(04-25-2018, 10:03 AM)Elder Statesman Wrote: Jessica`s words maybe rude, but she is right!
What we urgently need, is an update of the EXP-System.
As I said before, I wanna get EXP, having a match with every Level!
Otherwise the higher levels refuse to have sex with lower levels.
Rookies will have less fun and leave the game.
I myselve (Lvl 10) get no points having sex with a girl beneath lvl 6 !!!
Thats annoying ! 
We have to change that!
Greetings, Elder Statesman.
Oh wow, i leave for one day and i have a whole page of posts to reply to. Well lets get started:
(04-25-2018, 03:02 PM)Overfiend Wrote: On that note, personally I would like to see the Devs get caught up to speed with some old high demand ideas like fixing the sex exp system, apartment sharing, Strip poker minigame & FF oral. The Devs need to keep up with the pace to lay a good foundation for future of the game. I think we have some new progressive ideas in the pipeline but some of those old ideas are critical.
Also Maria-BB requested a 4 some pose in another thread. Are we ready for that? Let's hear some feedback on the timing of 4 some poses. Keep in mind that a 4 some poses can be FMMM, MFFF, MFMF
also biboy120 suggested in another thread that if there were more MM poses then there might be less guys playing with female avatars....I think he brings up an interesting point. Guys playing with female avtars can be frustrating for straight males. While his suggestion won't completely eliminate the problem, could it help lower the number? Is it worth pursuing.
Another idea Biboy120 suggested to solve the guys playing with girl avatar problem is to allow for MM & FF sex in the shower. That would give MM a way to get together without being a girl avatar.
What are your thoughts on these ideas?
Oh man, overfiend, so much to discuss. i love it!
You bring up that devs need to make a foundation for the future. and i WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree! Future proofing is something i would like much more then superficial updates. Foundation upgrades i think is making a baseline for the experience system (like you guys are discussing), fixing bugs in chat, general lay out for the chat function, and things like that. Glad you brought it up, definitely something we should bring up more, wether something is usefull for the
foundation of the game.
Foursome poses... i think those would be fun if implemented correctly. I think to make it fun it would have to be a pose where multiple people get to controll something. (we have seen in other mnf games where you controll multiple parts of a scene) because if four people are in a bed and only one person has controll. it doesnt really feel like a group activity right? (also, side note, wouldt there also be possibilities for ffff and mmmm groupscenes? XD)
I think all pairings should get plenty of support. So more MM poses would be great. And while it would fix some of the ''men in girls body'' problem (is it even a problem?) it would certainly not stop it. a lot of guys want to play as futa or shemale, something the game doesnt allow yet, so (role)playing as a girl is the best solution for them.
This also replies to the shower idea. it is just more ways for same sex relationships. And we allready have 1 or 2 poses for those, not nearly enough! but a sign the devs are ok with adding them, they just arent priority.
(04-25-2018, 11:05 PM)Zephyr Wrote: Hi Joanna,
New areas are a lot of work and they rarely open with anything working. Last game was lame and they need to pay more: FIX RODEO FIRST. NPCs are a one off thing you try.
What was your clothing suggestion? Was it mix and match?
Closing thought – Cold invites are not popular but if they included level would that make them more acceptable?
Gonna go over your post bit by bit, hang in there

- So for your first part: i wasnt saying i was hoping for an area/game/npc. My guess was the next update would be clothes, and maybe one of those three because we usually get those underwhelming updates (i
want something else, but am afraid this is what we will get).
-I agree the last minigame is kinda boring, and npc sex scenes arent that great. But maybe a functional npc would be nice, one we dont have to have sex with. like the bankteller or abdul. An npc that has a function.
-Fix the rodeo? i dont really know what is wrong with it. Could you elaborate?
-About my clothing idea.
I discussed it in this thread and also in this thread. To recap it: i would like outfits to be cut into shoes/pants/top/accesoiries. That way we get more ways to wear outfits. And every clothing update would be more then just one outfit, because of all the combinations it would open up. I think this is one of those updates to the foundation of the game that could add lots of value to the game, but is a lot of work...
- regarding cold invites. For me personally adding a level wouldnt help. because i dont like having sex with random people i dont know. but i guess for some it would help a little. The hate for cold invites is more about the lack of personal interaction i think, but sure. it would be a small change, cant do much harm.
(04-26-2018, 02:17 PM)NotCharlieHarper Wrote: Hey there guys 
You all seem to be discusing something that already has been discused here a long time ago, I already mentioned to rework the exp system (or just remove the level cap) in the updates list I made, I think meanwhile the update is in high priority order it should be implemented asap 
So lately I haven't been posting around here because we are always discusing the same over and over and things never get settled, the only thing we can hope is another premium pose and an overpriced clothes update, meanwhile newcomers may start believing that this is a pay-to-play more than a free-to-play game...
Hey charlie (or not charlie, i dont know what you preferr).
Not posting because we never go anywhere is too bad, it does feel like none of this helps sometimes. But you have to remember, this thread (and the whole forum) isnt made so we can tell the devs what to do. its just a place to talk about options, wishes and ideas we imagine for the game. We have no confirmation that anything we talk about is read or considdered by the dev team. So its important to keep in mind we post here in a hopefull way, not expectingly. At least, thats how i keep my mood up
Your update list was beautifull. i think we should use it when we make the third suggestion thread. thank you so much for making it!
(04-26-2018, 04:21 PM)Elder Statesman Wrote: Dear Charlie,
I fully agree!
Maybe the update of EXP sytem was discussed in former times, but the bug still exist !
So let us put it on our update-list again!
Dear Avax,
Youre right, main thing in game is having fun! (and I have, for sure!)
But: You need EXP in game, to go further, get more poses, get more skills, even get higher level...
Thats a fakt.
And No, sorry!
Looking around you will see, 90% of people are far lower than lvl 10 or 12....
BTW: Its not important, what I do, but most of lower levels complain, that higher levels refuse to match with them...
Greetings, Elder Statesman
Ok, so this is not directly only at you Elder, but more to the whole group who read this: i dont really understand the exp ''problem''. You mention a bug, is something malfunctioning?
What we need experience for in the game has three reasons: You need level 3 to get in the baths, level 10 to walk around naked, and you need exp to get new poses.
I guess (do not know for sure) that we dont get exp for people of a level too low below our own to promote a bit of elitism. wich i think is a bad thing, everyone should be banging everyone! But lets not be too angry about the amount of exp we get, as in the grand scheme of things, it isnt even that usefull a number.
''fixing the system'' could be as easy as making exp gain based on time/number of poses/rating eachother at the end of sex or something. Making it based on level just penalised us for liking someone of a lower level.
huh, i guess i do see a problem with the system...