Today I have been playing for two hours those mini-games and I really get tired. After my sixth round in Glory Hole, I didn't want to play any more but I needed the money so I had no choice.
So I was wondering If there could be a better way to earn money and I found this:
A terrible spam
A lot of people were posting requests of sex. I think for all of you this is very common. But what about if we make these requests profitable? What about if users could earn money completing these requests? Just let's change the word "Request" for "Mission".
- Any user can publish a "Mission" (Premium and Free).
- Any user can take a "Mission".
- Any user should be Lv 5. to publish and take any "Mission"
- Just one "Mission" can be taken per user.
- Any "Mission" should have a Title, Requirements and Value (Min. 100, Max 5000).
- All "Missions" are exclusive for having sex rounds. (For now)
- Mission Requirements should be: User Lv, Avatar (Male, Female, Black, White, Blonde, Ginger, etc.), Premium or Free, etc.
- Publishing a "Mission" has a cost:
-- If you have a male avatar: The cost is 50$
-- If you have a female avatar: 5$
- Completing a "Mission" has a reward: Mission Value in dollars.
I've created some pictures in order to you guys understand my idea.
Basically, you can publish a Mission at any time but it has a cost (In order to avoid spam), you will fill a form and the game will calculate the mission value. So after that, you can go, continue chatting or something else and when any user accept your mission a notification will be send it to you as a "cold invite". (I would prefer another ways to notify us, but I don't want to change the game system too much). So you will go directly to bed, you will fuck until rounds finish and that's it. You will recieve your prize, BUT, you will not earn exp cuz basically you are paying for sex.
Conclusions and Thoughts:
- Yea, maybe I'm exaggerating about giving 800 dollars for that mission but that is debatable. Lol
- Implementing "Missions" could make this game more sexual and less social? I think yes, but right now in this game is more neccessary sexual features than Role Play and imagination. Nevertheless, I believe that people will use "Missions" if they want money and "RP" is they wanna exp and fun.
- It is not neccessary to have a room to complete a mission? It's also debatable. I think it would be better to have one mandatorily for doing this cuz otherwise nobody will buy rooms anymore.
- If I left the game, my mission is deleted? Yea.
- Are you thinking in 3somes? Yea, you should wait until two users accept your mission.
- Spam in general chat will be avoided with this? I think no, but It maybe will be reduced.
Please tell me what you think, any questions that you have or something that I should correct. Do you like or dislike this idea? I wanna know it.

P.S: Sorry for my bad english, lol. Idk if I made many mistakes.