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Suggestions Mega Thread
(06-06-2017, 10:14 PM)JohnSins Wrote: With all the complaints about the devs lack of communication of updates, maybe a progress bar may suffice....
Possibly one that looks like this....
This would be a good thing to have since so many people are up in arms with the lack of communication and updates, it'd be nice to I see it happening well no not really lol but ya never know they could surprise us
suggestion use xsolla so people can use other payment methods
Hey Developers,

some female players mentioned, that they miss the support of being pregnant of the avatars.
Others missed angel wings as well Wink

Can we please for the love of all that is holy get a group chat system?

Nothing more awkward than being somewhere and seeing a group of people doing furry sex in the all chat
Need a way to buy premium Ingame with ingame money So we dont have to pay a fortune to other premium users who wanna drain you dry

Today I have been playing for two hours those mini-games and I really get tired. After my sixth round in Glory Hole, I didn't want to play any more but I needed the money so I had no choice.

So I was wondering If there could be a better way to earn money and I found this:

[Image: xfdlKLK.png]

A terrible spam

A lot of people were posting requests of sex. I think for all of you this is very common. But what about if we make these requests profitable? What about if users could earn money completing these requests? Just let's change the word "Request" for "Mission".


- Any user can publish a "Mission" (Premium and Free).
- Any user can take a "Mission".
- Any user should be Lv 5. to publish and take any "Mission" 
- Just one "Mission" can be taken per user.
- Any "Mission" should have a Title, Requirements and Value (Min. 100, Max 5000).
- All "Missions" are exclusive for having sex rounds. (For now)
- Mission Requirements should be: User Lv, Avatar (Male, Female, Black, White, Blonde, Ginger, etc.), Premium or Free, etc.

- Publishing a "Mission" has a cost:
 -- If you have a male avatar:  The cost is 50$
 -- If you have a female avatar: 5$
- Completing a "Mission" has a reward: Mission Value in dollars.


I've created some pictures in order to you guys understand my idea.

[Image: BuVqT3n.png]

[Image: xxoX6lP.png]


Basically, you can publish a Mission at any time but it has a cost (In order to avoid spam), you will fill a form and the game will calculate the mission value. So after that, you can go, continue chatting or something else and when any user accept your mission a notification will be send it to you as a "cold invite". (I would prefer another ways to notify us, but I don't want to change the game system too much). So you will go directly to bed, you will fuck until rounds finish and that's it. You will recieve your prize, BUT, you will not earn exp cuz basically you are paying for sex.

Conclusions and Thoughts:

- Yea, maybe I'm exaggerating about giving 800 dollars for that mission but that is debatable. Lol
- Implementing "Missions" could make this game more sexual and less social? I think yes, but right now in this game is more neccessary sexual features than Role Play and imagination. Nevertheless, I believe that people will use "Missions" if they want money and "RP" is they wanna exp and fun.
- It is not neccessary to have a room to complete a mission? It's also debatable. I think it would be better to have one mandatorily for doing this cuz otherwise nobody will buy rooms anymore.
- If I left the game, my mission is deleted? Yea.
- Are you thinking in 3somes? Yea, you should wait until two users accept your mission.
- Spam in general chat will be avoided with this? I think no, but It maybe will be reduced.

Please tell me what you think, any questions that you have or something that I should correct. Do you like or dislike this idea? I wanna know it. Wink
P.S: Sorry for my bad english, lol. Idk if I made many mistakes.
"Sometimes even when you get knocked down, you can still win."
(06-11-2017, 09:59 PM)Anghelo Wrote:

Today I have been playing for two hours those mini-games and I really get tired. After my sixth round in Glory Hole, I didn't want to play any more but I needed the money so I had no choice.

So I was wondering If there could be a better way to earn money and I found this:

[Image: xfdlKLK.png]

A terrible spam

A lot of people were posting requests of sex. I think for all of you this is very common. But what about if we make these requests profitable? What about if users could earn money completing these requests? Just let's change the word "Request" for "Mission".


- Any user can publish a "Mission" (Premium and Free).
- Any user can take a "Mission".
- Any user should be Lv 5. to publish and take any "Mission" 
- Just one "Mission" can be taken per user.
- Any "Mission" should have a Title, Requirements and Value (Min. 100, Max 5000).
- All "Missions" are exclusive for having sex rounds. (For now)
- Mission Requirements should be: User Lv, Avatar (Male, Female, Black, White, Blonde, Ginger, etc.), Premium or Free, etc.

