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Premium certificates
Can you pay for premium with a prepaid visa? Is the price it says the total or is there tax added when you go to checkout?
Help please,  me need a premium certificate, payable by wallet QIWI!
(03-26-2016, 04:54 AM)football Wrote: So I´ve been thinking on ways to support the game. I´m already premium but I keep seeing threads about people who simply cant because of ccbill

So what if I bought certificates and just resell them w/o extra charges?

we could even do the transaction through ebay, amazon, paypal, or mercado libre .

What you guys think?

What's wrong with ccbill? Sorr I'm new to this game and don't know everything yet. 
CCbill doesn't support payment in some countries. It can't be used there.
[Image: NDPLBU9.png]
Aww that sucks :/
why we don't have 1 month certificate code? many ppl asking me this
(03-04-2017, 06:21 PM)Kumori Wrote: I can also help through paypal, already helped over 20 people to get premium. I don't charge anything extra. Just the regular price.
But I get it that ppl would prefer to pay with IG money which to me sounds a bit suspicious.
Kumori is paypal the only way you are accepting payments? Because I bought this vanilla visa gift card and thought it would work.
So I cant get premium i been trying idk what kinda pre paid card to use all the ones i found say only in us which is stupid but can someone please help me get premium
(07-08-2017, 03:43 AM)Mitsudo Wrote:
(07-04-2017, 09:34 AM)Willy_for_Boobies Wrote:
(07-04-2017, 04:52 AM)Mitsudo Wrote: Please let pay pal in. I wanna be premium too :'(

You can talk to Kumori via PM here or in game ;-))
look here : Kumoris offer ;-))
Thanks for the advice, but is he reliable?

(03-26-2017, 09:18 AM)Kumori Wrote: Still selling prem certificates for those who are interested. Payment through Paypal.

Hi, I'm intrested

im interested too!!
(03-26-2017, 09:18 AM)Kumori Wrote: Still selling prem certificates for those who are interested. Payment through Paypal.

Hey Kumori! are you still selling those codes via pay pal? I'm interested!...

Best Regards!

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