ignore me, either being super bitch, either being super cheezy but always with a lot of sarcasm(because you can't just go there and punch everybody, it's kinda a crime you know?)
To be simple is to be great
Everyone, I absolutely love this thread and had to post on it! I'd like to add one or two sub types if I may, that I have come across in my travels on MNF Club:

DISCLAIMER: These are not the only types I have come across in my travels but felt they were the most (or least common) feel free to add or subtract from these groups as there could be different deviations of the same type!

The Experienced RPer (True):
This is the one who knows what they like, what they want, and how to get it. Usually their bios will include F-lists or their particular RP scenario for the moment. They will either message you knowing full well what they want or only reply to the one who blew them away with an amazing RP scenario prior and their use of the written word. Generally enthusiastic, open, and willing to give you a chance to "get a sense of your particular RP style". These members are distinct in their writing as it is well written, descriptive, paints a picture and always leaves it open for their partner to respond in kind. Generally always there but often overlooked by the usual flood of the other categories for knowing exactly what they want. Will RP in Rooms, PM, or a mix of both as RPing is their best part of the game, knowing how to please their partner through their vast experience trying new roles, styles, and categories.

The Experienced RPer (False):
These are the ones who claim to love RP, RP only, and do not do rooms (although surprisingly having high or mid level experience). Their bios talk about how much they just love to RP and only want "experienced literal RPers" but when they finally give you a chance, their RP is dull, emotionless, and lacking. Often only replying in single sentences or verbal cues such as "Oh baby" or "fuucckk". These are the Rpers I have nicknamed the Backseat RPer. They prefer to read their partner's descriptions and let them write the "Bulk" of the story or narrative only to stick to their usual MO of single line responses often only interested in the sex aspect of the RP. Once, their act is discovered and their partner loses interest, they tease you back with a light reply asking for another Scenario or situation usually never coming up with one together letting the Partner create the story and situation as they are usually "Up for anything".
Many thanks for your compliment on this thread. Yes, I've met this last category, the false Experienced-RPer. I'll add a few things about that later (going to sleep right now, I need it).

See you,
So, jsbro, a few additions to our subject.

What is troubling with the Only-RP ones (even if the false are quite contradictory, because, as you said, some have high levels) is that the good ones (I've met some) are very rare on the game, first, and second, they frequently disappear very fast from the game. Or they give up the RP in the middle of it.

I've even met an excellent exclusive RP-girl (she was a pure one, 1st level) but, after a great session that extended on a few days, she eliminated her avatar. Was she ashamed of her RP (maybe she thought she had gone too far), was she tired of RPs? Or her RPs were only reserved for a specific avatar of herself and she had "rooms" or other activities with another avatar? I'll never know.

So, not only the good RP specialists are rare, but they frequently give up their activities. It is so bad. I love good RP sessions but... Or I haven't still met the rare bird that could be a regular RP-companion.

For the false ones, I would say that the reasons are:
Lack of culture
or... let's try to be a bit diplomatic... a bit IQ-frustrated

Hey, now, we're starting to have a good range of Categories!! I have a few others in mind. Just the time for me to formulate them.

I'll have a few other comments on your post, jsbro, just a little time for me to put it in words.

I would add that there are various subtypes of the True Experienced RPer:

The Pure One: he/she stays 1st level and is only interested in RP

The Open-minded One: accepts and is interested in various styles of RP

The Restricted One: loves only his/her own style of RP

The Close-minded One: rejects aggressively or with sarcasms other styles

Pure One can criss-cross with the 3 last categories.

I would say that the "Pure One True Experienced RPer" is a category in itself (compared to the Categories already proposed in this thread)

The other varieties (True or False) can intermix with other categories.
OK time for me to disagree(it had to happen, right?)
Though the RP'ers are a fact IG, being pure or not, being true or not, they aren't a category, just like the futas aren't, that's not sociology, that's fantasy!
Of course, you can create a huge category, "The fantasy folks" and inside that one, you can put all the above and all the sub categories... but, your thread, your rules, just saying...
To be simple is to be great
Mmmm.. You reached a point, Tania, I'll think about it... I'll keep it in my pocket until I untie the knots.
Oh, my dear Tania, you didn't disturb me by disagreeing. I'll think about that "Fantasy Players" category, I had never thought about that. My vision is a bit blurred about that, but it's starting to appear.

I think that the various classifications come from the fact that everybody has a different "3rd dimensional" point of view on all this. I'll soon make a list of the various kind of "social classification" from the various ones who intervened, with the right @ for each Category.

(Oh, I'm taking that so seriously, I'm not an university professor)

My next Category is...

Coming soon...

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