- Publishing a "Mission" has a cost:
 -- If you have a male avatar:  The cost is 50$
 -- If you have a female avatar: 5$
- Completing a "Mission" has a reward: Mission Value in dollars.


I've created some pictures in order to you guys understand my idea.

[Image: BuVqT3n.png]

[Image: xxoX6lP.png]


Basically, you can publish a Mission any time but it has a cost (In order to avoid spam), you will fill a form and the game will calculate the mission value. So after that, you can go, continue chatting or something else and when any user accept your mission a notification will be send it to you as a "cold invite". (I would prefer another ways to notify us, but I don't want to change the game system too much). So you will go directly to bed, you will fuck until rounds finish and that's it. You will recieve your prize, BUT, you will not earn exp cuz basically you are paying for sex.

Conclusions and Thoughts:

- Yea, maybe I'm exaggerating about giving 800 dollars for that mission but that is debatable. Lol
- Implementing "Missions" could make this game more sexual and less social? I think yes, but right now in this game is more neccessary sexual features than Role Play and imagination. Nevertheless, I believe that people will use "Missions" if they want money and "RP" is they wanna exp and fun.
- It is not neccessary to have a room to complete a mission? It's also debatable. I think it would be better to have one
mandatorily for doing this cuz otherwise nobody will buy rooms anymore.
- If I left the game, my mission is deleted? Yea.
- Are you thinking in 3somes? Yea, you should wait until two users accept your mission.
- Spam in general chat will be avoided with this? I think no, but It maybe will be reduced.

Please tell me what you think, any questions that you have or something that I should correct. Do you like or dislike this idea? I wanna know it. Wink
P.S: Sorry for my bad english, lol. Idk if I made many mistakes.
I find this idea excellent. Should not be hard to implement, hope the developers will look into it seriously as it would boost game dynamics to a very different level , way higher than it is becoming now ... I'm lvl 9 with my avatar and I'm bored to death ...
Isn't the above kinda what some people already do by charging money for sex? I mean granted it'd make it more known and whatnot, but idk I'm kinda against the whole aspect of people paying for sex, the number of times in game that I've been approached asking how much I charge is ridiculous and I'm sure I'm not the only person whose had this experience, like granted I understand some people like to "pay" for sex and it could even be a kink for some of them or to "sell" oneself.........but there's a brothel in game for a reason (granted it could and possibly might get an overhaul at some point in the future) I just don't agree with the whole sex for money thing, I'd rather waste my time doing the mini games....though again these are just my thoughts on the matter since I see ALOT of people in game now selling "sex" for money and do hear ALOT of complaints from mostly men (and some women) that people either won't get with them if they're not premium or if they don't pay them with in-game cash, so I just think we shouldn't really as a community fuel the whole pay for sex thing plus there are many other ways that wouldn't involve sex to make money that they could implement......though as always these are simply my thoughts on the matter and solely my opinion feel free to agree and or disagree
(06-12-2017, 05:36 AM)Avax69 Wrote: Isn't the above kinda what some people already do by charging money for sex? I mean granted it'd make it more known and whatnot, but idk I'm kinda against the whole aspect of people paying for sex

I was aware that some would not like the idea of 'paying for sex' that's why I've added this line:

(06-12-2017, 05:36 AM)Anghelo Wrote: - All "Missions" are exclusive for having sex rounds. (For now)

"Missions" can be taken to a different level. Devs could put their own missions like "Reach Lv. 10", "Felt in love with Rose, the recepctionist" (and they can create a mini sim-dating game), "Get a tip of 100$ in the strip pole", "Be a Police Man for 1 day" (Basically, you just wear a police suit for 24 hours and you can't change your clothes), " Be a Nudist for a week", "Be a Barman for an hour"; and users can publish other kinds of missions like "Join to my party and be a stripper", "Beat me in Rodeo", "Be my slave for a day", etc, etc.

But all this could take several months or years of work. That's why I focused just in 'pay for sex' cuz that is fastest way to eliminate the economic depression we are living right now. Strippers are not recieveing tips, Slaves are not being sold, I can't buy too much clothes in order to save some money. Nevertheless, don't believe that "Missions" will be only for sex otherwise I would have edited the brothel insted of the rodeo. lol.
"Sometimes even when you get knocked down, you can still win."
Personally i never bought the premium, the game doesn't offer a lot if you are premium or not.. I really hope in more updates! (I undersand that the game is pretty new too)

I would like more clothes, more positions .. and find a way to meet people with the same interests .. since at the moment I can not boast of having friends in the game.

It should be a way to help the interaction.

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