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New Site Sugar Basin
I think that this is a new site -but there was a name change before.
Why nothing in update log?

Main point - player numbers seem to have been evened out - Top 3 sites were often full with lowers empty.
If now more even it would appear a lower capacity now on top sites.
I can say that the new server is a welcomed and some how necessary addition. Since, like 2 nights ago, the first 5 servers from Beaver down to Nether were full at the peak.
[Image: NDPLBU9.png]
(09-05-2017, 05:13 AM)Vrook Wrote: I can say that the new server is a welcomed and some how necessary addition. Since, like 2 nights ago, the first 5 servers from Beaver down to Nether were full at the peak.

Good of you to take an interest because this is a minor post – not going anywhere.

I think that the top 5 servers were only full/restricted because the Devs wanted it or a technical reason.

Tonight, the top 2 are full as usual and the third fairly full but the rest not enough to require another server.
this was a bad update we didnt need more servers maybe new location poses outfits or NPC's or change the price of apartments but no new servers
A suggestion was made that sites had a theme, like Pink Taco is aimed at Spanish speakers. So there would be a site for say role players and another for lesbians. There should be no restrictions but it would bring like-minded people together: save people asking me if I RP’ed and me saying no.
Well, Tight Lipped is already sort of gay/lesbian server. I mean, quite a big number of this population of the server is hanging there.
As for Role Players, you can't really make a server dedicated to them, since, there are Role players that enjoy to spend some time with a close person, on a quite server, or Role players that enjoy the public activity, on a crowded server.
[Image: NDPLBU9.png]
I agree with Zephyr!

Maybe just some hints in the name, in this way we would also avoid having 3/4 stuffed servers while the others are practically empty.
Because maybe Tight Lipped is the unofficial gay/lesbian server but not everybody knows that

I would like a RP server too! And if a roleplayer would like to go on a crowded server or a quite one, he/she can without problems

IMHO it's a good idea to bring like-minded people together!
At moment, Friday 7pm game time, top 3 sites are full for both male and female as is Glory Hole for men. Tight Lipped is about 2/3 full for both as is Glory Hole for women. The average on the other 4 sites is about 1/3 for both.

When a server is full you can’t get a motel room and friends find it hard to join you. And I can’t understand why everyone crowds onto beach or into wild west; you can’t be seen.
Ok, it is a dead thread, as I said it would be, but when did Sugar basin go? I only noticed a few days ago.

We could still discuss why everyone goes to beach or WW and if servers could be themed (without any restrictions on use).

If you want an active forum talk about these things.
There should be one server for gay or bisexual people

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